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REPORT BACK ON THE 4TH CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SUMMIT, 23rd – 24th June 2014 Mr G. Mbuthia Chairperson, SACPCMP Construction Management Development Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "REPORT BACK ON THE 4TH CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SUMMIT, 23rd – 24th June 2014 Mr G. Mbuthia Chairperson, SACPCMP Construction Management Development Committee."— Presentation transcript:

Mr G. Mbuthia Chairperson, SACPCMP Construction Management Development Committee

2 Need for the Construction Management Summits?
The problem: Strongly held view that the discipline of Construction Management was being neglected by many of its traditional stakeholders Summit of Construction Management stakeholders convened at an inaugural summit to assess the status of the profession Key challenges facing the Construction Management profession and the general Construction Industry were identified, discussed The first Summit saw the need for a dedicated group to drive the development of the profession and report back at future summits The dedicated group - the Construction Management Development Committee (CMDC) – was placed under the umbrella of the SACPCMP Four summits have been convened annually, providing a platform for stakeholders in government, industry, civil society and academic institutions to : discuss critical issues; exchange ideas; openly discuss, debate and share experiences on matters affecting the profession constantly review progress, new challenges and the success of interventions, and Raise the profile of the profession

3 The First Summit 20 - 21 June 2012 Main outcomes Actions to be taken
Convened by CIOB / SACPCMP to address the apparent decline of support for the Construction Management (CM) Profession Identified: the key problems underlying the marginalisation of the profession the need for stakeholders to work together to regain lost ground and further develop the discipline the importance of annual Summits to review progress and reassess the needs of the discipline A CM Development Committee was elected ‘from the floor’ to drive solutions The CMDC developed a construction management development agenda for stakeholder groups to partner with and drive specific initiatives Key aim: to get support of CM Stakeholder groups to arrest the decline

Renew your commitment to develop the discipline of construction management (CM) to find and produce graduates of distinction Commit to the regular exchange of developmental ideas Help to re-energise interest in the discipline to the youth and graduates Meet with other HOD’s/HOP’s and the SACPCMP to exchange ideas, feedback Interact more with peers at other universities and in industry to adopt effective methods for experiential learning Work with others to improve the image, promote the career path and market the discipline Encourage CM oriented research and the writing of articles for industry, presentation at conferences Promote postgraduate study in CM and CPM Address the ‘leakage’ of potential CM candidates occurs in first 3 years at university Help develop CPD to address the needs of CM graduates and project staff, struggling with unsupportive environments

5 The Second Summit Main outcomes Actions to be taken
Confirmed the key challenges facing the CM profession to be addressed as: negative image and lack of knowledge about the CM discipline; prevalent poor industry working conditions; high dropout rate throughout the career life cycle; academic concerns: marginalisation of academic programmes, phasing out of the BTech degree Stakeholder groups agreed to partner with SACPCMP/CIOB and the CMDC to drive the agendas Increase industry efforts to improve entry, throughput and retention Appoint a SACPCMP CM champion Drive stronger links between the SACPCMP/CIOB and educational institutions Active canvassing and lobbying to key stakeholders especially clients Supporting research to expand the CM body of knowledge Key aim: to get more CM Stakeholder groups involved in promoting the profession Emphasised partnerships in addressing CM issues

6 The Third Summit Main outcomes Actions to be taken
Received feedback from stakeholders on achieving their agendas Saw improved attendance and recognition that the Summits play a role Discussed: the end of the B.Tech degree; demand for and supply of CM graduates; The adequacy of CM graduates; skills flight creating supportive project environments Strengthening support to educational institutions SACPCMP to drive collaboration amongst industry stakeholders, champion the profession CMDC to drive marketing, promotion of the CM profession The IDoW is essential to attract registration, drive professionalism, enforce CM use in government Continue with roadshows (SACPCMP, VAs) Focus on marketing the profession through established, new avenues – e.g., social media Key aim: to position the CM profession to take a greater role in the construction process and infrastructure development Focused on key issues identified at the previous summits

