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COSATU Submission on the 2016/17 Budget

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Presentation on theme: "COSATU Submission on the 2016/17 Budget"— Presentation transcript:

1 COSATU Submission on the 2016/17 Budget

2 Introductory Remarks COSATU Parliamentary Office;
Parliamentary processes; Nedlac processes; and Treasury engagements.

3 Economic Context Triple challenges and apartheid legacy;
Increasing unemployment; Global climate; Domestic jobless and low growth; Declining tax revenues; Infrastructure challenges; Crime and corruption; Increasing frustrations; and Business as usual vs. radical economic transformation.

4 Fiscal Responses Austerity vs. economic stimulus;
EU vs. US and Chinese approach; Infrastructure and social expenditure; Public service vacancies; Sale of state assets; Debt and deficit; and NDP and unemployment.

5 Revenue Additional revenues CGT, excise, sin etc. Income tax;
Municipal and other tariffs; and VAT.

6 Revenue Proposals COSATU tax reform proposals: VAT; Luxury goods;
Zero rating; Wealth or solidarity tax; Dividends and reinvestment; Local procurement; Company tax; and Beneficiation.

7 Continued UIF; Employment tax incentives; SACU currency compensation;
SACU revenues and Swaziland; and Tax evasion.

8 Expenditure Austerity; Inflationary increases; Key departmental cuts;
Policy departmental increases; Public service vacancies, essential and PSCBC; Public service wage bill; and Wage gaps.

9 Expenditure Wasteful expenditure cut backs; Bling expenditure;
Consultants; Labour brokers and outsourcing; and Chief Procurement Officer; and Corruption.

10 Parliament Cost savings measures; Economic vs. political factors; and

11 COGTA and Public Works CWP and EPWP; 21 municipal mergers; Funding;
District Councils; and Traditional leaders.

12 Home Affairs Border Management Agency; and
Local and National and Provincial Elections.

13 DIRCO Trade promotion; and Expenditure levels.

14 Treasury Jobs Fund; Chief Procurement Officer; Norms and standards;
Wasteful expenditure and corruption; BRICS New Development Bank; and Revenues Amendment Bill.

15 DPME and DPSA Budget increases; and Consultants.

16 Public Enterprises Role of DPE; SAA, SA Express and Mango;
Retrenchments, labour broking, outsourcing and corruption; Shareholder Management Bill; Rationalisation vs. privatisation; and Developmental mandates.

17 Statistics SA New head office.

18 Women Role of department; and International Trips.

19 Basic Education Standardised costs; Text books; New schools;
Norms and standards; Sanitation; Mud schools; and Rural Scholars;

20 Higher Education and Training
New universities and enrolments; NSFAS increases; NSFAS threshold; Free education; and SETAs.

21 Health National Health Insurance; Public health facilities; and
Community health workers.

22 Social Development Social grants; Comprehensive Social Security;
Substance abuse clinics; Consultants; and Travel expenditure.

23 Correctional Services
34% overcrowding target; Crime and gangs; and Skills and job placements.

24 Defence and Military Veterans
Resources; Training; Presidential plane; and Armscor increases.

25 Justice and Constitutional Development
Backlogs and vacancies freeze.

26 Police Training and equipment; Posts freeze; and VIP Protection Unit.

27 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Rural Development and Land Reform; Job creation; Emerging Farmers; Veterinary Schools; and Agricultural colleges and faculties.

28 Rural Development and Land Reform
land claimants; Emerging farmer failures; and Farm workers and land equity.

29 Trade and Industry Job creation and protection;
Manufacturing and reindustrialisation; Sectoral support: Motor manufacturing, textiles, agriculture and tourism. Exports; Black industrialists; and Budget allocation.

30 Economic Development Job creation and protection; Oceans economy;
Shale gas and hydraulic fracking; Infrastructure investment; Beneficiation; Investment strike; and Budget Allocation.

31 Energy Black outs; Eskom War Room; Impact upon heavy industry;
Renewable energy investment and jobs; Eskom tariffs and wastage; and Nuclear energy.

32 Environmental Affairs
Jobs; and Paris action plan.

33 Labour Inspectorates; Job placements; UIF; National minimum wage; and
Labour market stability.

34 Mineral Resources Jobs losses – blood bath; Job placements; and

35 Telecommunications and Posts
Telkom: 60% retrenchment and outsourcing by July; Post Office payments; Outsourcing, labour broking and funding; and SITA.

36 Tourism Jobs; SMMEs; Visa regulations; and Budget allocation.

37 Transport Rail infrastructure and PRASA; SANRAL and E Tolls; and
Busses and taxis.

38 Water and Sanitation Water infrastructure;
Local government intervention; Tariffs; Conservation and desalination; Plumbers; and Informal areas.

39 Human Settlements Housing model; State owned company; and
Serviced plots.

40 Conclusion & Thank you. 33% unemployment and triple challenges;
Business as usual vs. job creation; Balancing act; Austerity vs. stimulus; VAT and progressive tax reform; Renewable and nuclear energy; Wasteful expenditure and prioritisation;

41 Continued Economic and infrastructure investments; Water crisis;
Employment tax incentives; Outsourcing, retrenchments and labour broking; Privatisation; and Telkom, Post Office and SAA.

42 Continued Developmental achievements;
Radical economic transformation; and Engagements.

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