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One thought out solution to the problem of food waste

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1 One thought out solution to the problem of food waste
Composting is Awesome! One thought out solution to the problem of food waste

2 The Problem This is where I would put information about why food waste is a problem. I would probably put it in point form using bullets, like this line does I would use the internet to find appropriate images to add to my slide show

3 Research I would use this slide to provide any research I had done about the problem If I had done a survey or a science experiment to get further information it would go on this slide

4 Solution On this slide I would tell what my solution is.
In this case my solution is to get the school to compost.

5 Fundraising Here I would talk about my ideas for raising money to purchase compost bins for the school Who I would get money from, how I would ask them

6 Awareness or Promotion
Here is where I would talk about how I was going to promote my idea and bring awareness to the problem I would also talk about how I would use social media to bring awareness to the problem or issue and my solution

7 Poster On this slide I would put an image of my poster or other promotional material would be putting up in the school or community

8 Education This is where I would put information about how I would educate the school on how to use my solution Kids have to be taught what goes in to compost and what doesn’t and where to put it Teachers also have to know that it won’t add to their work load, as they already work really hard, so I would also tell who would take care of the compost, maybe the students who are already part of the “jobs” program at the school

9 Impact of Solution I would use this slide to talk about the impact of my solution I would tell how it would help the school or community For example: Composting would provide nutriet rich soil to add to the school garden which will grow local food for the students at Silver Creek Composting would also provide an educational opportunity at Silver Creek for students to learn about ecology and food webs Composting would also help elimiate food waste going in to landfills

10 Sources This is where I would list the web sources or books I used for my research

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