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Cornell Notes.

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1 Cornell Notes

2 History of Cornell Notes
-Developed in 1949 at Cornell University by Walter Pauk. -Designed in response to frustration over student test scores. -Meant to be easily used as a test study guide. -Adopted by most major law schools as the preferred note taking method.

3 Cornell Notes

4 Why Take Notes? -Cornell note taking stimulates critical thinking skills. -Note taking helps students remember what is said in class. -A good set of notes can help students work on assignments and prepare for tests outside of the classroom. -Good notes help students organize and process data and information. -Helps student recall by getting them to process their notes 3 times.

5 The Curve of Forgetting
At the end of a lecture, you know 100 % of what you learned. By day 2, if you have done nothing with the info, you will have lost 50%-80% of what you learned. Between days 7 and 30, you lose almost all of the information (97-98%) you learned.

6 Change the amount of information you forget by repeatedly exposing yourself to the information. More exposure = quicker recall Formula: Within 10 minutes, review notes (add info, highlight, etc.). Within 24 hours, review notes again (add questions on the left). Within a week, write the summary and review your notes. Any time after spend a few minutes reviewing. (Quiz yourself!)

7 What kind of questions? -Questions that are answered in the notes on the right -Questions you still need the answer to--ask a friend or the teacher after class -Questions the teacher might ask on a test

8 Tips for Studying With Notes
-Cover the right side of your notes; review and answer study questions from the left using the right side as an answer key. -Quiz yourself out loud. -Cover the right side with blank paper; write out answers to the left column study questions.

9 Tips for Studying With Notes
-Write summaries of the most important material in the summary/reflection section. -Write a quiz for others using notes; exchange and correct. -Write anticipated test questions beyond those already in the left-hand column and write answers.

10 Tips for Studying With Notes
-Look over notes frequently to keep information and questions still unanswered fresh in mind. -Recite information from notes.

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