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NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability

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Presentation on theme: "NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability"— Presentation transcript:

1 NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability
5th meeting 6-7 March 2008, Oslo Norway Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica

2 Honorable SIHLWA Delegates are arriving …

3 EG on ”SIHLWA” (~50 members)
(Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) 3 sub-groups: Alcohol (ADO) Adolescents and Socially- Rewarding Lifestyles (ALC) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

4 Average life-expectancy is mainly a reflection of unhealthy lifestyles.
In Europe the estimated number of deaths (2005) from non-communicable diseases was 8.2 million people (all deaths were 9.6 million). NCDs make 77% of all deaths (source WHO-EURO 2006).

5 About 120 dead in alcohol poisoning every day in Russia
Liver chirrosis mortality in Finland rose from 500 to 2000 = x 4! from in 2006

6 YOU NEED BOTH! You the politicians have created the problem!
You have the power to decide on the price of alcohol and tobacco. Why is healthy food so expensive? You people! You should behave yourselves. Drink less, don’t smoke, don’t eat fatty stuff It is always easier To blame the other! Health centers will give you broshyres. My party will give 100 € for that! YOU NEED BOTH!

7 NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results
SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability 2007 highlights & 2008 plans

8 EG on ”SIHLWA” Highlights 2007
(Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) EG Meetings: 4th SIHLWA meeting May in Helsinki Projects in implementation: OSH sub-group with ILO, Russian Federation and Finland: Occupational safety and health project in N-W Russian Federation (Leningrad Oblast & Republic of Karelia). 1st phase 2005 – 2007 and 2nd phase in 2007 – 2008. ADO sub-group: Russian Federation (St. Petersburg), NCM, & Finland: Alcohol and drug prevention among youth ; ALC sub-group: none in 2007

9 EG on ”SIHLWA” Highlights 2007
(Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Thematic meetings: 1. CBSS International Conference ”Reducing Alcohol Problems in the Baltic Sea Region”: Effective Approaches to Tackle Alcohol Related Problems in Local Communities”, Riga, Latvia, 12 – 13 March 2007. 2. European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Annual Conference October SIHLWA together with HIV/AIDS EG and NDPHS/Secretariat/Data-base project organized a seminar on NDPHS action. 3. Pre-PAC Forum 15 Nov Vilnius: “Healthy Life – Healthy Work: Partnership for health & safety”. 4. NCM International Conference on “Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, Work Ability & Social Inclusion” St Petersburg December Outcome: “Call for Action Statement”.

10 Conference on Healthy Lifestyles in St. Petersburg 11-12 Dec. 2007
Co-sponsoring a high level Conference Nordic Council of Ministers (Finland’s Chairmanship) on non-communicable disease prevention through healthy lifestyles promotion. “From shadow to light”

11 Подумают … Подумают …

12 Уже хватит!

13 SIHLWA Action Plan 2008 OSH ALC PAC CSR ADO OOPS! NDPHS Secretariat
Noncommunicable diseases & injuries & social exclusion OOPS!

14 EG on ”SIHLWA” Secretariat 2008
(Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Activities SIHLWA 5th meeting in Oslo 6-7 March 2008 and 6th meeting in the autumn (Where?) To prepare a SIHLWA stakeholder analysis. Funding decision was received YESTERDAY (5 March) through the NDPHS project-pipeline! To prepare a Potential Years of Life Lost (“PYLL”) assessment. In preparation. Link with BSSSC collaboration?? 2008 “Wild Card”: Reviewing possibilities to implement “Life at Stake” (“На кону - жизнь”) popular TV-show on a Russian TV-channel in 2008.

15 Adolescent Health – Subgroup 2008
EG on SIHLWA Adolescent Health – Subgroup 2008 Subgroup on Adolescents Health and Socially Rewarding Lifestyles Activities Implementing NCM funded project “Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth in St. Petersburg” 2007 – 2009 (NCM & Finland). Additional funding for was received from Finland (81.000€) Northern Dimension Youth Health Profile (part of NDPHS data-base project). Funding is open. New idea: FRIENDS-programme on social inclusion. Useful for us or not?

16 What coordinating chair would like to see to happen more: “I have a dream!”
To have (finally!) International Technical Adviser “ITA” to assist SIHLWA coordination. “Satellite projects” what you already are doing. SIHLWA thematic reports for the data-base (following OSH example: Молодци!). Meeting reporting: have you realized how much useful material is made easily available? Power-Point presentations! To strengthen WHO-EURO’s involvement in SIHLWA. To make SIHLWA’s work more relevant to your work at home: give and take, action and contacts in between meetings. Make NDPHS database & project pipeline into a practical and useful tool.

17 ILL-


19 TACK att vi fick komma till Oslo! СПАСИБО за то, что вы приехали!
THANK YOU that you came! СПАСИБО за то, что вы приехали!

20 Start thinking Start thinking

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