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Published byChristina Dickerson Modified over 6 years ago
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Classroom Management Kathy Lockard This PPT can be downloaded in the Doc’ Share
Major portions of the following material were developed by George Sugai, Rob Horner, Teri Lewis-Palmer, and Geoff Colvin.
Objectives Identify the classroom behavior support practices that blend with school-wide systems Review critical features & essential practices of behavior management in classroom settings Identify actions for a school-wide team to improve the quality of classroom management practices
Activity: Effective Classroom Managers
3 minutes (pick recorder & spokesperson) What do effective classroom managers do daily? Report 2-3 “big ideas” from your team discussion.
Why formalize classroom management?
Lack of financial support Overcrowded schools
Rose, L. C., & Gallup. A. M. (2005). 37th annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of the public’s attitudes toward the public schools. Kappan, September, TOP FOUR 2005 Lack of financial support Overcrowded schools Lack of discipline & control Drug use
Achievement & Behavior
“Pupil achievements & behavior can be influenced (for the better or worse) by overall characteristics of school….this means focus on features promoting good functioning at classroom, departmental or whole school level.” “Improving overall level may be expected to have benefits at the extremes so long as favorable school features do actually impinge on children with special needs.” Rutter & Maughan, 2002, pp
“Teaching” by Getting Tough
If Runyon doesn’t respond, we get TOUGHER Runyon: “I hate this f____ing school, & you’re a dumbf_____.” Teacher: “That is disrespectful language. I’m sending you to the office so you’ll learn never to say those words again….starting now!” If Runyon STILL doesn’t improve, we get REAL TOUGH & enforce BOTTOM LINE!
When behavior doesn’t improve, we “Get Tougher!”
Zero tolerance policies Increased surveillance Increased suspension & expulsion In-service training by expert Alternative programming …..Predictable systems response!
But….false sense of safety/security!
Fosters environments of control Triggers & reinforces antisocial behavior Shifts accountability away from school Devalues child-adult relationship Weakens relationship between academic & social behavior programming
Five Guiding Principles of Classroom Management
Guiding Principle # 1 Remember that good teaching is one of our best behavior management tools Active engagement Positive reinforcement
Guiding Principle # 2 Apply the three tiered prevention logic to the classroom setting Primary for all Secondary for some Tertiary for a few
Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE
Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students
Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 1-5% 1-5% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive 80-90% Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 80-90%
Organizational Features
Common Vision ORGANIZATION MEMBERS Common Experience Common Language
Guiding Principle # 3 Link classroom to school-wide
School-wide expectations Classroom v. office managed rule violations
School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems Classroom
Setting Systems Nonclassroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems
Guiding Principle # 4 Teach social skills like academic skills
Tell/model/explain Guided practice Monitor & assess Give positive feedback Adjust & enhance
DEFINE Simply MODEL PRACTICE In Setting ADJUST for Efficiency MONITOR & ACKNOWLEDGE Continuously
Guiding Principle #5 Build systems to support sustained use of effective practices SW leadership team Regular data review Regular individual & school action planning
Essential Behavior & Classroom Management Practices
See handouts: Classroom Management Self-Checklist (7r) & Effective Classroom Management Practices Refer also to handout “Utilize the ‘Model, Roleplay, Reinforce’ Approach When Teaching.”
1. Minimize crowding & distraction
Design environment to elicit appropriate behavior: Arrange furniture to allow easy traffic flow. Ensure adequate supervision of all areas. Designate staff & student areas. Seating arrangements (classrooms, cafeteria, etc.)
Reflection: Room Design
Does your classroom provide a stimulating, distraction free environment for learning? What can you do to minimize crowding and distraction? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Maximize structure & predictability
Teacher routines: volunteers, communications, movement, planning, grading, etc. Student routines: personal needs, transitions, working in groups, independent work, instruction, getting, materials, homework, etc. Refer to handouts “Common Routines” and “Steps to Initially Teach Expectations/Procedures/Routines.”
