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America Becomes a Colonial Power.

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1 America Becomes a Colonial Power

2 Essential Question: Why did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?

3 Imperialism: WAS A GLOBAL TREND!
Policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, military or political control over weaker nations WAS A GLOBAL TREND!

4 American Imperialism:
3 factors that fueled America’s imperialism: 1. Economic competition among industrial nations *Production outdoes consumption- NEW MARKETS *Increased production = need for raw materials

5 Commercial/Business Interests U. S. Foreign Investments: 1869-1908

6 Commercial/Business Interests American Foreign Trade: 1870-1914

7 American Imperialism:
3 factors that fueled America’s imperialism: 1. Economic competition among industrial nations *Production outdoes consumption- NEW MARKETS *Increased production = need for raw materials Political and military competition – Focus on Naval Presence *Protection of new territories and shipping lanes

8 Military/Strategic Interests
Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power on History:

9 American Imperialism:
3 factors that fueled America’s imperialism: 1. Economic competition among industrial nations *Production outdoes consumption- NEW MARKETS *Increased production = need for raw materials Political and military competition – Focus on Naval Presence *Protection of new territories and shipping lanes Belief in racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent *US responsibility to spread Christianity and civilization to the world “inferior” peoples

10 Social Darwinist Thinking
The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race

11 Religious/Missionary Interests American Missionaries in China, 1905

12 Closing the American Frontier

13 American Imperialism:
3 factors that fueled America’s imperialism: 1. Economic competition among industrial nations *Production outdoes consumption- NEW MARKETS *Increased production = need for raw materials Political and military competition – Focus on Naval Presence *Protection of new territories and shipping lanes Belief in racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent *US responsibility to spread Christianity and civilization to the world “inferior” peoples

14 Hawaii: "Crossroads of the Pacific"

15 U. S. Missionaries in Hawaii
1790’S-American merchants stop there on their way to China 1820’s- Yankee missionaries founded Christian schools and churches on the island Imiola Church – first built in the late 1820s

16 U. S. View of Hawaiians Mid 1800’s- American owned sugar plantations account ¾ of islands wealth 1875- treaty allows for sale of Hawaiian grown sugar duty free Hawaii becomes a U. S. Protectorate in by virtue of economic treaties.

17 U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii *Hawaiian King Kalakaua
1887 – Voting Rights to Wealthy Land Owners 1887 – Treaty for construction of Naval Base (Pearl Harbor) 1890 – McKinley Tariff 1891- King Kalakaua Dies, Sister Liliuokalani becomes queen *Hawaiian King Kalakaua

18 Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani Hawaii for the Hawaiians!
New Constitution to restore power to Hawaiian people

19 U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii
1893 – American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani. Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the Republic of Hawaii in 1894.

20 To The Victor Belongs the Spoils
Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898

21 Alaska

22 “Seward’s Folly”: 1867 $7.2 million

23 “Seward’s Icebox”: 1867

24 Cuba

25 The Imperialist Tailor

26 Spanish Misrule in Cuba
One of Spain’s last possessions Americans begin investing in sugar plantations. 1884- America abolishes tariff on Cuban sugar- production soars 1894- Tariff Restored- economy collapses 1895- Jose Marti- REVOLUTION! 1896- Spain sends Valeriano Wyler to Restore Order

27 Valeriano Weyler’s “Reconcentration” Policy

28 “Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism William Randolph Hearst
Joseph Pulitzer Hearst to Frederick Remington: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war! William Randolph Hearst

29 De Lôme Letter Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador to the U.S.
Criticized President McKinley as weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party.

30 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

31 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”
How prepared was the US for war?

32 The Philippines

33 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”

34 Dewey Captures Manila!

35 William H. Taft, 1st Gov.-General of the Philippines
Great administrator.

36 Our “Sphere of Influence”

37 The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War”

38 Invasion of Cuba Blockade of Spanish fleet. June 1898- American troops
land in Cuba. *inexperienced/ill-prepared *17,000 troops

39 Theodore Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the McKinley administration. Imperialist and American nationalist. Criticized President McKinley as having the backbone of a chocolate éclair! Resigns his position to fight in Cuba.

40 The “Rough Riders” July 1 1898- Battle of Kettle Hill
*cleared way for attack on San Juan Hill

41 Invasion of Cuba Naval Battle ensued, Spanish fleet was destroyed
July 17, Santiago surrenders

42 The Treaty of Paris: August 12, 1898
Cuba was freed from Spanish rule (independent). Spain gave up Puerto Rico and the island of Guam to the U.S. The U. S. paid Spain $20 mil. for the Philippines. The U. S. becomes an imperial power!

43 Panama

44 TR in Panama (Construction begins in 1904)
Panama Canal TR in Panama (Construction begins in 1904)

45 China

46 Stereotypes of the Chinese Immigrant
Oriental [Chinese] Exclusion Act, 1887

47 The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 The Peaceful Harmonious Fists.
“55 Days at Peking.”

48 The Open Door Policy Secretary John Hay.
Give all nations equal access to trade in China. Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken over by any one foreign power.

49 The Open Door Policy

50 America as a Pacific Power

51 The Great White Fleet: 1907

52 3 Things to Remember

53 The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: 1905
Chronic wrongdoing… may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power .

54 Constable of the World

55 Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!

56 Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy”
Improve financial opportunities for American businesses. Use private capital to further U. S. interests overseas. Therefore, the U.S. should create stability and order abroad that would best promote America’s commercial interests.

57 Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”
The U. S. should be the conscience of the world. Spread democracy. Promote peace. Condemn colonialism.

58 U. S. Global Investments & Investments in Latin America, 1914

59 U. S. Interventions in Latin America: 1898-1920s

60 America's New Role

61 The Cares of a Growing Family

62 Uncle Sam: One of the “Boys?”

63 Build and control the Panama Canal Zone
Japan begins to trade with the US which They had previously been closed off to the West. They also start building a navy as well Expand NEW world markets “Sea Power” --‐Build a navy and acquire global naval bases The US provoked a revolution against Columbia and supported the rebelling Panamanians which in return gave us the right to Build and control the Panama Canal Zone Belief in Cultural Superiority “White Man’s Burden” John Hay proposed the ODP, stating that the Countries with spheres of influence in China Had to allows us in to trading rights An economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations The US would retain the right to intervene in the domestic affairs of Latin America nations in order to restore military and financial order Guam Puerto Rico Philippines Assertion of US Dominance Navy is the Big Stick Yellow Journalism Pressuring Gov’t Americans Sympathizing with Cuban Revolution The guaranteeing of loans made by American business to foreign countries American Business investments Queen attempting to limit foreign power in Hawaii Buffer Zone Cuba becomes a PROTECTORATE of the US and signed the Plat Amendment USS Maine explodes- Yellow Journalists blame Spain De Lome Letter calls out McKinley System in which support is given to countries whose moral beliefs are similar to that of the US

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