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Capacity Development 4.0 Andrea Pellandra

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1 Capacity Development 4.0 Andrea Pellandra
Field Information and Coordination Support Section Division for Programme Support and Management

2 Challenges relative to refugee statistics
Lack of comparability between national figures produced by different countries and across displacement situations within countries. Lack of consistency of terminology, concepts, definitions and classifications Different methods of data collection, compilation and presentation at national and international level Administrative data reflect country-specific legislation, policy and practices and not statistical purposes Limited capacity of national statistical and administrative systems Limited connection between national refugee statistics and official migration and population figures Multiple technical, operational and political challenges impacting data collection and the reliability of data sources Limited existence of principles and recommendations

3 Gaps in official statistics
Disaggregation Demographic Geographic (both asylum and origin) Socioeconomic Addressing double and triple (and more) counting Trajectories Especially movement between IDP and refugees, asylum-seekers and refugees, back and forth Vulnerable groups – especially unaccompanied and separated children

4 Opportunities Better evidence supports policy formulation, evaluation, and accountability, and enhances advocacy efforts The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants calls for enhanced international cooperation to improve data collection on refugees It emphasizes capacity building for national authorities, financial support, technical assistance and inclusion in national plans Data revolution – leveraging new sources, technologies

5 Achieving change Change Internal External Capacity Functional
Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics Internal External Capacity Leveraging national statistical & administrative systems Functional Political Need improvements in all 4 dimensions: Functional capacity, political capacity, internal change and external change Internal/functional: inclusion within national statistics strategy, flow of data within the NSS (i.e. data not stuck at line ministriy) External/functional: adequacy of resources (especially when limited and refugees not seen as part of national pop), accountability, reporting requireements (disaggregation by migratory status) Political/internal: poltical push back and resistance to inclusion of refugees in national pop, senstiivtyi around data Political/external: media attention (need to manage, increase understanding), donor/international interests against national interest Strategic interlinkages CRRF (RRP) Grand Bargain Transparency about our evidence base Open Data SDGs Interagency work Improving civil registration and vital statistical systems for populations of concerns (both for statistics and protection): working with regional and national partners – innovative techniques needed Increasing resources for statistics by integration of populations of concern in national statistics systems First time that common definitions and standards discussed. Building national and regional capacity and engagement Way forward for IDP statistics – particularly challenging, new ground Challenges: Lack of common definitions on refugee and IDP statisitcs Poor coordination within national statistical systems with data often sitting just in line ministries Refugees and stateless often not seen as part of national population so not included in strategies Statistical capacity in IDP affected countries often very weak Often no CRVS for refugees or stateless Opportunities: EGRIS bringing together 30 countries and 15 agencies to write IRRS and compilers’ handbook plus way forward for IDPs. 2020 census round underway Build on interest in civil reg for protection and identity reasons Ways to save money while meeting commitments: Leverage national resources Create better functioning systems

6 Expert Group on Refugee and IDP statistics (EGRIS)
Established by UNSC Participants from NSOs, International statistics organizations, and other technical experts First time agreement on definitions, sources, coordination International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS), a reference guide for statistics on refugees to be adopted by UNSC Way forward for IDP statistics – more challenging Implementation – compilers’ manual with operational instruction on how to collect statistics on refugees Country-owned process will also facilitate capacity building of end users at country level.

7 Refugee statistics within the national statistical system

8 Leveraging national statistical and administrative systems
Building functional capacity of national systems to report on forced displacement. Innovative training of national ministries and NSOs responsible for producing refugee statistics on concepts and definitions Strengthen sound data collection techniques and methodologies Improve data sharing environment, communication channels between agencies Establishing mechanisms to exchange data Building political capacity Engaging ministers and senior politicians at international and regional level to elevate refugee statistics as a priority for political agenda Increase statistical understanding at highest level

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