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AVA Communication Magda Klimontowska University of Liverpool

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Presentation on theme: "AVA Communication Magda Klimontowska University of Liverpool"— Presentation transcript:

1 AVA Communication Magda Klimontowska University of Liverpool
The Cockcroft Institute

2 Internal Communication
AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

3 Internal Communication
Regular SB and SC meetings Scientists and Fellows contact list will be available to facilitate informal and formal communication VOCAL platform will be used as a safe online tool to share information and files LinkedIn group will be created to keep all project partners up to date WP leaders will organize quarterly Skype meetings with Scientists and Fellows of their WP to monitor progress and report to the SC Project website (information about institutions, fellows, individual projects, central collection point of talks, papers, posters) AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

4 External communication
AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

5 Dissemination vs. Communication
Dissemination – sharing research results, targeting scientific community. Through scientific papers, conferences, posters, talks etc. Communication - promoting the action and its results, by providing targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public) in a strategic and effective manner. Both are a contractual obligation! (art. 29 and art GA) AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

6 Acknowledgement of EU funding
Any communication & dissemination must include: EU emblem High-resolution emblems are available here information/symbols/flag/ Text as indicated in GA This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

7 Dissemination - Publications
Open Access: Each beneficiary must ensure open access (free of charge, online access for any user) to all peer- reviewed scientific publications relating to its results. Acknowledgments: text about EU funding. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

8 Communication Increased importance of communication in Horizon projects: Obligation to promote project and its results beyond the project's own community Communication plan and work package in the proposal and the grant agreement Communicate research in a way that is understood by non-specialist, e.g. the media and the public Inform PO in advance of communication activities expected to have a mainstream media coverage. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

9 AVA Communication Targeting various audiences: General public Media
Policy makers School children Wider scientific community AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

10 AVA – key ways of communication
Events (project & external) Project video Web page Newsletter Leaflet, brochure Merchandising Media engagement Social media Fellows’ communication activities AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

11 AVA events Each AVA School will include a public lecture.
10,000 euros budget will be allocated to the fellows to organize an outreach event. An outreach Symposium will be held towards the end of the project. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

12 External events Presentations and stands at conferences and exhibitions e.g. European Association for International Education, Higher Education Academy, European Scientific Open Forum, Open Days. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

13 Project video Will be developed by the fellows as part of their first year media training. Targeting general public. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

14 Project website AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

15 Newsletter - MIRROR Published every three months
Sent to around people AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

16 Leaflet & Brochure Distributed at events and available online
AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

17 Media engagement b AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

18 Accelerating News Alexandra from EU TEAM - UK editor of Accelerating News AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

19 Social media

20 Fellows communication activities
Individual outreach videos School visits (at least two) Organization of an outreach event Contribution to the outreach symposium Contributions to science fairs, open days etc. STEM Ambassadors, CERN guides etc. AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

21 Outreach videos
AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

22 School visits AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

23 Communication – next steps
Share important news on your institution websites (e.g. about AVA Kick-off Meeting) AVA leaflet Stand at IPAC’17, IBIC’17 We need YOUR input! AVA Kick-off Meeting, Liverpool, UK

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