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Long’s Conflict Cycle: At the intersection of basic needs (Maslow) and Effective Schools Research Tier III PBIS professional development for Special Educators,

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1 Long’s Conflict Cycle: At the intersection of basic needs (Maslow) and Effective Schools Research
Tier III PBIS professional development for Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers Dr. Chris James Anderson Southwest Minnesota State University School of Education

2 Introductions Are you or have you been a Special Educator, Paraprofessional, and Related Service Provider? Did you feel as though you were effectively trained BEFORE needing to handle chronic, intense problematic student behaviors? Teachers: Do (did) you work with paraprofessionals and related service providers? In your opinion, was there a need for further professional development for paraprofessionals or related service providers to handle chronic intense problematic student behaviors?

3 What is a Paraprofessional?
Paraprofessionals are appropriately trained personnel who may be used to assist in the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities (IDEA, 2004). IDEA 2004 does not specifically define what paraprofessionals do.

4 Paraprofessional Prerequisites
NCLB (2001) outlined requirements that instructional paraprofessionals must meet. Instructional paraprofessionals must possess specific skills and knowledge in reading, writing, mathematics and instruction to be considered qualified to assist in instruction. Minimum Prerequisites (NCLB) Complete at least two years of college Study at an institution of higher education Meet a rigorous standard of quality. That can be demonstrated through a formal state or local academic assessment

5 Professional Development:
The Conflict Cycle and Escalating Student Behavior

6 Session Outcomes To learn the concepts of the conflict cycle (Long, 1996) Refect upon how to apply these concepts to all students including those with chronic and intense problematic behaviors

7 CONFLICT CYCLE (Nicholas J. Long, 1998)

8 The Sequence of the Conflict Cycle
Self-Concept as a Setting Event A Stressful Event Occurs The Event Activates Irrational Beliefs Negative Thoughts Trigger Feelings Negative Feelings Drive Inappropriate Behavior Behavior Incite Staff Staff Pick Up Student’s Negative Feelings and Frequently Mirror Student Behavior Staff Behavior Increases Student Stress and Escalates Cycle Student’s Self-Fulfilling Prophesy is Reinforced

9 Student's Self-Concept as a Setting Event
Self-concept develops from feedback Received from significant adults and peers in life regarding the kind of person he is Learns a specific way of thinking Makes certain self-assumptions Develops certain self-beliefs These can be positive or negative “I can’t do anything right” vs. “I’m good at things” “I have to be in control of everything to survive” vs. “I can let things happen” “I’m unlucky” vs. “I’m lucky” A child’s self-concept develops from the on-going feedback he gets from significant adults and peers in life regarding the kind of person he is Over time, the child learns a specific way of thinking about him or herself He begins to make certain assumptions and develop certain beliefs about himself These can be positive or negative “I can’t do anything right” vs. “I’m good at things” “I have to be in control of everything to survive” vs. “I can let things happen” “I’m unlucky” vs. “I’m lucky”

10 Student's Self-Concept
Develops a personal set of beliefs about people What they are going to or how they will react toward him “Teachers care about me” vs. “Teachers don’t care.” “Teachers want to help me” vs. “Teachers want to punish me.” Beliefs of self and others merge By elementary age become a major motivational force in the child’s life Results in a characteristic way of perceiving, feeling, thinking, and behaving in all current and future situations Can form foundation of his self-concept or character Become a setting event for dealing with situations The child also develops a personal set of beliefs about the people in his world and what they are going to do to him. For example, “Teachers care about me” vs. “Teachers don’t care.” or “Teachers want to help me” vs. “Teachers want to punish me.” By elementary age these beliefs about self and others merge and become a major motivational force in the child’s life. They result in a characteristic way of perceiving, feeling, thinking, and behaving in all current and future situations. It can become the foundation of his self-concept or character. They become a setting event for dealing with situations.

11 Irrational Beliefs and Problem Behavior
Theory based on cognitive behavior principles Problems result from faulty thinking about events rather than the events themselves. At the core of faulty thinking are Rigid and absolute beliefs musts, have to, and oughts Their derivatives awful thoughts Beliefs are considered “irrational” Anti-empirical, illogical, and self-defeating The theory is based on cognitive behavior principles. Problems result from faulty thinking about events rather than the events themselves. At the core of faulty thinking are rigid and absolute beliefs (e.g., musts, have to, and oughts) and their derivatives (e.g., awful beliefs). The beliefs are considered “irrational” because they are anti-empirical, illogical, and self-defeating.

