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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Spiritual Warfare, Part 4 Introduction
Satan seeks to attack us when we are most vulnerable - when we do not have our armor on Ephesians 6:10-17 We are called to be strong in the Lord in order to stand firm against the devil’s attacks against us

3 Overview of the Armor Ephesians 6:10-17
The pieces of armor described are those worn by the Roman foot soldier.







10 Overview of the Armor Ephesians 6:10-17
The armor is part of our preparation to be able to stand firm against our adversary The “evil day” is the present age in which Satan is active among men. Our objective is to hold our position and not fall back into sin

11 The belt would secure the tunic for ease of movement
The belt would hold up the outer "skirt" & provide a place to hold the sheath for the sword

12 The Belt of Truth Ephesians 6:14
Truth ties everything & is the sheath for the sword of the Spirit, the Bible John 8:31-32 – The truth frees us from bondage to sin, Satan as our master A self-centered life Separation from God

13 The Belt of Truth Ephesians 6:14
The truth inevitably leads to: Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and the Scriptures (John 17:17) John 8:44 – Satan is a liar his lies may be direct or subtle Satan's goal is to usurp God's position Lies are his major means to do so

14 Lies to the Unbelieving
Some people will fall to a direct contradiction, so he will use atheism, agnosticism & philosophy Satan’s most common tactic is to pervert the truth through false religions & cults False religions may deny that Jesus is the way and proclaim a different way to their version of heaven

15 Lies to the Unbelieving
False religions may reduce Jesus to a way instead of the way with many roads leading to heaven Cults may agree Jesus is the only way, but then reinterpret Jesus - 1 John 4:1-3 Religious tolerance is politically correct, but it is Biblically incorrect & leads to hell

16 Lies to the Unbelieving
It is not gracious to withhold the truth and substitute or tolerate a lie. Jesus is: Not a way, He is the way Not a truth, He is the truth Not a life, He is the life Grace seeks to convert people by speaking the truth in love.

17 Lies to the Unbelieving
The devil deceived Eve through lies: Questioning what God said, Contradicting what God said, Slandering God’s character All of Satan's lies are ultimately against the character and nature of God.

18 Lies Against God's Existence
Atheism & agnosticism both deny the evidence of God’s existence Romans 1: they deny what they know. They are willingly ignorant Atheistic communism has resulted in the slaughter of millions and suffering of millions more

19 Lies Against God's Existence
Scientific atheism has led to horrible racism including the holocaust On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life Racial genocide is the natural conclusion of the idea of evolution, not an aberration of it

20 Lies Against God's Existence
Atheistic philosophies have destroyed the moral foundations of the western societies Psalm 14:1 & 53:1 - they have willingly rejected the truth God placed in their hearts at birth Challenge the atheist & the agnostic on the premise & assumptions of their beliefs.

21 Challenge the Atheist & Agnostic
What is their source of authority and why? Do they put their sources of information to the same rigorous skeptical challenge as they do the Bible? Was there a first hand witness to the formation of the world?

22 Lies Against God's Existence
An honest atheist will recognize the limits of their knowledge and therefore become an agnostic A humble & honest agnostic will eventually find God if they truly seek for Him – Jeremiah 29:13; Hebrews 11:6 The dishonest agnostic will not search for God due to arrogance, laziness or fear

23 Challenge the Atheist & Agnostic
Why is man innately religious? Why must people be taught to be atheists? Why are atheists mad at a being they don’t believe exists? How has their belief system made them a better person? What happens after they die?

24 The Case for Theism The Bible is the first and foremost evidence of God’s existence, His attributes and His plan for mankind. Truth is true because it is the actual reality, not just a perception of it.

25 The Case for Theism Creation itself declares that God exists - Romans 1:18-20 Is vast & powerful - Psalm 19 Is good and kind - Romans 2:4 Is a mighty judge - 2 Peter 3

26 Cosmological Argument
Whenever there is an effect, there must be something that caused it. The universe’s existence requires either an infinite regress of causes, or else a sufficient uncaused Cause

27 Teleological Argument
Design requires a designer The universe displays purposeful design, therefore there must be a designer, namely, God Chance cannot explain the complexity we observe. Irreducibly complex organisms demand a designer

28 Anthropological Argument
Man’s unique abilities demand a creator with at least corresponding abilities Because man has personality and morality, there must a creator with at least those same attributes

29 Moral Argument There must be a universal source for the common morality that exist among mankind Common morality implies the existence of a law giver and judge Evil can only be defined be contrasting it with a standard of what is good. The existence of evil does not negate the existence of a good God, but rather it demands that a good God will punish those that do evil

30 Conclusions It is reasonable to believe that there is a God who is a spirit and is infinite and eternal in His being, perfect and unchangeable in His attributes, and in Whom all things have their source, support and end.”

31 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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