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Welcome to iDSS Partner Interface Training XtraNet Lead Pickup Role

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to iDSS Partner Interface Training XtraNet Lead Pickup Role"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to iDSS Partner Interface Training XtraNet Lead Pickup Role
Click on the X button to EXIT or Home button to return to the beginning. Click on the arrow keys at the bottom of the screen to navigate through this program.

2 iDSS XtraNet Lead Pickup Role
The XtraNet Lead Pickup Role allows you to receive messages from the organization that sends you leads requesting you to enter Contracted and Pickup numbers for a Definite event that has been completed. You can have this role in addition to the role of either “XtraNet-Lead Admin” or “XtraNet-Lead User”. You will see a Pickup Request grid at the bottom of your Home Page. LOGINS & PASSWORDS WILL BE SENT AT THE END OF EACH DAY/START OF NEXT DAY TO EACH ATTENDEE

3 X Website Address available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any global location with internet access! Each person working leads at your location must have a unique user name and password. If you do not have a user name and password assigned to you, contact your CVB/DMO. iDSS can not issue user names and passwords.

4 X Password Help: If you forget your password, click the Forgot your Password? Link. Enter your user name and click Retrieve. The screen will refresh and inform you that the password was sent to your address. If you forgot both your password and user name, you will need to contact your CVB/DMO.

5 X Home Page Everything you do in the iDSS system and everything your DMO does with a lead is recorded on your Home Page the day it happens. Each lead that needs Pickup entered will be at the bottom of the screen.

6 X Once you are logged in, you are brought to your own Home Page or what is called the Lead Messages Queue. This is the first screen that you see after logging in. This is where you will see update notes that indicate any changes in status, or updates on leads that have already been assigned to you. A note is issued by the DMO when the status of the event changes or a note is added to the lead.

7 X Your first step after logging in should be to read all items in your Lead Messages Queue, then go to the Leads Menu and click on My Leads and work on any new leads that have arrived, or ones that have not been responded to. The notes stay on the Activity Queue until you check the Close Note box. You can see all Read notes by unchecking the Unread Only box and clicking the Refresh button. Note: There is no way to delete notes in your Event Activity Queue.

8 Enter Contracted & Pickup Numbers
X Enter Contracted & Pickup Numbers When an event has gone Definite, and is in the past, the DMO can request that you fill in any Contracted or Picked Up rooms for any particular event. Contracted is for the hotel to enter as the client sometimes asks for one room amount, then the final contract has a different amount, so this is where the difference in rooms is documented. You will receive a note on your Home Page, and a Respond Link in the Pickup Information Needed section of your Home Page. Click on the Enter Pickup button.

9 Lead Details Screen X Now you are within the lead.
There will be a Respond link for the lead. Click on Respond To Lead to enter the Room Block Commitment page.

10 Room Block Commitment Screen
X Room Block Commitment Screen The numbers originally submitted will be grayed out. The Contracted and Pickup columns will be live and highlighted in YELLOW. Enter the Contracted and/or Pickup numbers for this event, then click the Save Contracted button to save the contracted numbers. Click the Save Pickup button when finished entering in the pickup numbers. The system will send a Note to the DMO/CVB informing them that you have completed this task. This lead will then fall off the Pickup section of your Home Page.

11 X Logging Out You can go to the iDSS > Log Out tab to logout of the system, or you can simply close your internet browser. You do not hurt anything by NOT logging out first. Once you are logged in, the system never times you out so you stay logged in as long as the internet browser is open.

12 X HELP MENU If you click on the Help menu, you will find the most recent training documents for you to access in PDF and PPT format. Go to the folder called Partner Interface Help for the latest manuals and presentations. THANK YOU! If you have questions, contact Support by

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