12 Examples of Irrational Beliefs and Problem Behavior
Irrational Beliefs or Cognitive Distortions “I must be good at everything” “Everybody ought to like me.” Not getting 100 on that math test is the worse thing in the world.” If they become a characteristic way of perceiving the world leads to mental health problems behavior disorders Examples of irrational beliefs or cognitive distortions include: “I must be good at everything.” “Everybody ought to like me.” Not getting 100 on that math test is the worse thing in the world.” If theses beliefs become a characteristic way of perceiving the world, they can lead to mental health problems and behavior disorders.

13 Irrational Beliefs and Troubled Children
Abused, neglected and rejected children Seek to explain why it has occurred Children who have experienced failure in school Seek to explain why that has occurred These searches don’t take place in reality but rather in their belief system Distinction between rational vs. irrational beliefs is vague because troubled children have been abused, rejected, neglected at some point in their past because low achieving children have failed to achieve in school at some point in their past Children who have been abused, neglected and rejected have to explain to themselves why this has occurred. Children who have experienced failure in school also have to explain why that has occurred. The search doesn’t take place in reality but rather in their belief system. The distinction between rational and irrational beliefs is vague for these children. It’s vague because of the abuse, rejection, and neglect suffered at some point in their past has blurred reality, preventing them from seeing things through “normal” lenses. It’s vague because low achieving children have failed to achieve in school at some point in their past

14 How are irrational beliefs formed?
One answer is overgeneralization. My parents have rejected me: FACT I can’t count on them to take care of me: FACT Therefore I can’t count on adults in the future to either accept me or take care of me: IRRATIONAL How are irrational beliefs formed? One answer is overgeneralization. For instance, troubled children consider the following: My parents have rejected me: FACT! I can’t count on them to take care of me: FACT! Therefore I can’t count on adults in the future to either accept me or take care of me: IRRATIONAL BELIEF but this belief needs to be disproved before healing can occur.

15 Why do troubled children maintain their irrational beliefs?
Critical to the lives of children relying on them Pathology is a form of adjustment brings order and stability Makes life manageable and predictable they know in advance what is going to happen Self-fulfilling prophecy Protects from feelings of helplessness Why do troubled children maintain their irrational beliefs? Irrational beliefs (IB) are critical to the lives of these children because it forms some type of grounding. Pathology is a form of adjustment. These IB bring order and stability to what has been a chaotic life. IB make life manageable and predictable for these children because they are able to know in advance what is going to happen to them (self-fulfilling prophecy is an unknown to them). IB protect children from the dreaded feeling of helplessness.

16 How do troubled children maintain their irrational beliefs?
Project their IB on others engaging in chronic and absurd power struggles validate the student’s IB Results in a self-fulfilling prophecy Some teachers didn’t care me therefore no teacher will ever care now your behavior proves that you don’t care How do troubled children maintain their irrational beliefs? Troubled children project their IB on others by engaging them in chronic and absurd power struggles, seeking to validate the student’s IB. The process results in a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, the student relying on IB believe: some teachers didn’t care about me therefore no teacher will ever care about me. Now your behavior proves that you don’t care about me!

17 2. A Stressful Event Occurs
Stress defined: an incident threatening a student’s well being state of comfort and/or triggers a student’s irrational beliefs 10% of life brings actual stressful situations 90% is variable by the way stress is handled or perceived Stress is not usually from an event but rather what we think about the event Stress is defined as an incident which threatens a student’s well being or state of comfort and/or triggers a student’s irrational beliefs. 10% of life consists of actual stressful situations. The other 90% is determined by the way you think about the stressful situation. Therefore, it’s not the event that causes the stress but rather what we think about the event that matters.

