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Unresolved Issues… Students will examine the impact of Texas Annexation. Scope: Compromise of 1850 Regional Option 3: United States Civil War: causes,

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Presentation on theme: "Unresolved Issues… Students will examine the impact of Texas Annexation. Scope: Compromise of 1850 Regional Option 3: United States Civil War: causes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unresolved Issues… Students will examine the impact of Texas Annexation. Scope: Compromise of 1850 Regional Option 3: United States Civil War: causes, course and effects

2 Very quickly How did the US transform from 1803-1848?
What major issue was making the transformation very difficult? What important government agency was in upheaval over the issue? How did this agency deal with the issue in 1820? Did it work?

3 Texas in 1835-36 Most were US Southerners that migrated to the region.
Mexico had asked three things from the Texas immigrants: No Slaves Convert to Catholicism Begin speaking Spanish The Texans did none of these things resulting in Santa Anna’s decision to confront Texans.

4 Results… Texans became independent from Mexico after the Battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna and his forces were captured in a decisive battle that forced Santa Anna to acknowledge Texas independence. The Mexican government did not ratify Santa Anna’s treaty with the Texans.

5 Annexation in 1836 Most Texans wanted to join the United States.
Which region of the US do you think wanted to annex Texas? Which region did not? Answer completely, and incorporate the outcome of the 1820 Missouri Compromise.

6 Presidential Race 1844 President Polk was elected to the Presidency promising to annex Texas. He was supported by Southerners and Westerners. Outgoing President Tyler wanted to leave a legacy so he finally agreed to Texas Annexation prior to Polk taking office. Texas is officially annexed in1845 after being independent for 10 years.

7 US v. Mexico Major issues
The US annexed Texas while Mexico still claimed the region. US grievances over $2 million dollars in damages that the Mexican government owed citizens of the US. President Polk’s intention to claim California and New Mexico as well. Polk offered $30 million for the area in 1845

8 Border Dispute


10 Was it a war of aggression???
President Polk sent troops to patrol the area north of the Rio Grande. Mexican troops ambushed a US scouting party killing or wounding sixteen soldiers. Polk requests a war declaration from the Congress, and Congress affirmed his request. How do you think Southerners reacted to the news that Congress had declared war? Northerners?

11 War and the aftermath The Mexican-American War lasted from 1846-1848.
13,000 US casualties 11,000 from disease 2,000 from battle US troops decisively beat Mexican forces. Held Mexico City Negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

12 Aftermath The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
New territories acquired were modern day California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming and Colorado Two-fifths of the current US Paid $15 million to Mexico and assumed $3.25 million in debts that Mexico owed US citizens.

13 What major issue is going to result from the acquisition of this new land?

14 Wilmot Proviso Democrat from Pennsylvania, David Wilmot, proposed that slavery should be excluded from any territories acquired from Mexico. Not an abolitionist Resented President Polk’s pro-slavery agenda. President Polk had promised to take all of the Oregon Territory, but ended up negotiating a treaty with Britain that only took lands up to the 49th Parallel.

15 Wilmot Proviso Why would northerners be concerned over the taking part of the Oregon Territory? The answer lies in the outcome of the Mexican-American War. Voting on the Proviso passed the House of Representatives by a vote. Completely sectional vote. Not one Southerner voted for the Proviso.

16 I am just an Omnibus Bill…
School House Rock

17 Henry Clay in 1850 Congress and the executive branch were in conflict over how to organize the Mexican Cession Territories. Fearful that the situation could escalate into armed conflict, Congressman Henry Clay from Kentucky offered an Omnibus Bill. Omnibus Bill is a package of unrelated proposed laws.

18 Proposed Compromise of 1850
1. California as a free state 2. Utah and New Mexico to be organized as territories with no mention or restriction on slavery. 3. The domestic slave-trade would end in the District of Columbia-Washington D.C. 4. A strengthened Fugitive Slave Act 5. Texas would give up claims to disputed territory in New Mexico, and the Federal Congress would assume $10 million in Texas debt.

19 Senator from South Carolina John C. Calhoun in Opposition
Senator Calhoun felt like the Federal government was not acting as a common agent. That in acting outside of that designated role they were violating the US Constitution and that secession was a viable option for the South.

20 Calhoun on slavery “I hold that in the present state of civilisations’, the relation now existing in the slave holding states between the two [races] is, instead of evil, a good-a positive good.” Calhoun’s argued that the Federal government could not prohibit slavery anywhere without an amendment because “private property” was protected by the 5th Amendment.

21 Debate lasted for months
Compromise was attempted by Daniel Webster and Clay, but Southern and Northern extremists refused to compromise. Southern “Fire-eaters” Northern Abolitionist

22 Senator Stephen Douglas
Democratic Senator from Illinois stepped in as the leader of Clay’s bill late in the summer of 1850 after the Omnibus Bill had been defeated. Douglas broke the Omnibus Bill down into separate pieces of proposed legislation. The Compromise of 1850 was passed in 1850 through moderate support.

23 Who Won????



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