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Sight Loss Data Tool V3: What we can do Rose Edwards, Researcher, RNIB

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Presentation on theme: "Sight Loss Data Tool V3: What we can do Rose Edwards, Researcher, RNIB"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sight Loss Data Tool V3: What we can do Rose Edwards, Researcher, RNIB

2 Why do we need the Sight Loss Data Tool?
Technology and transparency mean more data is publically available than ever but: we don’t always know that it’s there... it can be difficult and time consuming to access... it can be dangerous to look at statistics in isolation...

3 The Sight Loss Data Tool can help you:
provide evidence identify specific needs in local communities plan services develop strategies

4 What’s new in Version 3 of the Data Tool?
Updated information District level data Benchmarking Can show more historical and future trends Additional indicators

5 What type of information is in the Data Tool?
Profile of the local area: Age Deprivation Rurality Ethnicity Other health conditions

6 What type of information is in the Data Tool?
Information on specific client groups: Children and young people Older people Working age

7 What type of information is in the Data Tool?
Support: Adult social care DLA The cost of sight loss

8 What type of information is in the Data Tool?
Sight conditions: Registration and Certification Prevalence of sight loss and sight threatening conditions Screening and NHS sight tests

9 What type of information is in the Data Tool?
This is just a snapshot of what we can do Wide ranging information to provide a big picture Easily produce custom reports by key themes

10 However, the real value of the Data Tool is in how it is used: Use the Version 3 Sight Loss Data Tool And spread the word!

11 Thank you Any questions please contact: Rose Edwards, Researcher, RNIB

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