18 Four Types of Stress Developmental: Results from life cycle issues
separation, learning, achievement, belonging, independence, physical development, etc. Psychological: Results from conscious or inadvertent depreciation, ridicule, or being made fun of, etc. Reality: Results from things that shouldn’t but do go wrong Physical: Results from deprivation of basic biological and physical issues nutrition, sleep deprivation, over-stimulation, physical injuries, etc. There are four types of stress: Developmental: The stress that results from life cycle issues we all face; separation, learning, achievement, belonging, independence, physical development, etc. Psychological: The stress that results when someone is consciously or inadvertently depreciated or ridiculed or made fun of, etc… Reality: The stress that results from things that shouldn’t go wrong, but do go wrong each day that make life difficult. Physical: The stress that results from deprivation of basic biological and physical issues like nutrition, sleep deprivation, overstimulated, physical injuries, etc.

19 3. The Event Activates Irrational Beliefs
Stressor activates irrational belief system Example: Student is asked to make a correction IB that teachers always pick on me is activated Stage 3: The Event Activates the student’s Irrational Beliefs. One of the stressor’s activate the student’s irrational belief system. Foe example, the student is asked to make a corrections on a paper. The IB that teachers always pick on me is activated…

20 4. Negative Thoughts Trigger Feelings
“We feel the way we think” Dave Burns Feelings are vital to life but… are not always an accurate assessment anger, shame, frustration get activated by negative thoughts 4. Negative Thoughts Trigger Feelings. In this stage the troubled student is really a prisoner of his or her own mind. Dave Burns notes “We feel the way we think.” Feelings are vital to life but feelings are not always an accurate assessment of the situations. The feelings of anger, shame, frustration get activated

21 Three Ways Feelings are Managed
Act the feelings out A clear relationship between feelings and behavior If you have an itch you scratch it Angry – hit, scratch, yell Depressed – withdraw, detach Scared – run, hide, cry Let’s discuss the Three Ways Feelings are Managed by troubled children (and adults). Act the feelings out A clear relationship between feelings and behavior. It is a healthy reaction when you have an itch you scratch it. Troubled children feel angry – hit, scratch, yell. They feel depressed and withdraw, detach. Get scared – run, hide, cry.

22 Three Ways to Manage Feelings
2. Defend and deny the feeling Can’t acknowledge feelings are legitimate, reasonable and part of life Some feelings make you feel vulnerable and weak Defense Mechanisms may reduce level of anxiety, BUT deny the real problem, use up energy and create a new problem hat had nothing to do with the original problem Defend and deny the feeling. Can’t acknowledge that feelings are legitimate, reasonable and part of life. Some feelings make you feel vulnerable and weak. Defense Mechanisms may reduce level of anxiety, but deny the real problem, use up energy and create a new problem in the environment that had nothing to do with the original problem

23 Three Ways to Manage Feelings
3. Accepting the Feeling Healthy to feel things but not to act on them in certain ways Difference between having feelings and being had by your feelings Latter flood you and control your behavior When behavior is dominated by emotions behavior and actions become irrational Accepting the Feeling. It is healthy to feel things but not to act on them in certain ways. Difference between having feelings and being had by your feelings. When you are had by feelings, they flood you and control your behavior When behavior is dominated by emotions the ensuing behavior and actions are usually not rational.

24 5. Negative Feelings Drive Inappropriate Student Behavior
Behavior Can be Studied Three Ways Automatic Reflex Learned/Socialized Habit Personal Choice Four Categories Difficulty with Staff Difficulty with Peers Difficulty with Learning Difficulty with Rules Stage 5. Negative Feelings Drive Inappropriate Student Behavior. Behavior Can be Studied in three Ways: Automatic Reflex, Learned/Socialized Habit, Personal Choice. And in Four Categories: Difficulty with Staff , Difficulty with Peers, Difficulty with Learning, Difficulty with Rules.

25 Problem Behavior What are we saying? The student responds
to his or her feelings by acting out the behavior in maladaptive ways When we discuss problem behaviors, what do we mean: We are saying the student responds to their feelings by acting out the behavior in maladaptive ways

26 6. Student Behavior Incites Staff and Activates Their Feelings
A Child in Stress creates in others his feelings if staff is not trained and do what comes naturally They will mirror that child’s behavior Independent of their usual personality functions like a producer of a play Casting staff into roles hostile adult, detached adult, etc understands every action has an equal and similar reaction Stage 6: The Student’s Behavior Incites Staff and Activates Their Feelings. A child in stress will attempt to create in others his feelings. If staff is not appropriately trained and do what comes naturally them, they will mirror that child’s behavior, independent of your personality. Troubled children function like a producer of a play –They can cast you into the role of a hostile adult, detached adult, etc…For every action there is an equal and similar reaction.

