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Economics Could be Anything!

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Could be Anything!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Could be Anything!
What Eleanor M. Savko Is Government 5/29/2018 Economics Could be Anything! 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 Directions: JEOPARDY GAME Great! I have the blank jeopardy file. Now, how do I create my own jeopardy game using this blank format. The hard part has been done for you--you have the easy part! Before we begin, you will need to download the Blank Jeopardy game from the web site. Open it by clicking on it. Go to File, Save As, Save it to your Desktop or to a flash drive. Presuming that you have saved it to a flash drive. . . 1. The flash drive is in connected. 2. Open PowerPoint and click in the radial button, open an existing presentation. 3. Click on the down arrow by "Look in" and choose flash drive. 4. Choose Blank Jeopardy and click on Open. 5. Decide on your categories at the top. You need 5 categories. 6. If you want to change the color of the font, highlight the category, click on the font color button's down arrow and choose the color of your choice. 7. Double click in the first blank category and begin typing your first category. Continue to do this for all five categories. Click on File, Save As to save your work. You will want to give it a name, e.g. Science ch. 5 review. This will leave your "blank jeopardy file", blank for you to create other games. 8. Go to the lower left hand corner and choose the Slide Sorter View. 9. Choose the second slide and double click on it. 10. If you do not have the DRAW toolbar at the bottom of your screen, go to VIEW, Toolbars, and click on Drawing. You should now see the Draw toolbar. 11. Click on the Text button. Click again to position the text box on your slide toward the top and in the middle. 12. Begin typing your first answer. 13. Double Click on slide 3, repeat step 11 and type your question. Remember the format of Jeopardy. The answer is in the form of a question. 14. Periodically, save your work by clicking on the little diskette in your menu bar. 15. Each slide is in order, going down the category e.g.: First category on the far left for 1 point is slide number 2 and 3. First category for 2 points is slide number 4 and 5 etc. 16. If you want to include two "daily doubles", just change the color of the question and answer to yellow. We included two daily doubles because we play with two teams and would like each team to have the opportunity to score a daily double. But as you know, it doesn't always work out that way! 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 A government run by the wealthy people; often referred to as a Plutocracy.

3 Aristocracy

4 A state ruled by the religious elite; Iran or Vatican City would be examples.

5 Theocracy

6 Type of government where the leader gains political power based on their family blood-line and the “divine right” to rule.

7 Monarchy

8 Type of government where power is held by a few people who share similar interests, ideals, and/or desires with each other.

9 Oligarchy

10 Type of government where one person has absolute power and is unrestricted by law or a constitution.

11 Autocracy or Dictatorship or Despotism

12 This can be defined as a set of laws, and/or a plan, used to organize a government. The Articles of Confederation would be an example.

13 Constitution

14 In this state, or lack there of, there is no such thing as law and order and no recognized authority exists.

15 Anarchy

16 A government where the people, as a whole, hold political power
A government where the people, as a whole, hold political power. Sometimes defined as “power to the people.”

17 Democracy

18 In this political system, which is headed by a dictator, the state relies on nationalism, racism, and the waging of constant war for economic gain and to boost national pride.

19 Fascism

20 This is the form of monarchy where the ruler’s power is restricted by law. They often must also share power with a group of law-makers.

21 Constitutional (Limited) Monarchy

22 Type of government where the power rests in the people who then elect representatives to govern for them.

23 Representative Democracy
Republic Or Representative Democracy

24 This is the least free form of government that exists
This is the least free form of government that exists. In practice, the state works to fully control every part of its citizens lives.

25 Totalitarianism

26 Although, at least on the surface, it sounds like a form of government where individuals would be granted a great degree of freedom, it is usually led by a dictator like Kim Jong-Un

27 Democratic Republic

28 In what is considered to be the most democratic form of democracy, the people meet, as a whole, to make laws and decisions for the state.

29 Direct Democracy

30 Prior to the creation and signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, kings and queens wielded unlimited power in what is known as this type of monarchy

31 Absolute Monarchy

32 In this economic system, the state owns most of the major means of production, while also looking out for the well-being of its citizens. However, some private property rights still exist.

33 Socialism

34 This economic system’s hallmark is private ownership of property and the means of production. Competition is also stressed, while the government is supposed to take a “hands-off” approach when it comes to interfering with the economy.

35 Capitalism

36 This is the study of the creation, dispersal, and usage of products and amenities supplied by a state.

37 Economics (Economy)

38 This economic system is meant to lead to the end of social and economic classes through which equality for all will be established. However, private ownership is not allowed as the government owns and operates every aspect of the economy.

39 Communism

40 Although some people believe the United States has a fully capitalist economy, programs such as Medicare & Social Security, which exist within its economy, mean there are also elements of this economic system.

41 Socialism

42 This is the study and science of the privileges and duties of citizens who live in a particular state.

43 Civics

44 What the legislative branch of government in the United States is mainly responsible for

45 Making laws or Law-making

46 To ensure a competitive economic environment is maintained within a capitalist economy, it is important that no single individual or company owns everything associated with a particular good or service. However, if that did occur, their control would be defined as what?

47 Monopoly

48 What the executive branch of government in the United States is mainly responsible for

49 Enforcing Laws or Law Enforcement

50 What the judicial branch of government in the United States is mainly responsible for

51 Manages Laws Or Interpreting laws or Making sense of laws

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