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Welcome to... Stefan Condello Maddison Davis Dina Kambardis

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2 Welcome to... Stefan Condello Maddison Davis Dina Kambardis
Wendy Eberhard

3 Writing Writer’s Notebook Genre List Writing
Peer-Triad and editing checklist Teacher Conferencing

4 Reading Independent reading - ‘gradual release of independence’
Serial stories Multimodal (video/audio) Silent reading Classroom Library Home Reading Imogen - Macqlit

5 Mathematics Number focus Some other areas of Maths
Place value (including fractions and decimals) Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Money Patterns Some other areas of Maths Measurement Chance and data Mapping Shape Angles

6 Physical Education -We will explore the different swimming events and the techniques involved for the School Swimming Sports on February 15th. -We will also be exploring the skills of Volleyball and Tennis, European handball and applying them to modified game situations. We will also further advance our knowledge of the different rules and strategies of these games. -CNPS Cross Country is also on in March.

7 Performing Arts -This Semester will be devoted to our School Production. Auditions have begun for the main roles and will continue this week. -Each group from 3-6 will be aligned with a scene from the show, with acting, singing and dancing routines to be learnt. - The Production will be held over 2 nights in term 3.

8 STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics

9 Italian

10 Inquiry Term 1 - What is Australian identity (History)
Term 2 - Australia and neighbouring countries (Geography) Term 3 - (Civics and citizenship) Term 4 - (Economics)

11 Wellbeing Kids Matter School wide positive behaviour Planned each week
Building independence and resilience

12 Science SCIENCE INQUIRY SKILLS Questioning and Predicting
Planning and Conducting Processing and Analysing Data and Information Evaluating Communicating

13 Camps & Excursions Camp: Golden Valleys Lodge, Flinders
Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th June 2017 Excursions: Swimming today!! Athletics carnival Each term we will have an excursion or incursion to support our inquiry.

14 Home Learning & Support
Home learning via Edmodo Other expectations Reading every night (fluency) Weekly spelling words Mathletics (set to your child’s level) Multiplication tables

15 Communication Compass Diaries Edmodo 19th March - Fete
21st March - Parent Teacher Interviews

16 Assessment Literacy Numeracy Reports NAPLAN - Term 2 week 3-4

17 Thank you! Fete!!! 19th March

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