27 7. Staff Pick Up Student’s Negative Feelings and Frequently Mirror Student Behavior
Produces a Double Struggle Psychological State When in conflict with someone energy goes into controlling your own counter feelings While trying to de-escalate student’s behavior to be more rational and reasonable As staff’s impulses become stronger Focus on whether to give in end up mirroring the student’s behavior or are they going be able to control impulses De-escalate the student’s behavior Stage 7. Staff Pick Up Student’s Negative Feelings and Frequently Mirror Student Behavior. This produces a Double Struggle Psychological State When you are in a conflict with someone a good deal of your energy goes into controlling your own counter feelings. At the same time you are trying to get the student’s behavior to de-escalate to become more rational and reasonable. As your impulses become stronger and stronger the struggle centers on whether you are going to give in to those impulses and end up mirroring the student’s behavior or are we going to be able to control your impulses and use strategies to deescalate the student’s behavior.

28 Reasons Why Adults Become Counter-aggressive (Long, 1995)
As a reaction to being caught in the student’s conflict cycle. As a reaction to the violation of our personal and professional values and beliefs. As a reaction to being in a bad mood. As a reaction to not meeting professional expectations. As a reaction to feelings of rejection and helplessness. As a reaction to prejudging a problem student in a crisis. As a reaction to exposing our unfinished psychological business. Review the slide

29 Programmed to Act Counter-aggressive?
Under conflict most people mirror behavior If the child is angry, we get angry If the adolescent withdraws, we withdraw We become righteous, refusing to back down Results in power struggle logic and understanding no longer plays a part Staff doesn’t usually initiate the conflict they usually fuel it and keep it going then blame the student rather than owning their own part Let’s examine the question, are we Programmed to Act Counter-aggressively? Under conflict most of us function similar to a thermometer. As things get hot, we show it. For example, If the child is angry, we get angry. If the adolescent withdraws, we withdraw. Worse yet, we also become righteous and refuse to back down. Then the power struggle is on and logic and understanding no longer plays a part. Has anyone noticed that staff don’t usually initiate the conflict but they usually fuel it and keep it going. They also want to blame the student and not take ownership of their own part in the escalation.

30 How do you know that you are fueling or escalating the conflict?
The use of “You” statements “You better stop!” “Can’t you do anything right?” “You apologize immediately!” “Don’t you dare use that language!” You better start acting your age!” How do you know that you are fueling or escalating the conflict? The use of “You” statements is usually a surefire signal. For example: “You better stop!” “Can’t you do anything right?” “You apologize immediately!” “You don’t dare use that language.” You better start acting your age.” These all reflect back to the student beliefs that fuel his or her IB.

31 8. Staff Behavior Increases Student Stress and Escalates Cycle
If/when staff are not trained C A B becomes another escalating stressor begins the cycle all over again If/when unmediated subsequent cycles become more intense and potentially dangerous Stage 8. Staff Behavior Increases Student Stress and Escalates Cycle. If or when staff are not trained, then their counter-aggressive behavior becomes another escalating stressor. This begins the cycle all over again. Left unmediated, the subsequent cycles become more and more intense and potentially dangerous.

32 9. Student’s Self-Fulfilling Prophesy is Reinforced
Adults responding in counter-aggressive, hostile, withdrawn or rejecting ways Reinforces and strengthens the student’s self-fulfilling prophesy( SFP) The stage is set for the next interaction For troubled students, the SFP validates the beliefs and programming That adults will to behave in hostile ways Stage 9. Student’s Self-Fulfilling Prophesy is Reinforced. Once the adult/staff responds in a counter-aggressive, hostile, withdrawn or rejecting way the student’s self-fulfilling prophesy( SFP) is reinforced and strengthened. The stage is set for the next interaction. Remember, the SFP is a troubled student’s way of validating their beliefs and programming adults to behave in hostile ways.

