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By grace ‘ sharks.

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1 By grace sharks

2 Nurse sharks ranged in sizes from 2-13 feet
The nurse shark is a large, sluggish shark The nurse shark has thousands of replaced teeth The teeth are arranged in rows that rotate into position when one is needed or lost

3 Shark facts They live in the ocean Sharks don’t have any bones
Sharks have no swim bladder The skeleton is made of cartage

4 Dogfish shark The dog fish shark is the most abundant shark
The smooth teeth are located in rows which rotate into use as needed It had two dorsal fins, each preceded by a mildly poisonous Spiny dogfish sharks average 3-4 feet long

5 Lemon shark The lemon shark’s belly is soft
A young lemon shark loses an entire set of teeth Lemon sharks have been known to attack people It eats mostly fish and other sharks

6 Angel shark The angel sharks are flat bodied sharks
They have small sharp teeth in tape like jaws The various species of shark They burry themselves in sand or mud

7 Diagram of a shark First dorsal fin Spine fin eye teeth Gill slits
Pectoral fin Caudal fin

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