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Get in your groups to prepare to present organization that you had to the class. Present what you found about your organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Get in your groups to prepare to present organization that you had to the class. Present what you found about your organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get in your groups to prepare to present organization that you had to the class.
Present what you found about your organizations.

2 Look in your book at various PPE
We will discuss the importance of the components of the PPE What/Who is involved in PPE

3 Review questions? What are the specific roles of ATC in overseeing the total health care of the athlete? What areas of specialization are encompassed under the general heading of sports medicine? What records are necessary to keep? What components make up an ATF?

4 Rules for athletic health care Facility?

5 Suggestions for maintaining Sanitary environment?

6 Cleaning Responsibilities?

7 Critical Thinking Exercise
All American high school offers 18 sports,6 fall, 6 winter, 6 spring. The school has a total of approximately 500 athletes, and approximately 200 are involved in fall sports. A PPE must be arranged and administered so that each athlete can be cleared for competition. How can the PPE be set up to most efficiently clear 200 athletes for competition in the fall sports?

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