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Science Jeopardy Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Mountains & Volcanoes

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Presentation on theme: "Science Jeopardy Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Mountains & Volcanoes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Jeopardy Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Mountains & Volcanoes Geosphere 1 Geosphere 2 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

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3 Plate Tectonics: 100 ANSWER: The 3 types of plate boundaries. QUESTION: What are convergent, divergent, transform plate boundaries?

4 Plate Tectonics: 200 ANSWER: Name 2 features that result from subduction boundaries. QUESTION: What is island arcs, deep-ocean trenches, and coastal mountains.

5 Plate Tectonics: 300 ANSWER: The 3 types of convergent plate boundaries. QUESTION: What are continental-continental collision, oceanic-oceanic subduction, and oceanic-continental subduction?

6 Plate Tectonics: 400 ANSWER: pieces of evidence for the theory of continental drift. QUESTION: What is climate, fossils, and geology?

7 Plate Tectonics: 500 ANSWER: Name the Earth’s 6 layers in alphabetical order. QUESTION: What is asthenosphere, crust, inner core, lithosphere, mantle, and outer core?

8 Earthquakes: 100 ANSWER: The 3 types of seismic waves in order of decreasing speed. QUESTION: What is primary, secondary, and surface?

9 Earthquakes: 200 ANSWER: Name 2 structural features that can be used to make a building more earthquake-safe. QUESTION: What are cross braces, moat, base isolator, shear walls, and shear core?

10 Earthquakes: 300 ANSWER: The instrument that constantly records ground movements and the number of them required to locate the epicenter of an earthquake. QUESTION: What is a seismograph and 3?

11 Earthquakes: 400 ANSWER: The 3 types of faults and the plate boundary associated with each. QUESTION: What is normal (divergent), reverse (convergent), and strike-slip (transform)?

12 Earthquakes: 500 ANSWER: This is why the East Coast has a much lower earthquake risk than the West Coast. QUESTION: What is the West Coast is located along a convergent plate boundary?

13 Mountains & Volcanoes: 100
ANSWER: The 2 types of mountains and the plate boundary associated with each. QUESTION: What is folded (convergent) and fault-block (divergent)?

14 Mountains & Volcanoes: 200
ANSWER: The 3 types of volcanoes. QUESTION: What is shield, cinder cone, and composite?

15 Mountains & Volcanoes: 300
ANSWER: possible immediate effects of a volcanic eruption. QUESTION: What are lava flows, volcanic ash, mudflows, pyroclastic flows, landslides, and steam explosions?

16 Mountains & Volcanoes: 400
ANSWER: The smallest rock fragments that erupt from a volcano. QUESTION: What is ash?

17 Mountains & Volcanoes: 500
ANSWER: The huge crater formed by the collapse of a volcano when magma rapidly erupts from underneath it. QUESTION: What is a caldera?

18 Geosphere 1: 100 ANSWER: The process in the asthenosphere that is responsible for plate movements. QUESTION: What are convection currents?

19 Geosphere 1: 200 ANSWER: This is where hot rock rises from the mantle away from a plate boundary. QUESTION: What is a hot spot?

20 Geosphere 1: 300 ANSWER: plates scrape past each other at this type of plate boundary. QUESTION: What is a transform plate boundary?

21 Geosphere 1: 400 ANSWER: The name of the tectonic plate marked by the arrow. QUESTION: What is the Juan de Fuca Plate?

22 Geosphere 1: 500 ANSWER: The 3 types of plate boundaries and what happens to the CRUST at each. QUESTION: What are convergent (folded or destroyed), divergent (forms), and transform (nothing)?

23 Geosphere 2: 100 ANSWER: In fault-block mountain building, blocks of rock tilt along these. QUESTION: What are normal faults?

24 Geosphere 2: 200 ANSWER: This determines the consistency of a volcano’s lava. QUESTION: What is the silica content?

25 Geosphere 2: 300 ANSWER: A negative long-term effect of a volcanic eruption. QUESTION: What is acid rain or lower global temperatures?

26 Geosphere 2: 400 ANSWER: Hot springs that form at spreading centers of the ocean. QUESTION: What are deep-sea vents?

27 Geosphere 2: 500 ANSWER: The volcanic rock fragment shown in the picture. QUESTION: What is a volcanic bomb?

28 Final Jeopardy ANSWER: Pangaea split into 2 sub-continents this many million years ago. QUESTION: What is 180?

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