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Evolution of Healthcare Leadership Standards

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1 Evolution of Healthcare Leadership Standards
American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) recognized the critical and urgent need to identify and organize a system of administrative practice standards in the field of healthcare management. Initial discussions and investigation began in the mid 1990s. Recognition that the healthcare industry was fast becoming too complex and involved to rely on commonly held beliefs of management and leadership Major questions emerged in this initial conceptual phase: 1. how should valid standards be determined; 2. would these standards be generic or discipline specific; 3. are there common standards for other healthcare professionals beyond the membership of ACHE?

2 Initial Decisions It quickly became clear that other professional associations in healthcare management faced the same pressures and had the same set of mandates as those of American College (ACHE). It also become clear that such an enterprise would require shared resources, commitment, and expertise from other organizations similar to ACHE in their purpose and mission. In 2002 the Healthcare Leadership Alliance was formed to undertake this project. American American American Healthcare Healthcare Medical College of Association of Organization Financial Information Group Executives Physician of Nurse Management and Manage Management Leadership Executives Association ment Systems Association Society

3 Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA)
HLA is a consortium of premier professional healthcare administrative associations representing over 140,000 professional managers in the healthcare industry. Purpose: to represent broad administrative roles across hospital administration, medical practice administration, nursing administration, healthcare financial management, and healthcare information management Charter: to develop a directory of administrative competencies common to all healthcare professionals

4 HLA Directory In 2005 the first directory of competencies in healthcare administration was published: Contained 232 competencies common to all healthcare professionals 68 additional competencies were added as specific to certain disciplines in healthcare management Forms of psychometric research such as job analysis were used to identify the competencies Competencies were grouped into 5 domains: 1. Communication and relationship management 2. Leadership 3. Professionalism 4. Knowledge of healthcare environment 5. Business skills and knowledge

5 Competency Directory Organization
Five areas of information are presented for each competency: Domain is one of 5 broad categories into which all competencies are grouped Cluster is a subcategory within a domain that further Identifies what aspect of health administration a competency represents Association is one of the six professional organizations that makeup the consortium of HLA Summarize the topic areas covered in the competency statements Set of skills, knowledge, and abilities that are generic and transcend organizational settings Domain Cluster Association Keyword Competency

6 Directory Example Domain Cluster Association Keyword Competency
Communication Relationship ACHE Collaboration Build and Management collaborate Relationship relationships Management The current directory published in 2015 contains 802 competency statements all representing one of the five domains

7 Dye/Garman : Critical Competencies for Health Care Executives
A year after the first HLA Directory was published, Carson Dye and Andrew Garman developed a list of 16 competencies they believed were essential for managers and executives in healthcare. Their goal was to supplement the work that was being done by the Healthcare Leadership Alliance. Live by personal convictions Develop teams Possess emotional intelligence Energize staff Be visionary Generate informal power Communicate vision Build consensus Earn loyalty and truth Make decisions Listen like you mean it Drive for results Give feedback Stimulate creativity Mentor others Cultivate adaptability

8 National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL)
Between 2005 and 2010 NCHL developed its own competency model for leadership development for healthcare administrators Respond to the growing calls for healthcare reform notably done through the Institute of Medicine’s seminal reports: To Err is Human (1999) and Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) Based on the critical thinking of top theorists, researchers, and practitioners in the field Designed to address the future trends of health in the 21st century Competency model identified three major competency categories: Transformation, Execution, People A total of 26 individual competencies were clustered in these 3 major competency categories

9 NCHL Competency Model Transformation Execution People
Achievement orientation Analytical thinking Community orientation Financial skills Information seeking Innovation thinking Strategic thinking Accountability Change leadership Collaboration Communication skills Impact/influence IT management Initiative Organizational awareness Project managt Performance measurement Process managt Organizational developt. d Human resource management Interpersonal understanding Professionalism Relationship building Self confidence Self development Talent development Team leadership

10 Interconnection and Interdependence
There are common themes that run throughout all of these healthcare management and administrative competency collections. In 2015 ACHE developed what it called its “Emerging Leadership Competencies” that pulled together these interconnected themes. All leadership practice needs to be visionary and adaptive Building loyalty and trust is essential for quality management and leadership Healthcare administrators must constantly engage in self-mastery and lifelong learning Strategic thinking is paramount for success All administrative functions need to be done with masterful execution

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