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2D Video Games By Jasmine Lindsay.

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1 2D Video Games By Jasmine Lindsay

2 What is a 2D Video Game 2D, or two-dimensional, is the concept of everything being on one plane of existence. A being within a two-dimensional plane can only move along the horizontal X-axis and the vertical Y-axis. The Z-axis, which defines depth, is considered null. Video Games that are considered 2D are also known as side-scrollers because the game object can only move side to side or up and down.

3 A little bit of History The world’s first two-dimensional video game was developed in 1958 by physicist William Higinbotham called “Tennis for Two”. It was a simple game that displayed a side view of a tennis court on a oscilloscope screen, which used a cathode-ray tube similar to a black and white television tube. The ball, a brightly lit, moving dot, left trails as it bounced to alternating sides of the net. Players served and volleyed using controllers with buttons and rotating dials to control the angle of an invisible tennis racquet’s swing.

4 Tennis for Two

5 An Evolution After William Higinbotham created “Tennis for Two”, it became extremely popular and as time went on other people and companies created their own video games. Around the late 1900s, two-dimensional video games became mainstream and titles such as Tetris, Bubble Bobble, Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong and many others.


7 Something that was new started to become outdated
As time went on, more and more video games were produced and the technology to create video games started to advance. This brought about the early development of 3D video games. Three-Dimensional games was gaining the popularity of society while the 2D form factor started to seem more and more old school.

8 Then Now

9 Now becomes the question …
Do people prefer the new modern day 3D video games or the 2D games that was all the rave back in the late 1900s-2000s? Is it all about graphics now rather than the actually art and story of the game?

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