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Math 1 QUIZ SHOW Start Game.

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1 Math 1 QUIZ SHOW Start Game

2 Teacher Directions Divide the class into two teams.
Choose a score keeper. Start the game by pressing F5 and asking Team 1 a question. If the answer is correct, press the Spin Button to determine the number of points to award. Then click on the number of the next question and ask Team 2 the question. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until all questions have been answered. The team with the most points at the end wins.

3 Question #1 What is the purpose of the syllabus?
To force you to listen to the teacher all day To make you take notes To inform you of the expectations and grading policies of the class

4 Question #2 What are some of the content categories for math 1?
Algebra, Functions, Probability, Trigonometry Functions, Statistics, Probability, Geometry Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Modeling

5 Question #3 List at least 4 different kinds supplies that are required to be in your back pack at all times. Charged Chromebook, MVP Math Text, Spiral Notebook (Math Journal), and Paper Charged Chromebook, MVP Math Text, Spiral Notebook (Math Journal), and Calculator Charged Chromebook, MVP Math Text, Spiral Notebook (Math Journal), and Compass/Ruler

6 Question #4 What percentage of your grade is based on Collaborative Study Groups (CSGs)? 10 percent 20 percent 25 percent

7 Question #5 If you miss a quiz are you allowed to make it up the following day? No Yes Yes, if you are really nice to the teacher

8 Question #6 What percentage of your grade is based on coursework, homework, and projects? 25 percent 10 percent 20 percent

9 Question #7 What percentage of your grade is your Assessments? 60 25

10 Question #8 What should you do with assignments that are graded and returned to you? File them at home Hang them on your refrigerator Show your Mommy or Daddy

11 Question #9 What are at least 5 things you should bring with you on Collaborative Study Group days? CSG Form, calculator, cell phone, paper, pen CSG Form, paper, Cornell notes, pen, MVP text CSG Form, cell phone, pen, paper, nutritious snack

12 Question #10 What is the website address for all Scholars assignments?

13 Question #11 How many benchmarks are in a school year? 1 3 4

14 Question #12 How many blank Collaborative Study Group Forms should be in your binder at all times? At least 2 At least 4 No more than 3

15 Question #13 All items are allowed to be out in class except?
Cell Phone Chromebook Water

16 Question #14 If you ask to use the restroom or get a drink how long are you expected to stay after school? 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes

17 Question #15 What does CSG represent? Collaborative Student Group
Caring Study Group Communication Study Group

18 Question #16 What are 5 components of Cornell notes?
Topic, essential question, notes, summary, and reflections Heading, topic, notes, summary, and reflections Heading, essential question, notes, summary, and questions

19 Question #17 What is the purpose of taking and using Cornell notes?
To record your learning in each class To use as a study tool Both answers above

20 Question #18 When are homework assignments typically due?
At the beginning of the period At the end of the period Whenever you complete them

21 Question #19 When should you check parent portal? Never Weekly Monthly

22 Question #20 How many times per week are Collaborative Study Groups (CSGs)? 1 3 2

23 Then, click on your next question:
Correct! Press the Spin Button for your points Then, click on your next question: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

24 Question #1 Incorrect

25 Question #2 Incorrect

26 Question #3 Incorrect

27 Question #4 Incorrect

28 Question #5 Incorrect

29 Question #6 Incorrect

30 Question #7 Incorrect

31 Question #8 Incorrect

32 Question #9 Incorrect

33 Question #10 Incorrect

34 Question #11 Incorrect

35 Question #12 Incorrect

36 Question #13 Incorrect

37 Question #14 Incorrect

38 Question #15 Incorrect

39 Question #16 Incorrect

40 Question #17 Incorrect

41 Question #18 Incorrect

42 Question #19 Incorrect

43 Question #20 Incorrect

44 Correct!

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