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Stress Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress Management

2 Denial: a way of ignoring a stressor by acting as if it did not exist.
Coping Strategies Denial: a way of ignoring a stressor by acting as if it did not exist. Sublimation: shifting your attention and energy from a stressor to something else in your life. Daydreaming: people use this method as a way of escaping stressors for a short time. Humor: laughter helps to relieve the feeling of stress embarrassing events can cause

3 RELAXATION* *A state in which your body and mind are resting!
Hot Shower, Bath Stretching Massage Progressive Relaxation: concentrating on each group of muscles in your body. Deep Breathing: take in as much air as you can, then slowly exhale. *A state in which your body and mind are resting!

4 Creative Visualization!
The ability to visualize stressors can lead to greater control over them. Creative Visualization! Using your imagination to cope with stressors. When you visualize, you imagine that the stressor is an object that you can see, or sometimes hear, and you act on the stressor by doing something to what you have imagined.

5 Biofeedback A special method of stress management in which you learn to control some of your physical functions by recognizing your body’s signals.


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