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Fun with Formulas Naming & Formula Writing in Chemistry

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Presentation on theme: "Fun with Formulas Naming & Formula Writing in Chemistry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun with Formulas Naming & Formula Writing in Chemistry

2 Beach Ball Review Individual whiteboards and marker for each student
Numbered Beach Ball Names and formula list Beach ball Formula list

3 Beach Ball Review Student catches the ball and teacher calls hand and finger. Student states number and teacher writes name or formula on board. Students write formula or name (answer) on white board. Teacher walks around and lets the student know if right or wrong.

4 Formula Puzzle Puzzle pieces

5 Formula Puzzle Make a puzzle for each pair (or 3) of students.
Student match sides of the formula and name to complete the puzzle.

6 Formula Match Match the formula with the correct name. The player with the most matches wins. Match copies


8 Chemistry Card Name Game
4 players receive 6 cards. On your turn, take one card from deck or draw pile. During your play make a neutral ionic compounds. This is done by laying the cards out which make the complete compound (calcium chloride = 1 calcium cation + 2 chloride anions). cards

9 Chemistry Card Name Game
If you can’t make a compound discard one card. If a compound is played, player adds number of cards played to their score. Game over when one player plays 5 compounds.

10 Ionic Insanity Dice Game
Anion Dice Cubes Game board Cation Dice

11 Ionic Puzzle

12 And what can you make? Puzzle Time! Write the formulas and name:
Fe +3 and SO4 -2 Ca +2 and O -2 Pb +2 and I -1 Na +1 and CO3 -2 Al +3 and NO3 -1 Zn +2 and F -1 H +1 and F -1 Cu +2 and Cl -1 Al +3 and OH -1 H +1 and CO3 -2 And what can you make?

13 Interactive Websites!

14 References

15 Brenda Walsh
Thank you! Brenda Walsh

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