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Emily Dickinson.

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1 Emily Dickinson

2 Emily Dickinson Bio Emily Dickinson was born on 10 December 1830 in Amherst, in western Massachusetts, and died there on 15 May 1886. Dickinson almost all social life in Amherst. She refused to see most people, and aside from a single year at South Hadley Female Seminary (now Mount Holyoke College), one excursion to Philadelphia and Washington, and several brief trips to Boston to see a doctor about eye problems, she lived all her life in her father's house. She dressed only in white and developed a reputation as a reclusive eccentric. Dickinson selected her own society carefully and frugally. Like her poetry, her relationship to the world was intensely reticent. Indeed, during the last twenty years of her life she rarely left the house. Though Dickinson was certainly a skeptic. Though she lived in a world charged with religious and spiritual fervor–the last waves of the Second Great Awakening, Calvinist pietism, Emersonian Transcendentalism–she paddled against the general stream. Though she attended the Mount Holyoke Seminary, Dickinson never “converted” like so many of her peers. Dickinson never married, she had significant relationships with several men who were friends, confidantes, and mentors. Biographers have attempted to find in a number of her relationships the source for the passion of some of her love poems and letters, but no biographer has been able to identify definitely the object of Dickinson's love. What matters, of course, is not with whom she was in love--if, in fact, there was any single person--but that she wrote about such passions so intensely and convincingly in her poetry.

3 Poetical Devices Apparent gaps are filled with meaning if we are sensitive to her use of devices such as personification, allusion, symbolism, imagery, and startling syntax and grammar. Since her use of dashes is sometimes puzzling, it helps to read her poems aloud to hear how carefully the words are arrange. While Dickinson's dashes often stand in for more varied punctuation, at other times they serve as bridges between sections of the poem—bridges that are not otherwise readily apparent.  Dickinson may also have intended for the dashes to indicate pauses when reading the poem aloud. Dickinson often used slant rhyme - rhyme in which there is close but not exact correspondence of sounds (Ex.: lid, lad; wait, made)

4 The Kiss, “The Kiss” by Pablo Picasso
Individual perception affects how we view a subject. This is seen in all areas, but especially in the Arts. Picasso is a painter who is well known for his distortions. How do these distortions create and shade meaning? Discuss written responses of painting. Then make connection - Emily Dickinson does the same thing in her poems. Her poems tend to focus on an image that she describes and slants through her particular perception. Respond in writing to the text. What is the meaning of this picture? Analyze for sensory detail, theme, and purpose. How can an image be distorted by individual perception? How can we translate the image into words?

5 Bog Frog. In reading some of Dickinson’s poems, I found images that might match her poems. Look at this picture – what do you see? Feel? What words would you use to describe this image? Jot them down on your paper first. Don’t share yet. Paul Casper

6 I'm nobody. Who are you. Are you nobody, too
I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell! They'd advertise -- you know! How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog To tell one's name the livelong day To an admiring bog! What is her message? Why use the image of a frog? <croak> What is a bog? [swamp] What kinds of feelings/reactions do we get when we think of frogs and bogs? Sensory reactions. What is the bog symbolic of? What does this say about Dickinson’s perceptions of society and of fame? Why might she feel this [her notoriety, poetry rejections]? What are the downfalls of fame? (swampy) How does she view famous people? (croaky frogs) How does Dickinson use an image to make a point?

7 Anna Pickard. 2007.,
What do you see? Light? Shade? Shapes? Background? How is meaning created in this poem? Can you make a story from this picture? Where is this setting? Who are the characters? What kind of relationship do they have? How do you know? Anna Pickard,

8 “The Soul Selects her Own Society”
THE SOUL selects her own Society-- Then-- shuts the Door-- On her divine Majority-- Present no more-- Unmoved-- she notes the Chariots-- pausing At her low Gate-- Unmoved-- an emperor be kneeling Upon her Mat-- I ’ve known her-- from an ample nation -- Choose One-- Then-- close the Valves of her attention -- Like Stone-- Read and wait for reaction. What does this poem mean? What images are used to create meaning? What adjectives are used with these images? Tone? How is a tone created here? Why would Dickinson write such a poem? What in her biography might have led to this poem? How does her perception create meaning? Who does Dickinson choose when the poems says “I’ve known her – from an ample nation – choose one”? Discuss Valves – why the capitals (emphasis) and dashes (pauses)

9 What do you see. What is striking about this image
What do you see? What is striking about this image? Look at the lines, lighting, mood? How could a different view change how we see the tree? From a different time of day or a different angle?

10 “Tell All the Truth” Tell all the Truth but tell it slant--- Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth's superb surprise As Lightening to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind--- What does this poem mean? What images are used to create meaning? (circuits, lightening, children, dazzle) Do you agree with Dickinson here? Can you think of a situation where it might be wise to slant the truth?

11 What does the picture make you think of. (death) What else
What does the picture make you think of? (death) What else? Relationship between characters? Setting? What mood is created in this image? How do you react? Why? Melissa Pham 2/27/08

12 Because I Could Not Stop For Death
BECAUSE I could not stop for Death - He kindly stopped for me – The carriage held but just Ourselves— And Immortality. We slowly drove— he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his Civility— We passed the School where children strove At Recess - in the Ring - We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain— We passed the Setting Sun— Or rather– He passed Us— The Dews drew quivering and chill— For only Gossamer, my Gown— My Tippet– Only Tulle— We paused before a House that seemed A swelling of the Ground— The Roof was scarcely visible—     The Cornice– in the Ground— Since then --’tis centuries– and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses’ Heads Were toward Eternity-- What is Dickinson’s perception of Death? (gentleman) How do you know? How is this perception unique? Why might Dickinson, or anyone, feel this way about Death? What is her tone here? Where does it change? Which images does she use to change her tone? How do the images create meaning? (timeline of life)

13 Assignment: Go online and choose an Emily Dickinson poem.
Find an image that matches the poem. Using Powerpoint or Prezi, create a 3+ slides that include the poem, image, analysis, and works cited Write an analysis of the poem – 1. What is the central message/theme of the poem? 2. What images does she use and how does she use them, 3. What literary techniques does she use? 4 How does Dickinson use language to create the central message/theme ? Explain how your image relates to the poem

14 Assignment Rubric 4 3 2 1 Questions all answered thoughtfully and analytically – quoted and explained Questions all answered well with some quotes. Not all questions are answered or answered well – no full sentences or lacks quotes Questions not answered – few to no sentences or quotes Image has obvious and interesting connection to poem that is well explained Image has connection to poem that is explained Weak or no explanation of image No image Works Cited info for poem and image correct Works Cited info for poem and image mostly correct Works Cited is URLs No Works Cited

15 Works Cited Merriman, C.D. “Emily Dickinson.” Literature Online Web. 27 October 2011. “Sweet Skepticism of the Heart.” Daily Dickisnon. 09 January Web. 27 October 2011. “Transcendental Legacy in Literature.” American Transcendental Web. Virginia Commonwealth University. Web 27 October 2011.

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