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SOAR Observatory Strategic Planning Initial Concept Presentation

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1 SOAR Observatory Strategic Planning Initial Concept Presentation
March 15th, 2017

2 Agenda Proposed Methodology
1 Proposed Methodology 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 Sample Strategy Statements 4 Next Steps DRAFT

3 Agenda Proposed Methodology
1 Proposed Methodology 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 Sample Strategy Statements 4 Next Steps DRAFT

4 Proposed SOAR Strategic Planning to conclude by August 1, 2017
Phase 1 – Assessment Background Facts Workshop Benchmarks Input from current and potential partners  Summary SWOT Mar 15 - June 15 Phase 2 – Vision Draft Strategy Statements (vet amongst key constituents): Mission / Values Priorities Key Metrics June Aug 1 Phase 3 – Implementation Implementation Plan: Objectives Initiatives Supporting metrics Budget/Resources Aug 1 – October 15 DRAFT

5 Goals and methodology Strategic Planning Overall
1. Internal: Guide decision making of scientists and support teams to be consistent with the strategic direction of the organization 2. External: Inform key constituents of our plan to ensure buy in and support SOAR Strategic Planning Process 1. Strategic plan for the next 5 years (mission, values, vision, priorities, objectives, initiatives, and budgets) 2. Strategic thinking training to SOAR members and leaders 3. Strategic input from key constituents Task Force Meetings 1. Understand approach 2. Review inputs from workshop, Elmegreen report, other sources 3. Generate insights and ideas– ongoing at the end of each section SOAR Board Meetings 1. Feedback on ideas 2. Agreement as to next steps 3. Buy in and Support DRAFT

6 Agenda Proposed Methodology
1 Proposed Methodology 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 Sample Strategy Statements 4 Next Steps DRAFT

7 SWOT analysis – SOAR ( Sample Draft)
Strengths 4m Telescope at a desirable site Good native IQ, operating at diffraction limit with SAM Flexible operating model with excellent astronomer training opportunities Strong user base from broad sector of US/Brazilian community Weaknesses Low science staff count compared to other facilities Documentation and pipelines for observers lacking Low science visibility Opportunities LSST and other surveys can provide brokered event stream for high impact science Planetary science (NASA) needs southern hemisphere partners to hunt for HZ planets Interest from strong instrumentation partners, including Gemini Threats Loss of Staff to LSST No operating agreement beyond 2020 Funding stream not secure DRAFT

8 Agenda Proposed Methodology
1 Proposed Methodology 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 Sample Strategy Statements 4 Next Steps DRAFT

9 Strategy statements Priorities Objectives Initiatives Actions
Mission Statement Statement which specifies an organization’s purpose or “reason for being” and the primary objective toward which the organization’s programs & plans should be aimed. Statement specifying the key constituents and how the organization will serve them. It must be clear and understood. Mission Vision Values Vision Statement Statement describing what the organization strives to be at some future time. It should be specific and motivating. Priorities Objectives Initiatives Actions Values It is what we believe in, our guiding principles, and how we interact. DRAFT

10 Our starting point is the mission statement
Statement which specifies a firm’s purpose or “reason for being” and the primary objective toward which the firm’s programs & plans should be aimed. It must be clear and understood. We have fun. We cure cancer. DRAFT

11 SOAR – Previous Mission

12 We draft a vision to drive us forward
Vision Statement Statement describing what the organization strives to be at some future time. It should be specific and motivating. To be #1 or #2 in market share in each sector we serve. Before this decade is out, this nation should land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. DRAFT

13 UNC College of Arts & Sciences – Draft Values
Student Focus Scholarly Excellence Generous Service Student Focus Make decisions with the good of the students in mind We aspire to lead the world in research, scholarship, and creative endeavors Scholarly Excellence Scholarly Excellence Generous Service Sharing of our time and talents for the service of others DRAFT

14 UNC College of Arts & Sciences – Draft Priorities (and Objectives)
Modern Curriculum 1 Update the General Education Explore new ways of measuring learning Improve the quality of instruction Increase interdisciplinary course offerings Increase private and public resources _____________________________ Innovative and Efficient Learning Environments 2 Develop more flexible and applied learning spaces Increase global learning opportunities Increase experiential learning opportunities Increase private and public resources and partnerships Leverage technology in instruction and research ______________________________ Expanded High Impact Research 3 Broaden applied research portfolio Increase commercialization of research Harness interdisciplinary talent for addressing global issues Increase public and private resources Build adaptive research facilities ______________________________ DRAFT

15 Agenda Proposed Methodology
1 Proposed Methodology 2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 Sample Strategy Statements 4 Next Steps DRAFT

16 Next Steps Form Task Force with full community representation
Task Force develops background and holds teleconference discussions with Board to get through strategy statement stage (August 2017) Board meets in August to launch implementation planning phase DRAFT

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