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Carbohydrates - Sugar.

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1 Carbohydrates - Sugar

2 Sugar (Monosaccharide, Disaccharide)
-Includes simple sugars (monosaccharides) such as: Glucose Fructose -Includes more complex sugars such as disaccharides: Lactose Sucrose These sugars are easier to digest than polysaccharides

3 Sugar Varieties Granulated Sugar Caster Sugar Icing Sugar Brown Sugar
General uses –add to tea and breakfast cereal Caster Sugar Finer crystals - used for baking - especially cakes Icing Sugar Fine white and powdery Used for icing Brown Sugar Demerara – strong flavour Used in gingerbread

4 Uses of sugar Jam - sugar acts as a preservative, gives texture and volume and helps jam set Creamed Mixtures – (baking cakes) sugar is beaten with fat to incorporate air, which helps lighten cakes Bread - sugar speeds up fermentation Cakes/ Sweets - Adds sweetness and colour

5 Carbohydrate - Starch Starch complex sugar
Broken down by digestion before energy can be used Carbohydrate is a good source of energy . But energy that is not used is stored as fat. It is often Carbohydrates - cakes, biscuits and crisps that can make people put on weight

6 Starches properties Gelling agent 1.Starch granules absorb the liquid and swell 2.At 80 Degrees C the starch particles break open making mixture thick and viscous 3. This is GELATINISATION 4. Gelatinisation is complete when liquid reaches 100 Degrees C 5. On cooling the gel solidifies

7 MODIFIED STARCHES Pre- Gelatinised Starch
Some modified starches are pre-gelatinised. This allows them them to thicken instantly. E.g. Packet custard/ Pot noodle Synerisis When a protein is heated it can coagulate and squeeze out the fat and the water. This is called SYNERISIS This is useful in dishes that are cooked from frozen E.g. Lasagne

8 MODIFIED STARCHES Pre- Gelatinised Starch
Some modified starches are pre-gelatinised. This allows them them to thicken instantly. E.g. Packet custard/ Pot noodle Synerisis When a protein is heated it can coagulate and squeeze out the fat and the water. This is called SYNERISIS This is useful in dishes that are cooked from frozen E.g. Lasagne


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