Sample Routine - Elementary
Exiting the classroom to another activity such as P.E. or Art Put materials away, clear desk and push chairs in On signal move quietly to doorway Line up facing the door and keep one space between each person Keep hands and feet to self Listen to the teacher and wait for signal to depart
Sample Routine - Secondary
B. Conducting Quizzes and Tests Put all materials in your desk not needed for quiz Listen carefully to directions (no talking) Raise your hand if you have a question Stay in your seat Complete the quiz without talking Follow directions for completing test (pass papers forward or give them to person collecting) Begin the designated activity following the quiz
Sample Routine - Specialist
C. Beginning Physical Education Class Students line up at the gym door On signal they enter the gym Students move directly to line on gym floor (basketball court line) Maintain a space, more than one arm’s length Face the teacher On signal begin to jog in place
Teach The Routines Elementary Teachers use the same five steps used to teach classroom expectations (explain, specify behaviors, practice, monitor and review) Secondary Teachers use the same three steps for teaching classroom expectations (remind, supervise and provide feedback) Specialist Teachers (use the same three steps-remind, supervise and provide feedback).
Maintaining Classroom Routines
Use maintenance procedures following initial teaching Maintenance procedures consist of providing a. Reminders b. Supervision c. Feedback Return to initial teaching if frequent reminders occur.
Reflection: Classroom Routines
What routines do I have? How are they established? Which routines do I need to include/firm up? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. State, teach, review & reinforce positively stated expectations
Establish behavioral expectations/rules. Teach rules in context of routines. Prompt or remind students of rule prior to entering natural context. Monitor students behavior in natural context & provide specific feedback. Evaluate effect of instruction - review data, make decisions, & follow up.
(Close to Home c Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate. All rights reserved.)
Teaching Expectations ELEMENTARY STUDENTS
Key research finding: “Children below 4th grade require a great deal of instruction and practice in classroom rules and procedures…. Effective management in the early grades, is more instructional than a disciplinary enterprise.” (Cotton, 1990, p.8) Cite other recent research to support Cotton
Teaching Procedures Use Five Steps for Teaching Expectations Explain
Specify student behaviors Practice Monitor Review (Colvin & Lazar, 1997) Carefully explain each of the steps
Maintenance Plan Provide Reminders Supervision Feedback
Once initial teaching has been conducted use these three steps for maintenance Provide Reminders Supervision Feedback
Teaching Expectations Secondary Students
Key Research Findings: “With older students, researchers have noted that the best results are obtained through vigilantly reminding students about the rules and procedures and monitoring their compliance with them” (Cotton, 1990, p.8). In addition, Colvin, Kameenui & Sugai (1995) found an additional component of providing feedback also assisted in teaching classroom expectations.
Use three steps for teaching expectations to secondary students
Provide systematic: Reminders Supervision Feedback Note: These same three steps are used to maintain classroom expectations for elementary students following initial teaching. •Specialist Teachers (such as Art, Music, Shop, P.E., Lab) would also use these procedures since they have less contact with the students).
Reflection: Classroom Expectations
Are my classroom expectations consistent with the school-wide expectations? How can I teach my expectations directly? _____________________________________
4. Provide more acknowledgements for appropriate than inappropriate behavior
Maintain at least 4 to 1 Interact positively once every 5 minutes Follow correction for rule violation with positive reinforcer for rule following
Managing Consequences
Key Points Consequences follow behavior Consequences may be positive or negative Positive consequences are delivered to: Provide immediate feedback that behavior is acceptable or desired Increase likelihood behavior will BE repeated, i.e., reinforced. Negative consequences are delivered to: Provide immediate feedback that behavior is unacceptable Increase likelihood behavior will NOT BE repeated, i.e. punished.
