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Benchmarking Pilot Results and Next Steps

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1 Benchmarking Pilot Results and Next Steps

2 PASET and Benchmarking
Partnership for Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (PASET) is an Africa-led Initiative with support from the World Bank; launched in 2013; a full fledged governance structure and a number of regional initiatives Benchmarking of universities is one of the initiatives under the PASET Initiatives, launched in 2015 The benchmarking was piloted in with technical assistance from the Center for World Class University and Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, located in Shanghai Jiaotong University 46 Africa universities initially participated but 31 completed

3 Benefits of Benchmarking
Allow universities to compare their results with the performance of other universities, understand the main factors explaining differences in performance, and follow the evolution of performance and its determinants over time. Universities will be able to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and take action to work on these areas.

4 Participating Universities

5 Benchmarking Performance and Health Indicators
Performance Indicators Health Indicators

6 Response Rate for Performance Indicators

7 Health Indicators with low response rate

8 Ways of analyzing results
Universities’ performance on each indicator is positioned into one of the following three groups: Top 25% Middle 50% Bottom 25% Compare the performance for the most recent data period (e.g ) with that for the period five years earlier (e.g ) whenever possible

9 P1: % of Graduates from the lowest two income quintiles

10 P2: % of Female graduates

11 P3: % of graduates passing professional exams

12 P4: Student satisfactory survey
P4.1. what extent have your courses challenged you to do your best work? P4-2. Indicate how satisfied you are with the course design and instruction methodologies. P4-3. Indicate the quality of your interactions with the academic faculty and staff. P4-4. Indicate the quality of your academic interactions with other students. P4-5. Indicate the quality of your interactions with student support services.

13 P5: % of graduates who are employed as professionals after 6 months of graduation

14 P7: Number of Scopus indexed papers

15 P8: Doctorates as % of total graduates

16 P10: Position in Academic Ranking of World Universities
ARWU considers every university that has any Nobel Laureates, Fields Medalists, Highly Cited Researchers, or papers published in Nature or Science. Universities with a significant amount of papers indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) are also included. In total, there are 1200 universities ranked by ARWU every year None of participating universities is able to enter into top 1000

17 P11: Number of new patents over the last 3 years

18 P12: Number of jobs created through technology commercialization in the last 3 years

19 How a university can view its own performance(University U)
P4-4 (i.e. the quality of student’s academic interaction with other students P5. Proportion of graduates who are employed as professionals within 6 months of finishing P11. Number of new patents over previous 3 years P12. Number of spin-offs over previous 3 years P13 Number of jobs created through technology commercialisation over previous 3 years

20 Organizing benchmarking for ACEIIs
Required DLI for ACEIIs, once during the project, triggers $ To be carried out at the host university, college, or faculty levels PASET secretariat (WB) is in the process of identifying of an African institution that can eventually develop benchmarking/ranking capacity, with technical assistance from World Bank and consultants PASET Plans to organize the next benchmarking in February 2018 Will issue TOR to all ACEs by November 2017

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