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Tapering Opioids (1) C.L.I.P.S.

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1 Tapering Opioids (1) C.L.I.P.S.
Who Should be weaned or tapered? Known/Documented Abuse or Diversion (early refills, lost/stolen meds, escalating dose requests, ED visits, Hx of substance abuse) Patients who have overdosed Patients who have medical complications of meds (Endocrine - hypoT, OSA, EKG changes, polypharmacy, increasing age) Psychosocial risks – Depression, relationship issues, cognitive decline Functional decline – disability, falls, MVA, unable to manage life/health Patients who are over 120 MED (maybe >90 MED per CDC) When Opioids are doing more TO patient than FOR patient (AR) Who should not be tapered? Acute fractures, post op patients Opiate use disorder (see MAT CLIP), careful with methadone due to long T½ Palliative Care patients Pregnant patients (see special populations CLIP) Unstable psych patients without multidisciplinary approach/plan What is the goal of tapering Increase safety (“Do No Harm”) Decrease unintentional overdose and death Improve function What to expect Patient will be upset & may take it out on you Have a game plan (pregame with attending) Warm Handoff with BH? Clinic manager? Attending? Who should be considered for opioid taper? When? Every Patient, Every Visit 2/16 Matel

2 What is important to keep in mind when discussing opioid wean?
Feeling the Wean (2) C.L.I.P.S. Who are the highest risk patients? Opioids & Benzos – killed >16,000 in 2013 (last year data was available) via unintentional overdose Potentially not safe to prescribe both at the same time (“Do No Harm”) I allow patient to choose one or the other (Which is helping you more?) Benzodiazepine Taper: Withdrawal from BZD can precipitate seizures (unlike opioids) Can be stopped if taking irregularly Taper at 10% per month, monthly visits Will need to increase ancillary services – SSRI/SNRI, BH, counseling, stress reduction, CBT/Trauma care Hydroxyzine if they need to “take something” How do I start opioid taper? Concern for health and unintentional overdose Pain medicine consult? Safe to decrease 10-25% per week, but slower wean better tolerated Framing - “Many say 25% per month, but I find 10% safer and easier” Split pills (Norco 10mg) or switch to lower dose (MS Contin 15mg x 2 pills instead of 30mg one pill - preferred) Treat withdrawal symptoms – Antidepressants for existential pain, NSAIDs, Anti-epileptics for neuropathic pain, hydroxyzine for insomnia, clonidine for WD symptoms (rhinorrhea, diarrhea, sweating, tachycardia, hypertension), anti-diarrheal agents Special thanks to Andrea Rubenstein (KPSR) & Oregon Pain Guidance What is important to keep in mind when discussing opioid wean? Patient safety – keep bringing it back to how much we care for and want the patient to be safe

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