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Carbohydrates HW 1-2.

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1 Carbohydrates HW 1-2

2 Uses of Sugars in Cells Source of carbon
(Building blocks) for molecules such as DNA Fuel – Energy source e.g. Combustion of glucose during cellular respiration

3 Figure 5.3 The structure and classification of some monosaccharides

4 Figure 5.3x Hexose sugars Glucose Galactose

5 Figure 4.6 Three types of isomers

6 Importance of Molecular Shapes
Our universe is three-dimensional – true properties of molecules can only be understood by looking at actual arrangements of molecules in space. Example application: Chiral molecules – most drugs contain a carbon bonded to 4 different other atoms or groups of atoms.

7 Thalidomide – 1 form of drug treats morning sickness, the other causes mutations
Effect of thalidomide mutations

8 Chiral Molecules – binding surfaces in your body recognize one arrangement but not the other

9 Figure 5.4 Linear and ring forms of glucose
Link to glucose animation While often drawn as a linear skeleton, in aqueous solutions monosaccharides form rings

10 IB Carbohydrate Memorize List
Disaccharides – maltose, lactose, sucrose – be able to recognize as disaccharides Be able to draw: ribose, α- glucose, and β- glucose

11 Figure 5.5 Examples of disaccharide synthesis
HW 1-3 Link to disaccharides

12 Lactose

13 Polysaccharides – polymers linked by glycosidic bonds
Polysaccharides – polymers linked by glycosidic bonds. Typically 100’s or 1000’s of monomers in length Polysaccharides are formed by linking monomers together IMPORTANT GLUCOSE POLYMERS PLANTS ANIMALS PLANTS α-GLUCOSE α-GLUCOSE β-GLUCOSE STARCH GLYCOGEN CELLULOSE AMYLOSE AMYLOPECTIN

14 Figure 5.7b,c Starch   PLANTS Link to polysaccharides

15 Figure 5.7a Starch and cellulose structures
IB MEMORIZE: RING FORMS Link to glucose animation Link to alpha beta forms

16 Figure 5.7x Starch and cellulose molecular models
 Glucose  Glucose Cellulose Starch

17 Figure 5.8 The arrangement of cellulose in plant cell walls
Link to cellulose

18 Cellulose is passed through undigested in humans

19 Figure 5.x1 Cellulose digestion: termite and Trichonympha

Fig. 5-6 ENERGY STORAGE MOLECULES: PLANTS AND ANIMALS Chloroplast Starch Mitochondria Glycogen granules 0.5 µm 1 µm Amylose Glycogen 20-30% ; more resistant to digestion; more compact structure, better for long term energy storage Amylopectin Water soluble, easily digested (b) Glycogen: an animal polysaccharide (a) Starch: a plant polysaccharide PLANTS ANIMALS

21 STARCH FORMS: Amylose vs. Amylopectin
IB MEMORIZE LIST AMYLOSE: 20-30% of starch; more resistant to digestion; more compact structure, better for long term energy storage AMYLOPECTIN: 70-80% of starch; Water soluble, easily digested, better short-term energy

22 Amylose and Amylopectin
Link to formation of starch Link to amylose form of starch Link to amylopectin form of starch 1-6 BRANCHES ≈ EVERY 30 GLUCOSE MOLECULES; LONG BRANCHES

23 Glycogen (energy storage animals)
1 -6 branches ≈ every 10 glucose molecules; numerous relatively short branches Link to glycogen



26 Comparison of Cellulose vs Starch vs Glycogen
Amylopectin 1,6 Branches ≈ every 30 glucose; often longer branches Glycogen 1,6 Branches ≈ every 10 glucose (shorter branches) Comparison of Cellulose vs Starch vs Glycogen

27 Link to amylose form of starch
Link to amylopectin form of starch Link to glycogen Link to cellulose Link to formation of starch

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