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Chaparral Robotics Club

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1 Chaparral Robotics Club
Club Advisors: Mrs. Cynthia Alexander Mrs. Sara Bennett Ms. Jen Lile Ms. Stephanie Shaw

2 mission statement: To Encourage students to have fun while using their critical thinking skills to design, construct, and program robots to use in school/district/state competitions. Members will explore, investigate and discover different STEM subjects and how they relate to the different STEM fields. Members will focus on the four C’s of STEM (critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity).

3 Membership The Chaparral Robotics Club membership shall include students in grades fourth through sixth grade, who have submitted a completed Robotics Club Application with Teacher Recommendations and a typed essay. Applications will be reviewed by Club Advisors and Chaparral Administration. The Robotics Club will be accepting 8 – 12 members (based on the amount of kits available). Members shall attend meetings regularly and adhere to the school/district code of conduct.

4 Officers and Members The Chaparral Robotics Club shall include three (3) elected officers. The elected officers shall be a Captain, Co-Captain and Treasure. In the event that the Captain becomes unable to serve, the Co-Captain shall resume the duties of Captain. The elected officers will hold their position for one school year.

5 Officers and Members - Captain
Preside over Club meetings Appoint committees within the club. Vote on any matter in which the club is equally divided. Lead club discussions. Hold executive meetings to set the agenda. Participate in design, construction and programing of robots and/or STEM Projects and Challenges. Attend workshops and/or competitions Represent the Chaparral Robotics Club at school and district events and competitions and/or workshops.

6 Officers and Members – Co-Captain
Perform the duties of the Captain when Captain in absent. Take attendance at meetings. Keep accurate minutes of all club meetings. Read minutes of the previous meeting. Attend all executive meetings to prepare the agenda. Participate in design, construction and programing of robots and/or STEM Projects and Challenges. Attend workshops and/or competitions Represent the Chaparral Robotics Club at school and district events and competitions and/or workshops

7 Officers and Members – Treasure
Work with the advisor(s) in maintaining records of receipts and expenditures of the club. Work with advisor(s) in coordinating fundraising events. Help with the fundraising. Attend executive meetings to help set the agenda. Participate in design, construction and programing of robots and/or STEM Projects and Challenges. Attend workshops and/or competitions Represent the Chaparral Robotics Club at school and district events and competitions and/or workshops.

8 Officers and Members – Membership Only
Attend club meetings regularly Participate in design, construction and/or programing of robots and/or STEM Projects and Challenges. Attend workshops and/or competitions Represent the Chaparral Robotics Club at school and district events and competitions and/or workshops.

9 Code of Conduct Members not adhering to the school/district’s code of conduct will be may be dismissed from the club. For the first offense, members will be given a verbal and/or written warning by the club sponsor(s). For a second offense, members will be dismissed from the Chaparral Robotics Club.

10 meetings The Chaparral Robotics Club shall hold a minimum of one meeting during each week of the school year from September through March. The meeting time will be from 3:10 to 4:10 PM on Thursday in room 403. Meeting locations and times may include any other location hosting a robotics event (workshop or competition) on the hosting school’s campus. Members will have advance notice on the time and location of competitions.

11 meetings Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 7, 2017 in room 403. Meetings will run from 3:10 to 4:10. We will meet every Thursday, unless otherwise communicated to parents.

12 Competitions Chaparral is allowed 4 to 6 teams to compete at one time. At this time we have enough materials for 2 teams of 4. Competitions are held at other campuses and you will need to provide your own transportation to and from the competitions Competitions are held on Saturdays, and you will be notified in advance All members are expected to attend the competitions If a member is absent and their team qualifies for a State or National competition, then that member will not be able to participate in the State or National competition.

13 Fundraising Currently we have one VEXIQ Super Kit.
We need to raise money to purchase 2 more VEXIQ Super Kits, VEXIQ field elements, and other Robotics/STEM materials Funds will also be used for entry fees into competitions

14 Fundraising Tax Credits Business Donations Fundraisers Membership Dues

15 VEX IQ Challenge

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