5. Maximize varied opportunities to respond
Vary individual v. group responding Vary response type Oral, written, gestural Increase participatory instruction Questioning, materials
6. Maximize Active Engagement
Vary format Written, choral, gestures Specify observable engagements Link engagement with outcome objectives
7. Actively & Continuously Supervise
Move Scan Interact Remind/precorrect Positively acknowledge
8. Respond to Inappropriate Behavior Quickly, Positively, & Directly
Respond efficiently Attend to students who are displaying appropriate behavior Follow school procedures for major problem behaviors objectively & anticipate next occurrence
Problem Behavior Selected
1. Off-task behavior 2. Rule violations 3. Disrespectful behavior 4. Agitation 5. Limit testing 6. Threats and intimidation
Off Task Behavior Management Steps
Attend to students on task and delay responding to student off task Redirect student to task at hand and do not respond directly to off task behavior Present choice between on task direction and negative consequence Follow through on student choice
Rule Violation Management Steps
State the rule or expectation Explicitly request the student to “take care of the problem” Present options if needed Follow through
Disrespectful Behavior Management Steps
Studiously avoid reacting personally (such as shouting, challenging, becoming agitated) Maintain calmness, respect and detachment (Teacher modeling role) Pause and focus Focus on the student behavior (“That language…”) Deliver consequence as appropriate
Agitation Management Steps
Three Steps Re-direct the student to task at hand Recognize signs of agitation Use strategies to reduce agitation
Recognizing Signs of Agitation
Increases in Behavior Decreases in Behavior Darting eyes Non-conversational language Busy hands Moves in and out of groups Starts and stopping Moves around room Fidgety Stares into space Subdues language Contains hands Lacks interaction Lacks involvement Withdraws from groups Lacks responding Avoids eye contact
Strategies for Reducing Agitation
Teacher support and empathy Create space or isolation Provide choices Permit preferred activities (with clear boundaries) Use teacher proximity Provide independent tasks or activities Permit movement (use movement tasks) Use relaxation techniques Use passive activities Involve the student as appropriate
Limit Testing Management Steps
1. Pre-Teach the procedures 2. Deliver the following information in a calm matter-of-fact manner a. Present expected behavior and negative consequence as a decision b. Allow few seconds for decision c. Withdraw and attend to other students 3. Follow through based on student decision
Threats and Intimidation Management Steps
Take all threats seriously Student makes threat: 1. Pause, delay responding 2. Disengage, “Just a second.” 3. Depending on student’s state either a. Send for help (use school emergency procedures) b. Make office referral 4. Monitor till help arrives
Reflection: Responding to Inappropriate Behavior
Identify strategies that you might adopt to defuse situations. _____________________________________
9. Establish Multiple Strategies for Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior
Social, tangible, activity, etc. Frequent v. infrequent Predictably v. unpredictably Immediate v. delayed
10. Generally Provide Specific Feedback for Errors & Corrects
Provide contingently Always indicate correct behaviors Link to context
How did I do? 8-10 “yes” = Super 5-7 “yes” = So So
<5 “yes” = Improvement needed
SW-PBS Logic! (Zins & Ponti, 1990)
Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable (Zins & Ponti, 1990)
achievement, need both good instruction & behavior management.
MESSAGE: To maximize, achievement, need both good instruction & behavior management.
Non-example Action Plan Strategies
Purchase & distribute classroom management curriculum/book Discuss at faculty meeting Bring in CM expert for next month’s ½ day in-service Observe in effective classroom Observe & give feedback What is likelihood of change in teacher practice?
Action Plan Considerations
+ Build on SW System + Use school-wide leadership team + Use data/research to justify + Adopt evidence based practice + Make local accommodations/adaptations + Teach/practice to fluency/automaticity + Ensure accurate implementation 1st time + Regular review & active practice + Monitor implementation continuously + Acknowledge improvements
Attention 1 Minute Please Classroom Management Spokesperson 11 minutes
Review “Classroom Management Self-Assessment” & discuss possible application strategies Report 1-2 “big ideas” from your team discussion (1 min. reports) 1 Minute Spokesperson Attention Please
Main Ideas Classroom behavior support practices should be blended with school-wide systems. There should be a melding of classroom practices that promote academic gains with classroom practices that promote behavioral gains. You should create a setting that is: Predictable Consistent Positive Promotes student independent behavior (reduce prompts)
References Colvin, G., & Lazar, M. (1997). The effective elementary classroom: Managing for success. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Colvin, G., Sugai, G., & Patching, W. (1993). Pre-correction: An instructional strategy for managing predictable behavior problems. Intervention in School and Clinic, 28, Darch, C. B., & Kameenui, E. J. (2003). Instructional classroom management: A proactive approach to behavior management. (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman. Jones, V. F. & Jones, L. S. (2001). Comprehensive classroom management: Creating communities of support and solving problems (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Kameenui, E. J., & Carnine, D. W. (2002). Effective teaching strategies that accommodate diverse learners (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Latham, G. I. (1997). Behind the schoolhouse door: Eight skills every teacher should have. Utah State University. Latham, G. (1992). Interacting with at-risk children: The positive position. Principal, 72(1), Martella, R. C., Nelson, J. R., & Marchand-Martella, N. E. (2003). Managing disruptive behaviors in the schools: A schoolwide, classroom, and individualized social learning approach. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Paine, S. C., Radicchi, J., Rosellini, L. C., Deutchman, L., & Darch, C. B. (1983). Structuring your classroom for academic success. Champaign, IL: Research Press.
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