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EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) – Development of Trade Finance in Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Rudolf PUTZ.

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Presentation on theme: "EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) – Development of Trade Finance in Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Rudolf PUTZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) – Development of Trade Finance in Eastern Europe, the CIS and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Rudolf PUTZ Kiev 5 October 2017

2 Contents Introduction to EBRD EBRD’s region and sectors TFP in Ukraine
TFP Trainings

3 Shareholding structure
What is the EBRD? An international financial institution, with the mandate to promote transition to modern and well- functioning markets in 36 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean – SEMED region. Owned by 65 countries and 2 inter-governmental institutions (EU, EIB). Capital base of €30 billion. Highest credit rating (AAA/Aaa) from all three main rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch) In January 2016, China became the EBRD’s 67th shareholder Shareholding structure (1) Includes European Community and European Investment Bank (EIB) each at 3%. Among other EU countries: France, Germany, Italy, and the UK each holds 8.6%

4 Where we invest

5 EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP)
Annual Business Volumes 1999 – 2016

6 Over 800 Confirming Banks in 77 Countries

7 EBRD TFP – Top 20 Confirming Banks
Ranked by Number of Transactions in 2016 Commerzbank UBS KBC Bank Societe Generale Deutsche Bank Credit Agricole ING Bank DZ Bank BHF Bank Banco de Sabadell Unicredit Bank Rabobank International Citibank Danske Bank Intesa Sanpaolo Skandinavska Enskilda Banken Banca Popolare Di Sondrio Arab Bank Raiffeisen Bank Credit Suisse

8 TFP – Strategy Strong focus on:
Small- and medium-sized private banks in the CIS and south-east Europe Early Transition Countries Southern and eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia) Intra-regional trade (= trade between the EBRD’s countries of operations) SMEs Co-financing with commercial banks

9 TFP in Ukraine

10 EBRD TFP – Active Issuing Banks in Ukraine
Credit Agricole Ukraine Oschadbank OTP Bank Raiffeisen Bank Aval State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine Ukrsibbank Piraeus Bank

11 TFP - Achievements More than 20,000 foreign trade transactions supported, including 2,272 transactions with exporters and importers from Ukraine. Total business volume EUR 15 billion 100+ Issuing Banks in 26 countries 800+ Confirming Banks worldwide

12 TFP – 1,359 Transactions in 2016 Ukraine Croatia Romania Armenia
Moldova Serbia Jordan Cyprus Azerbaijan Belarus Tajikistan Greece Kyrgyz Republic Georgia Tunisia Mongolia Montenegro Egypt Bosnia and Herzegovina Morocco Kosovo Turkey FYR Macedonia Bulgaria

13 Import of a sugar pulp press from Spain into Ukraine
A sugar factory in Ukraine imports a sugar pulp press from Spain Ukreximbank Ukraine issues a counter guarantee to Banco Santander for an amount of €154,000 and a tenor of 4 months The EBRD TFP guarantee covers 100% of the payment risk of the Issuing Bank in Ukraine to the Confirming Bank in Spain

14 TFP Deal of the Year 2016 Import of a floating dock from Ukraine
A shipyard in Limassol, Cyprus, imports a floating dock from Ukraine Bank of Cyprus issues an L/C to ING Belgium SA/NV with a tenor of 1 year The EBRD TFP guarantee covers 100% of the payment risk of the Issuing Bank in Cyprus to the Confirming Bank in Belgium

15 TFP and Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities – complementary programmes
EBRD Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities Credit Lines Knowledge sharing & tools Trade Facilitation Programme Guarantees and Credit Facilities Financial Institutions (Banks, Leasing Companies) Financial Institutions Investment loans for green technologies & solutions Knowledge sharing tools Trade finance instruments (LoC, guarantees, factoring, trade cash advances) Local businesses (corporates & SMEs), residential and municipal clients Local Businesses (Technology exporters, importers and distributors) Technology supply

16 Import of turbines from Czech Republic into Ukraine
A Ukrainian renewable energy project developer imported a turbine from the Czech Republic to be installed in a micro hydropower unit OTP Bank Ukraine issued confirmed letters of Credit for total value EUR 523,000 EBRD covers 100% of the political and commercial payment risk EBRD’s Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme (UKEEP) helped to assess profitability of the investment. Expected Results: Annual green energy production of 4,700 MWh Expected Investment Profitability: a) Annual renewable energy revenues of EUR 526,400 b) Payback period of 2 years (in present value terms) c) 98% Internal Rate of Return on the investment

17 Import of wind turbines from Germany into Ukraine
A wind park in Ukraine imports wind turbines from Germany OTP BANK, Ukraine issues a counter guarantee to UNICREDIT BANK AG (HYPOVEREINSBANK), HAMBURG, GERMANY for an amount of €500,000 and a tenor of 9 months The EBRD TFP guarantee covers 100% of the payment risk of the Issuing Bank in Ukraine to the Confirming Bank in Germany

18 TFP Award Winners UKX AVAL
Academic excellence award (Trade Finance Department) Most active Factoring Bank, 2008, 2009 2012 e-Learning award AVAL Best Trade Finance Country Feature 2012 Sergey Kostogryz won EBRD Award of Excellence for outstanding contribution to e-Learning Programme development Most active bank in Ukraine 2016

19 TFP Trainings

20 EBRD – Capacity Building Projects

21 EBRD Trade Finance e-Learning Programme
To date > 3,000 trade professionals from 240 institutions in 36 countries enrolled

22 EBRD ICC e-Learning Programme
Best students receive further scholarships and sponsored training programmes in leading European confirming banks and training companies: Commerzbank ICC PARIS ICC Vienna ICC Academy ICC Austria Banca Popolare di Sondrio BHF-Bank, Germany BCR Publishing Coastline Solutions China Systems KBC Bank

23 EBRD TFP e-Learning Programme
List of Courses Introduction to Trade Finance Introduction to Factoring Collections Mentor 600 DC Master ISP Master URDG Master Incoterms 2010 Environmental and Social Issues in Trade Target Audience Trade finance team Relationship managers Risk managers Legal team Operations team Other professionals interested in factoring products 3

24 Best Development Bank in Trade
In 2017 readers of Trade Finance Magazine and Global Trade Review (GTR) have voted the EBRD “Best Development Bank in Trade” EBRD invites other development banks, commercial financial institutions, export credit agencies and donors to co-finance with the EBRD

25 Donors TFP Technical Cooperation (TC) Projects are funded by:
The Early Transition Countries Fund The Shareholder Special Fund European Union Norwegian, Swiss, Italian, Canadian, Taiwanese funding and other donors

26 EBRD TFP – Co-Financing Partners
ACE Global Markets (AGM) & Lloyds of London AKA Bank, Germany Arab Trade Finance Program, Abu Dhabi Confirming Banks Donor Risk Sharing Funds Export Credit Agencies FMO Netherlands OPEC Fund for International Development, Vienna Private Investment Funds

27 Contacts Trade Facilitation Programme
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, UK Web-site: Rudolf Putz Head of TFP Tel: Join us in social networks: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Kamola Makhmudova Senior Banker Tel: Marco Nindl Principal Banker Tel:

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