33 The Aggressive Student
Self-messages reinforce IB: “If I don’t meet my needs, no one will.” “All adults are hostile and will reject and punish me.” Conditioned response/IB forces him to systematically fulfill SFP Seeks to have staff overreact behave in hostile ways Therefore student doesn’t change What thought processes drive the Aggressive Student? Self-messages such as “If I don’t meet my needs, no one will.” “All adults are hostile and will reject and punish me.” Thus, conditioned to believe adults will reject him, these IB force him to systematically go after your Achilles heal so you will overreact and behave in hostile ways. Therefore, the student doesn’t have to change. They can stay comfortable in the known regardless of how dysfunctional or harmful.

34 The Abused Student Self-messages reinforce IB:
“I deserve to be abandoned and rejected.” “If the adults get to know me they will learn what a terrible person I am then they will reject me.” SFP reinforces closeness means rejection The student withdraws from closeness The untrained adult mirrors withdrawal Therefore student doesn’t have to change What pattern do we see with abused children? The self-messages that reinforce their IB may include “I deserve to be abandoned and rejected.” “If the adults get to know me they will learn what a terrible person I am and they will reject me.” For them allowing emotional or physical closeness means rejection. This the student withdraws from closeness. The untrained adult mirrors by withdrawing therefore, the student’s SFP of rejection is fulfilled and the student doesn’t have to change

35 A Prescription for Success
You’ll always counter feelings, but you can’t act on them or do what is comfortable The challenge is to turn conflict cycle into a coping cycle How do we better ensure success? The following is a Prescription for Success: Recognize you or your staff will always have the counter feelings. However, you or they can’t act on them or do what is instinctively comfortable. Your challenge for success is to turn the conflict cycle into a coping cycle!

36 Four Concepts and Skills
Understand the dynamics of the conflict cycle Acknowledge the existence of your counter-aggressive feelings Own them and say yes to their existence BUT no to counter-productive reactions Act like a thermostat rather than a thermometer Use your feelings to access what the student might be feeling and decode y behavior Avoid the power struggle Eliminate You messages Use I messages to calm or de-escalate Focus on what the student needs not on your feelings The following four concepts and skills provide the tools for success. 1. Understand the dynamics of the conflict cycle 2. Acknowledge the existence of your counter-aggressive feelings. Name your feelings but handle your behavior in effective manners. Any of the three messages can become a mantra when you are faced with situations that can spur counter-aggressive feelings: I can own my feelings and say yes to their existence but no to aggressive behavior I can act like a thermostat rather than a thermometer. I can use my feelings to access what the student might be feeling and decode his behavior. 3. Avoid the power struggle. This means eliminating “You” messages from communication. Instead use “I” messages to calm down the situation. I feel…, when you… because…, and I would like… 4. Focus on what student needs not on my feelings

37 Reflect, share, respond…
Reflect upon this session's professional development: What would be the impact upon the classroom climate if the Special Educator, Paraprofessional, and Related Service Provider contributed to the Conflict Cycle (Long, 1996)? Identify and share an experience whereby a student's irrational belief system was either understood or misunderstood by the Special Educator, Paraprofessional, and Related Service Provider. As a result of the Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Provider’s perception, describe whether this increased or mitigated the student's progression through the Conflict Cycle.

38 Summary Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers work directly with students, especially students with special needs. Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers need to understand Special Education processes and laws Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers must have a working knowledge of instructional, planning, and collaborative strategies Special Educators, Paraprofessionals, and Related Service Providers need specialized training including positive behavior interventions and health procedures

39 References Amos, B. (2008) EXPLORING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PARAPROFESSIONAL AND TEACHER. Paper prepared for The Department of Special Education and the Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas. Ann Arbor, MI. Retrieved from: Bendada, A. (2006) Paraprofessional Competencies and Professional Development Options. Paper prepared for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Madison, WI. Retrieved from: Hipsky, S. (2007). The Paraprofessional Perspective. Online Submission Martin, L. (2009) No Paraprofessional Left Behind (NPLB): The Changing Role of Paraprofessionals in an Inclusion Classroom. Paper prepared for Northcentral University. Ann Arbor, MI. Retrieved from: Paraeducators and IDEA 2004: Recognizing and Defining the Role of Paraeducators. Retrieved from (2007, January) Q and A: Questions and Answers On Highly Qualified Teachers Serving Children with Disabilities. Retrieved from

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