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Climate Change Resiliency Planning in Canadian Hospitals

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1 Climate Change Resiliency Planning in Canadian Hospitals
Taking the Lead Climate Change Resiliency Planning in Canadian Hospitals Kady Cowan & Stewart Dankner PAHO Health Care Climate Change Resiliency Workshop Montreal, September 8, 2015

2 Who Is UHN? Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3 acute care sites
4 rehab facilities 2 research towers 15,000+ staff and 1,200 beds over 6.5 million ft2 of buildings

3 Prompt to Action Largest Hospital Group in Canada
Internal Energy and Environment department dedicated to sustainability since 1999 UHN is a founding member of the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care and held Board Chair seat since 2007 Availability of the checklist was incentive to convene workgroup Some senior leaders at UHN were supportive of this work

4 Process Proposal Recruited workgroup members from the Emergency Management Committee Identify climate risks Conduct checklist assessment together Discuss options for what would be useful to the organization beyond our resiliency score

5 Workgroup Members Internal and external collaboration
Convened workgroup with members across disciplines including external advisors from the City of Toronto and Toronto Public Health Core internal team Strategic planning, Facilities, Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Department, Patient Safety and Clinical Risk, Energy and Environment Internal consultation Nutrition Services & Infection Prevention and Control, Procurement

6 Objective and Approach
Know our climate change risks, vulnerabilities and dependencies Decide how to address them Agree on: Weather parameters Time horizon Who to include in the process What final product we want

7 Start with what we know Used City of Toronto climate model
Priority weather parameters are extreme heat and rain with extreme cold secondary Time horizon of 5-10 years is maximum to keep administrative attention Discuss what people, programs, departments are in place already at UHN to compliment this process Themes emerged around Buildings, Patients, Staff and Culture

8 Complete the Checklist
Divide the checklist for independent research with the right people Time to coordinate the process 5-8 days Meet face-to-face 4 times to complete the checklist collaboratively Time invested by workgroup members 2-3 days Answered from the perspective of the current state

9 Score Section Score Assessing risks to inform emergency management and risk reduction strategies 58% Assessing risks to infrastructure and systems 59% Risk management to reduce climate related risks 91% Procurement of health care resources and supplies 68% Notifications, Monitoring and Surveillance 74% Clinical risk management 17% Infrastructure and systems risk management 92% Energy supply and use 94% Sustainable health care and climate change mitigation 83% average 71% weighted average 75%

10 Process Lessons Some of the wording in the questions was ambiguous and difficult to interpret In many places we are doing things that contribute to resiliency but not because of climate change Prompted us to think about how climate change changes our circumstances Not all questions are going to apply to all organizations There was an instinct to resolve the issues as they were identified. It was important to save those conversations for the next phase of planning

11 Resiliency Lessons The resiliency score in each section illuminates where we need to concentrate our efforts going forward Community collaboration is critical Building organizational buy-in to address the findings from the checklist We can demonstrate what we are already doing blends with climate change planning We can raise the profile of climate change as an organizational priority

12 Already in Place Buildings Patients Staff Culture
Experience with 2003 blackout Code grey Annual facility condition index Patients Evacuations drills Mass Causality preparations Staff Business continuity Ebola preparations Culture Acceptance of bringing in new knowledge Green Team

13 Gaps Buildings Patients Staff Culture
Buildings not designed to fit with a changing climate Patients Limited patient education on climate change Staff Personal preparedness and ability to cope with climate impacts Culture Generally not a year focus on planning

14 Outcomes Plan to handle information revealed during the checklist process Provide a strategic direction for master planning, capital planning and upgrades Continue with workgroup and reporting mechanism to provide recommendations to EMC Connection with the broader community

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