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1 Do Now

2 Nervous System Diseases

3 Cerebral Palsy Description
Muscles tight, muscle spasms, involuntary movements, problems with balance, awkward walk. Can be minor (clumsiness) to severe (unable to move). Often have learning disabilities. Cerebral Palsy

4 Causes Damage to the motor control centers of the brain during pregnancy, birth, or up to age two. Cerebral Palsy

5 Cerebral Palsy Treatment
None for cause. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, orthopedics (braces, wheelchairs) for symptoms. Cerebral Palsy

6 Cerebral Palsy

7 Multiple Sclerosis

8 Multiple Sclerosis Description:
Muscle weakness, spasms or paralysis; problems with speech or swallowing; fatigue, chronic pain; nausea and vomiting. May be episodic (occur at random times) or progressive (get worse with time). Can see lesions on the brain and spinal cord. Multiple Sclerosis

9 Multiple Sclerosis Causes:
Autoimmune disorder. Antibodies attack and destroy the Schwann cells around the axons of the brain and spine making it very difficult for nerve impulses to move quickly and forces them to use more energy to restore to resting potential. Treatment Drugs to treat symptoms. None for long term. Multiple Sclerosis

10 Parkinson’s Disease
Description: Tremors (especially hands), rigidity of joints, slowness of movement. As it progresses, loss of the ability to walk (stay balanced) and move. Parkinson’s Disease

11 Parkinson’s Disease Causes:
Destruction of dopamine-secreting cells in the major pathways of the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. Parkinson’s Disease

12 Parkinson’s Disease Treatment:
Drug that replaces dopamine reduces symptoms and slows progress. Nothing to cure the disease. Parkinson’s Disease

13 Epilepsy Treatment:
Description: Chronic seizures. Sometimes has a trigger (stress, flashing lights, heart problems). Causes: Varied. Some caused by a genetic disorder that causes the Na channels in neurons to stay open too long causing successive (repeated) impulses down the neuron. Treatment: Anticonvulsant medications, surgery in extreme cases. Epilepsy

14 Encephalitis

15 Description Causes Treatment Headache, fever, confusion, drowsiness, and fatigue. More advanced and serious symptoms include seizures/convulsions, tremors, hallucinations, and memory problems A viral or bacterial infection that causes an inflammation of the brain. Drugs to treat the symptoms. Limited success with antiviral and antibacterial drugs. Encephalitis

16 Huntington Disease Description:
Usual onset Physical motions become jerky at onset-then more and more uncontrolled as time progresses. Cognitive function begins to deteriorate as does memory. Causes: Genetic disorder that leads to the production of a protein that damages areas of the brain. Huntington Disease

17 Huntington Disease Treatment:
Treatment: Most drugs are experimental and deal with symptoms. One drug effectively helps with the management of jerky motion. Huntington Disease

18 Depression (General) Description:
General feelings of sadness and unhappiness, suicidal thoughts, crying with no apparent reason, changes in appetites, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixation on past failures, blaming yourself Depression (General)

19 Causes: Biological differences, often neurotransmitters are out of sync (too many, too few), hormones, can be inherited Treatment: Anti-depressant drugs, Psychotherapy Depression

20 Schizophrenia

21 Description Causes Treatment Severe mental disturbance characterized by psychotic episodes where it is difficult to distinguish between reality and not. Symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, blunted emotions Strong genetic component, environmental, multiple gene Drugs focused on dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate receptors, but these drugs often cause side effects  Schizophrenia


23 Meningitis Description:
Headache, neck stiffness, fever, confusion or altered mental state, inability to tolerate light and loud noises. Causes: A bacterial, viral or microorganism infection of the protective lining of the brain and spinal cord (meninges). Meningitis

24 Meningitis Treatment:
LIFE THREATENING if bacterial-Antibiotic. Viral can be treated by dealing with symptoms-antiviral often not that effective. Meningitis

25 Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment:
Starts as an inability to acquire new memories and inability to recall facts. As it progresses, loss of long term memory, confusion, and mood swings become common. Eventually loss of control of body functions and death. Alzheimer’s Disease

26 Alzheimer’s Disease Causes:
Plaques and tangles form in the brain leading to a loss of neurons and atrophy of the affected area. Caused by a misfolded protein that causes the deposits to form. Alzheimer’s Disease

27 Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment: None.
Diet, exercise, and mental stimulation may reduce changes Alzheimer’s Disease

28 Swings of mood from high to low with about 1% of the population with this disease
Two phases: Manic and Depressive Manic: high self-esteem, high energy, flow of ideas, can come with increase in risk taking behaviors Depressive: lowered ability to feel pleasure, loss of interest, sleep Bipolar Disorder


30 Bipolar Disorder Causes: Genetic component, environmental component.
Treatment: Drugs: Lithium, anti-convulsions, anti-psychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines Therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy Bipolar Disorder


32 Shingles

33 Shingles

34 Shingles

35 Glaucoma

36 Glaucoma

37 Glaucoma

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