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The Civil War The Civil War (1861-1865) took more American lives than any other war in history. It so divided the people of the United States that in some.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War The Civil War (1861-1865) took more American lives than any other war in history. It so divided the people of the United States that in some."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War The Civil War ( ) took more American lives than any other war in history. It so divided the people of the United States that in some families brother fought against brother. The Civil War was between the Southern States, trying to preserve slavery and an agricultural way of life, and the Northern States, dedicated to a more modern way of life and to ending the expansion-and, later, the existence-of slavery. The terrible bloodshed left a heritage of grief and bitterness that declined only slowly and, even today, has not fully disappeared.

2 BELLWORK Read “The Union and the Confederacy Compared” on page 173 and answer the following questions: Why was the North able to raise a much larger army than the South? How did the Confederacy have an advantage over the North? How did the North have an advantage over the South? How did the Confederacy fight?

3 The Election of Abraham Lincoln
Background Born very poor in a log cabin in Kentucky Self educated lawyer; deep respect for the law Known for his character, sincerity, and humor Married to Mary Todd and had 4 sons, two died young

4 The Election of Abraham Lincoln
Election on 1860 1. The North had enough electoral votes to choose the president 2. The South leaves the Union Jefferson Davis elected president began occupying federal buildings, post offices, forts and other federal government property Union soldiers held Fort Sumter, SC until Confederates forcefully took it The South becomes the aggressor in the war



7 Election on 1860 Jefferson Davis’ view of slavery was how he personally treated his slaves, which was good, and he was not well traveled. Ft. Sumter- after many compromise attempts, Lincoln promises only to hold and occupy all federal property. He stayed on the defensive as long as possible

8 The Civil War Advantages of the North huge population
standing army and navy American industrial might large transportation system

9 The Civil War Advantages of the South grim and determined
abundance of military leadership and combat expertise only had to survive to succeed


11 The Civil War Lincoln’s Goals preserve the Union
keep the border states on the side of the Union keep foreign countries from helping the Confederacy

12 What is missing from this list???
Lincoln’s Goals preserve the Union keep the border states on the side of the Union keep foreign countries from helping the Confederacy

13 Lincoln’s Goals “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.” (Lincoln's Letter to Horace Greeley)


15 The Civil War Emancipation Pressure from Abolitionists Union army
a. began to see the real evils of slavery b. runaways began delivering themselves to the troops c. the Fugitive Slave Act proved to be impractical The enslaved themselves took it upon themselves to become free

16 The Civil War Lincoln’s view on Slavery
Enforcing slavery corrupted the law Slavery put liberty and equality of both races at risk “A house divided against itself cannot stand” Not to call evil, evil is to call it good “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

17 Effects of the Civil War
More than 618,000 men died The war literally put brother against brother, especially in the border states. The Federal government proved itself supreme over the states.



20 CLOSURE On a ½ sheet of paper, describe the following Civil War events in 3 complete sentences. Battle of Antietam Battle of Gettysburg Emancipation Fort Sumter

21 VOCAB SQUARES In order to remember specific vocab words you are going to create 4 vocab squares. Secession, Emancipation, Antietam, Gettysburg Each square has a different purpose Definition Re-definition Connection to YOU Picture/sketch

22 Effects of the Civil War
Constitutional Amendments 13th Amendment- outlawed slavery 14th Amendment- required states to uphold “equal justice under the law” 15th Amendment- equal voting rights to Blacks

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