7 The Fourth Summit Main outcomes Actions to be taken Discussed:
Future development needs for the profession Transformation within the profession The role of the CM profession in promoting economic development in South Africa Increasing Summit attendance and recognition SACPCMP to drive collaboration amongst industry stakeholders, champion the profession CMDC to drive marketing, promotion of the CM profession The IDoW is essential to attract registration, drive professionalism, enforce CM use in government Continue with roadshows (SACPCMP, VAs) Focus on marketing the profession through established, new avenues – e.g., social media Key aim: Constructing the Future for the CM profession based on the previous summits Focused on key issues identified at the

8 The Fourth Summit Actions Arising Progress to date
Drive the development of local solutions to the issues affecting the infrastructure programme roll-out Not much information from government on the roll-out The CM profession to develop a position on one overarching professional body for professionals  - The CM profession to develop a position on construction regulations in the industry Benchmark from other countries on how best to address career guidance & support, training and mentoring throughout the CM career cycle Establishing student chapters to promote the profession Promoting the CM profession as a career choice during open days Supporting outreach to schools Increasing the exposure of CM students to the world of work by taking them to summits, conferences etc. Getting more students on site for work experience and experiential training A promotional DVD to create awareness SACPCMP presentations to students promoting the benefits of registration Drive deeper academic institutions and industry collaboration Regular interactions with heads of programmes/ departments

9 The Fourth Summit Actions Arising Progress to date
Drive marketing and promotion of the profession A promotional DVD to create awareness Develop a database of available opportunities connecting jobseekers with CM employers Visits to institutions and talks to students Actively seeking bursaries and facilitating practical experience opportunities Increase support to tertiary institutions to encourage the uptake of CM degrees Increase the number and quality of mentors to improve the throughput of black & women graduates The number of CM mentors has increased Boost registration in the CM profession, especially amongst HDIs and women Support the transition to working life through the Go for Gold programme led by NMC Support to university student chapters (Novus) Working with the LGSETA, CBE and others to find solutions, Increasing access to bursaries and financial aid Lead the industry in integrating Health and Safety in the construction workplace Focus on registration of CH&S practitioners Talks to construction companies   Support contractor development programmes - Lead and guide the implementation of the Infrastructure Delivery Management System  - Create more structured opportunities for networking The Summits , Gala Dinner

10 Feedback from the Fourth Summit
How did you hear or learn about the summit?

11 Feedback from the Fourth Summit
Main reasons for attending the summit

12 Feedback from the Fourth Summit
Did you achieve your main reason for attending the summit? Meeting attendees expectations Not fully meeting attendees expectations A lot of content No enough time on taking questions and no specific answers Informative and covering technical and operational issues The summit dealt more with challenges facing the professionals rather than dealing with advances in project management Personal development and growth is strengthened by networking Too much focus on the CM profession and not enough attention paid to integration of CM and other built environment professions. Summit was informative to students and gave them the opportunity to network Was looking for business contacts as a professional construction mentor, and found these  The issues around registration were not sufficiently addressed Stimulating and encouraging presentations Good discussions, opportunity to network, updates on how SACPCMP is doing Well planned summit & speakers

13 Feedback from the Fourth Summit
The most beneficial aspect of the summit

14 Feedback from the Fourth Summit
The most important topics that you think future similar summits should discuss

15 Key issues the summits have discussed
Getting employers, regulatory and support bodies to realize the critical role and importance of the Construction Management profession Increasing visibility with student groups in school and at Construction Management in various institutions Increase throughput in the candidacy process and retaining young professionals in the discipline Encouraging close collaboration and sharing of successful practices in academic institutions Offering increased support to tertiary institutions to encourage the uptake of Construction Management degrees Driving the Construction Management development as a priority area in the South African Construction Industry Improving the image of the profession in the public Encouraging registration amongst the Construction Management professions Driving research, education and skills development to take the profession to the next level

This Summit builds on the previous Summits for the growth, recognition, advancement and development of the Profession It focuses on: Building towards the future – advances, trends and developments, the evolution of the CM profession and the expanding scope Acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills needed in the Construction Industry Construction industry sustainability Transforming the professionals and their work environment Ethics and professionalism - changing perceptions about the industry Relevance of the Construction Management profession for the South African Construction Industry Promotion of participation of Women in Construction Management Personal professional development and growth Get feedback from stakeholders Get your focus for driving CM development Renew commitment to development of the profession

17 Thank you Feedback for future CMDC/Summit focus areas

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