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Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc.

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1 Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc.
Presentation: SMU EE 5312/7312 Class Band Gap Engineering for Heterostructure Devices Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) 18 October 2006

2 Outline Band Gap Engineering & Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
Company profile & product mix Company technology Selected Applications of compound semiconductor HBT for high speed electronics BandProf* demonstration/open discussion *BandProf is a Java based device simulation software developed by Prof. Frensley at UT Dallas.

3 Compound Semiconductor Band Gap Engineering
Band Gap vs. Lattice Constant Example of Epi structure VCSEL Band Gap Engineering: Altering properties of layered epitaxy materials while maintaining crystalline lattice registration Band gap Band alignment Dielectric constant Thermal conductivity 3rd degree of freedom for device design based Heterojunction concept!

4 IntelliEPI : MBE Technology for III-V Compound Semiconductor
MBE System Substrate Platen Materials Capability Substrate: GaAs, & InP Group III: Al, Ga, & In Group V: As, P, Sb, & N N-type Dopant: Si P-type Dopant: Be, & C (from CBr4) Molecular Beam Fluxes Deposition Source Materials UHV Growth Chamber Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Impinging molecular/atomic beam fluxes are the precursors for the epitaxy growth process Epitaxy growth process maintain lattice registration along the growth direction MBE process grows each atomic monolayer at a time Ultra high vacuum growth chamber: Torr base pressure Growth of customized active device/structure on top of crystalline substrate Peanut butter and Jelly analogy.

5 IntelliEPI: Thickness Uniformity Across Platen for 7x6” MBE
Riber 7000 thickness uniformity measured by white light reflection Center wafer Outside wafer 7X6” platen 2,500Å GaAs 2,000Å AlAs GaAs substrate Thickness variation across platen < 1% across 7X6” platen configuration Si doping GaAs layer uniformity by contactless resistivity mapping: 6” wafer doping variation < 1% Difference from center wafer to outside wafer < 0.5%

6 Overview of IntelliEPI in-situ Sensor Technologies
Substrate temperature Pyrometry Absorption Band-Edge Spectroscopy (ABES): band-gap dependence on temp Materials composition Optical-based Flux Monitor (OFM): atomic absorption of group III fluxes Growth rate Optical Reflectometry Pyrometric Interferometry ABES light source: Light pipe, or Heater filament Optical Pyrometer OFM Optical Reflectometry OFM setup Absorption Band-Edge Spectroscopy, Pyrometer, and Laser Reflection.

7 PHEMT In-situ Composition Monitoring with OFM
PHEMT Structure OFM Profile During PHEMT Growth InGaP Etch Stop InGaAs Channel Si - delta AlGaAs Gate GaAs/AlGaAs SL Direct composition monitoring for each critical layer In-situ composition monitoring for key layers: InGaAs Channel: Accurate x-ray measurement AlGaAs Gate: X-ray represents average of SL and Gate InGaP Etch Stop: Very thin layer limits x-ray accuracy

8 Absorption Band-Edge Spectroscopy (ABES)
Light from heater or light source Transmitted light Through substrate Substrate ~500 um EPI ~1 UM c Transmitted light has photon energy smaller than substrate band gap Input light at different photon energies v ABES measures transmission of light through the substrate EPI material not the dominate effect when: EPI material is not too thick EPI material has larger band-gap than substrate Substrate semiconductor band-gap shrinks with increase substrate temperature

9 IntelliEPI: ABES Temperature Measurement
InP Band-edge transmission spectra Band-edge wavelength vs. temperature Determine substrate temperature by monitoring shift in substrate band gap as a function of temperature. Measurement range extends to substrate temperature well below the operating range of optical pyrometer.

10 C-doped InP-DHBT: Temperature and Group III flux control
In-situ flux profile and substrate temperature during growth InP Collector InP Emitter InGaAs Base Data from Riber6000 Control of temperature & composition profile critical for HBT device parameters such as beta, Vbe, Rbs Substrate temperature: measured by ABES Group III fluxes: measured by OFM

11 IntelliEPI: InP HBT Large Area Device Processing
InP/InGaAs SHBTs & DHBTs InP/GaAsSb/InP DHBTs Be or Carbon-doped base 2E19 to 1E20 cm-3 base doping

12 Communications Technology Evolution
III-V semiconductors from elements of group III and group V columns of Periodic Table InP and GaAs are key enabling technology for all communications systems Wireless, telecomm, satellite, fiber optics, and other high frequency systems such as collision warning radar system all require faster semiconductors like GaAs and InP InP outperforms all existing RF/telecomm technology in terms of speed Wireless from 2GHz to 300 GHz with 2x breakdown voltage vs. SiGe, high gain, better efficiency Current fasted flip-flop speed at 150 GHz (from IntelliEPI/Vitesse) vs. 96GHz of SiGe

13 Competing Building Blocks - Fiber optic network example
Internet is the main driving force data, speed, bandwidth, wireless Both long-haul and local networks shift to fiber optic networks Current 2.5Gbps networks will be replaced by 10Gbps (OC192) GaAs is the major semicon building block 40Gbps network will be the 2nd largest in 2005 and will be dominated by InP Silicon will be dominant for market adoption in the “late majority” and “laggard” phases Fiber optics industry major recovery expected in

14 High Speed Technology Race
InP Heterojunction Bi-Polar Transistor (HBT) W. Hafez, et al, IEEE Elect. Dev. Lett., Vol 24, #7, pg 346, July 2003. *Partial slide Source: N. Pan, UCLA.

15 Divide by Two Circuit operating at 152 GHz!
IntelliEPI supplied materials. Static digital flip-flop circuit fabricated by Vitesse using VIP-2 process (InP DHBT) *Data courtesy of Vitesse Semiconductor for DARPA-TFAST program.

16 Summary of Key Concepts
Band gap engineering enable the additional degree of freedom along the growth direction MBE: ultra high vacuum deposition/crystal growth process Compound semiconductor suited for high speed applications due to fast intrinsic electron mobility PHEMT analogous to FET HBT analogous to Si Bi-Polar Junction Transistor (BJT)

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