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Ceding Company Considerations Broker Service and CAT Models

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Presentation on theme: "Ceding Company Considerations Broker Service and CAT Models"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ceding Company Considerations Broker Service and CAT Models
* 07/16/96 Ceding Company Considerations Broker Service and CAT Models Wanchin W. Chou, FCAS, MAAA Liberty International 2006 Seminar on Reinsurance New York Hilton June 1-2, 2006 6/1/2006 *

2 Broker Service Quality
* 07/16/96 Accuracy of Presentation CAT Modeling Service Creativity Broker Reinsurance Placement Claims Service Pricing Local Office Backroom Capabilities 6/1/2006 *

3 The Adequacy Of Reinsurance?
* 07/16/96 The Adequacy Of Reinsurance? 6/1/2006 *

4 Reinsurance Needs Geographic: Where is the risk located?
* 07/16/96 Reinsurance Needs Geographic: Where is the risk located? What are the underlying requirements? 6/1/2006 *

5 Reinsurance Needs (Contd.)
* 07/16/96 Reinsurance Needs (Contd.) Catastrophe Loss: Hurricane Earthquake Others 6/1/2006 *

6 Reinsurance Needs (Contd.)
* 07/16/96 Reinsurance Needs (Contd.) Risk Exposure: What type of Product? liability? property? business? Loss control environment 6/1/2006 *

7 Which CAT Models? AIR, EQE, or RMS? In House Models or Brokers?
* 07/16/96 Which CAT Models? AIR, EQE, or RMS? In House Models or Brokers? Model Comparison Accuracy & Prediction 6/1/2006 *

8 Achieving a Balance Different Models = Cost & Accuracy 6/1/2006 *
07/16/96 Achieving a Balance Different Models = Cost & Accuracy 6/1/2006 *

9 Reinsurance Placement
* 07/16/96 Reinsurance Placement Reinsurer Capacity Know-how Best deal? 6/1/2006 *

10 Other Considerations Claims & Service Creativity Local Office
* 07/16/96 Other Considerations Claims & Service Creativity Local Office Backroom Capabilities Brokers’ relationship with regional operation Market Intelligence 6/1/2006 *

11 * 07/16/96 Questions ? 6/1/2006 *

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