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Political Socialization and Polling

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Presentation on theme: "Political Socialization and Polling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Socialization and Polling
Public Opinion Political Socialization and Polling

2 Political Socialization
Where do we get our political ideas from? Family Religion Education Gender Region of the country Age Race These are just predictors everyone is open to making their own choices

3 What is Public Opinion? Class poll-
How much do you like the president on a scale of 1-5 How scared of Donald Trump are you on a scale of 1-5 How great is America on a scale of 1-5

4 What is Public Opinion? Public opinion: How people think or feel about particular things Not easy to measure The opinions of active and knowledgeable people carry more weight

5 How Polling Works Pollsters need to pose reasonable questions that are worded fairly They have to ask people about things for which they have some basis to form an opinion

6 What to look for in a Poll
Who did it- What bias might they have When was it done- old is bad, but informative How many people were polled- the more the better What questions were asked Are the conclusions reasonable

7 Random Sampling Random sampling is necessary to insure a reasonably accurate measure of how the entire population thinks or feels For populations over 500,000, pollsters need to make about 15,000 phone calls to reach 1,065 respondents, insuring the poll has a sampling error of only +/- 3% Real Clear Politics

8 Nine Senate Contests to Watch
U.S. Senate Elections Nine Senate Contests to Watch Colorado Florida Illinois Nevada New Hampshire North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin Bennett* 40.0% vs. Coffman 43.0% Coffman +3 TBD Duckworth 42.0% vs. Kirk* 36.0% Duckworth +6 Hassan 41.5% vs. Ayotte* 45.3% Ayotte* +3.8 Ross 36.5% vs. Burr* 42.5% Burr* +6.0 Strickland 41.0% vs. Portman* 40.0% Strickland +1.0 McGinty 32.6% vs. Toomey* 44.8% Toomey* +12.2 Feingold 48.7% vs. Johnson* Feingold +5.7 ELECTION 2016 * Incumbent Senator Polling Numbers are the Real Clear Politics Average

2014 U.S. Demographic Population Data 2016

10 Table 7.3: The Gender Gap: Differences in Political Views of Men and Women

White Vote Broken Down by Gender 2016

12 Figure 7.1: Generational Gaps on the Issues
Insert table 5.3 Survey by Washington Post/Henry J. Kaiser Foundation/Harvard University, August 2-September 1, 2002, as reported in Elizabeth Hamel et al., "Younger Voters," Public Perspective, May/June 2003, p. 11.

White Vote Broken Down by Education Level 2016

14 Figure 7.3: Ideological Self-Identification
Insert figure 7.3 (formerly 5.2 in 9e) The American Enterprise (March/April 1993): 84, Robert S. Ericson and Kent L. Tedin, American Public Opinion (New York: Longman, 2001), 101, citing surveys by CBS/New York Times.

U.S. Demographic Voting Trends 2016

16 Table 7.6: How Liberals and Conservatives Differ
Insert table 7.7 (formerly 5.7 in 9e)

17 Table 7.7: Policy Preferences of Democratic and Republican Voters

18 Now lets look at this election

Latest Major Poll Numbers 2016

Poll Numbers (cont.) 2016

Issues that Favor Each Candidate 2016

22 2016 Election Shaping up as a Contest of Negatives
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Election Shaping up as a Contest of Negatives 2016

23 2016 Road to 270: Where Trump, Clinton start their race
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Road to 270: Where Trump, Clinton start their race 2016

24 Do Utahns agree or disagree?
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have both said that the United States election system is “rigged”. Do Utahns agree or disagree? 2016 Survey by Dan Jones & Associates, May 2-10, registered voters. Margin of error +/-4.04%

25 2016 Owens holds edge over Love in Tribune-Hinckley poll
UTAH CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION Owens holds edge over Love in Tribune-Hinckley poll 2016

26 Push Polling an ostensible “opinion poll” in which the true objective is to sway voters using loaded or manipulative questions.

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