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Emotional Strength Training

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1 Emotional Strength Training
Lesson 1 Adapted from “Strong Kids” Curriculum for Grades 6-8

2 Learning Target I can understand basic emotions and apply them to real-life situations.

3 What are emotions? Emotions are feelings inside that are meant to tell you something about your situation. They give you motivation and energy to do something about it. Emotions can be comfortable or uncomfortable. Comfortable emotions make you feel good. Uncomfortable emotions may make you feel upset or angry.

4 Discussion What are some examples of comfortable and uncomfortable emotions? What are some situations that make you feel happy? What are some situations that make you feel upset or angry?

5 More on Emotions Sometimes it’s difficult to label an emotion as comfortable or uncomfortable. Think about the following emotions: Surprised Excited Hyper Confused Bored

6 Individual Work Complete the side of the worksheet titled “Feelings Identification.” If you are unsure of the meaning of any of the feelings, raise your hand. Think of some times when you have felt these emotions.

7 Partner or Group Work Complete the side of the worksheet titled “How Do You Feel?” with a partner or group. Choose one of the scenarios and create a skit to represent the emotion. Make sure it is appropriate for school. Be prepared to present your skit to the class and explain the emotion you chose. Was it a comfortable or uncomfortable emotion?

8 Closure On a half-sheet of paper answer the following question.
How do you identify comfortable and uncomfortable emotions in your life? Possible sentence starters… I know I’m comfortable when… I know I’m uncomfortable when…

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