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Presentation on theme: "Discovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovery

2 Christopher Columbus - 1492

3 Cortez & the Aztecs

4 Conquistadors – 1500s


6 Encomienda System :

7 Spanish Mission System :1600s

8 Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY
The Settlement of the Chesapeake Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY


10 The London Company, 1606

11 Colonizing a Continent
1607: charter from James I Expectations gold, trade, Northwest Passage Realities starvation, laziness, war Solutions John Smith, John Rolfe, tobacco, Headright System/ Indentured servants House of Burgesses- 1619 Royal colony -1624 -James I gives a charter the the Virginia Company (joint-stock) for a section of VA close to where Roanoke had been -Expect what Spain had found -Of 900 there in , 60 survive, , 9000, 2000 live, many of the men were gentlemen unaccustomed to working - younger sons, etc. and so had come expecting to enslave the Indians and unwilling to work themselves for their survival *Why couldn’t they subdue the Natives? No army or priests to force, population spread out, united in a loose confederacy -success will come when John Smith takes control *raids Powhatans (who had earlier brought food), runs the town like the military, forcing people to work *real success comes with the discovery of gold: tobacco, that is (John Rolfe) but tobacco is labor intensive - who will work it? Indentured servants Ind. Serv. Because unemployed, orphaned, pol. Prisoner, criminal, younger son, want out of marriage, adventurer Ind. Serv. 75% of immigrants, y.o., 50% die, 5% freed -Va Co. eventually goes bankrupt due to inability to find gold, harm done by Indian raids, so charter annulled (1624) and becomes a royal colony, keeps house of Burgesses. At this same time Maryland colonization ios starting.

12 Jamestown Settlement, 1609

13 Chesapeake Bay

14 Jamestown Fort, 1609

15 Jamestown Settlement (Computer Generated)

16 Captain John Smith

17 Jamestown Colonization Pattern: 1620-1660

18 John Rolfe

19 Tobacco Plant

20 English Migration: Headright System

21 Indentured Servitude

22 Early Colonial Tobacco
1618 — Virginia produces 20,000 pounds of tobacco. 1622 — Despite losing nearly one-third of its colonists in an Indian attack, Virginia produces 60,000 pounds of tobacco. 1627 — Virginia produces 500,000 pounds of tobacco. 1629 — Virginia produces 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco.

23 Tobacco Prices:

24 Chief Powhatan

25 Pocahontas

26 Powhatan Confederacy

27 Powhatan Indian Village

28 1622 Indian Uprisings

29 Why was 1619 a pivotal year for the Chesapeake settlement?

30 Virginia House of Burgesses

31 17c Population in the Chesapeake

32 Population of Chesapeake Colonies: 1610-1750

33 Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY
The Settlement of New England Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY


35 The Mayflower

36 The Mayflower Compact November 11, 1620

37 Indian Foods

38 Colonizing New England

39 William Bradford

40 We shall be as a city on a hill..
John Winthrop We shall be as a city on a hill..

41 Pilgrims? vs. Puritans?

42 Colonizing the North Pilgrims v. Puritans- What’s the difference?
Pilgrims: separatists, small group, out to practice religion with no outside interference Puritans: purify from within, large group, want to set a shining example for the rest of the world to emulate (City on a Hill) Plymouth and The Mayflower Pilgrims (separatists) Mayflower Compact Thanksgiving -1621 William Bradford Massachusetts Bay Colony -1629 Non-Separatist Puritans John Winthrop “A city upon a hill” Village life Utopia found? -Pilgrims: separatists, small group, out to practice religion with no outside interference -Puritans: purify from within, large group, want to set a shining example for the rest of the world to emulate (City on a Hill) -Plymouth: (William Bradford) 100 Saints and Strangers set out on the Mayflower for Virginia territory to create a place to worship freely without cultural interferences. End up north, write a charter on board promising to follow England’s laws (mayflower Compact) and Saints sign. Plymouth is never successful (1640s still only one plow) and is sucked into more prosperous neighbor, but they got Thanksgiving. -Mass. Bay: puritans set out to purify evils and RC influence in C of E by creating a utopia in the New world. Get charter for company, sail out and build boston. Needed to escape from England because King Charles I persecuted. Rules are very harsh, partcipation in gov only for church members, group more imp. Than ind., leaders exercise a great deal of control, 1st winter 200 die, then after colony thrives!!! Village was center of Puritan life, unlike the Chesapeake. Two models: Open-field with village in center and shared meadow and woodlands or Closed-field with self-contained farms built around a common Center of village life is the meeting house/church at center of village - meet 2x a week, minister is most important figure in community Each subsequent town was founded by grant of the general court in Boston which parceled out land upon successful applications. Wealth was used for the community Once a year, town meeting to decide all major matters, choose selectmen for the next year, fairly democratic and family-centered -Utopia? Charter was transferred to the people and enjoyed self government (male chourch members) First printing press, Harvard, public schools Still unable to better human condition: urban probs, lack of land Dissent; Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams

43 Land Division in Sudbury, MA: 1639-1656

44 Population Comparisons: New England v. the Chesapeake

45 Colonial Conflicts Indians Powhatan wars – 1622 & 1644 (Virginia)
Cause: De La Warr’s “Irish Tactics” Need for resources Outcome: English Win; Indians banished Pequot wars – 1637 (Connecticut) Initial contact with Pilgrims was peaceful Native’s lands destroyed King Philip’s War – 1675 (New England) Cause: Increased English population/influence Metacom organizes native alliance & goes on the offensive Outcome: Natives defeated New England virtually free from native threat

46 A Pequot Village Destroyed, 1637

47 The Pequot Wars:

48 Bacon’s Rebellion Aristocrats vs. Freedmen Governor Berkeley
Nathaniel Bacon Significance???

49 Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676 Governor William Berkeley

50 Governor Berkeley’s “Fault Line”

51 Overthrow of Andros/ Dominion of New Englnad
Colonial unity with NE Confed. Salutary Neglect 1686 Dominion of NE established by royal authority; revokes authority of colonial assemblies Enforcement of Navigation Acts Sir Edmond Andros in Boston Colonials Rebel Influenced by Glorious Revolution

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