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Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

2 Key vocabulary compare gift scarf CD bicycle birthday

3 ——What should I get my mom for her birthday? ——How about a scarf?
Key strutures ——What should I get my mom for her birthday? ——How about a scarf? ——No, that’s too boring.

4 A: I will be late What should I do? B: You should take a bus.
Why don’t you ……(为什么不…) Why don’t you take a bus?

5 You should sleep. You should take the bus. You should go to Beijing. you should come to school. You should listen to the music. You should work hard. Why don’t you sleep? Why don’t you take the bus? Why don’t you go to Beijing? Why not come to school? Why not listen to the music? Why not work hard?

6 You should take a walk. You should go to bed. You should come to the party. You should listen to the music. How/what about taking a walk ? How/what about going to bed ? How/what about coming to the party ? How/what about listening to the music.

7 Survey: 1.Do you get gifts on your birthday?
2.What’s your favorite gift? 3.Who gave it to you ? 4.Why do you like it?

8 boring cheap interesting expensive camera scarf tennis balls
What do you think of these gifts? camera dictionary expensive boring scarf tennis balls cheap interesting

9 1a.Write down as many gifts as you can.
Cheap Expensive Boring Interesting

10 1b Listen and number. That’s too expensive. They’re too cheap.
3 That’s too expensive. 4 They’re too cheap. 2 That’s too boring, too. 1 That’s too boring.

11 How to give the suggestions/advice
You should get her a computer. Why don’t you get her a computer? Why not get her a computer? You’d better get her a computer. How/What about getting her a computer? How to give the suggestions/advice

12 Comment (评论) bad advice good advice Too expensive Good idea Too cheap
Too boring Bad idea Good idea Sounds good Sounds great

13 She is Ann. She is happy Because…… today is her birthday What should I get Ann for her birthday? I’m Jim

14 shoes bike scarf dictionary CD camera
A: What should I get…for her/his birthday? B: How about…? A: Oh, that’s/they’re… bike scarf dictionary CD camera shoes

15 2a. Who is the person shopping for?
Put a check in the correct column. C1 C2 C3 Teacher Sister Friend

16 2b Comments Too personal Not special enough Not creative enough
Good idea Sound good She’ll like that

17 2b. Write the suggestions and comments
a CD Comment 1 not special enough Suggestion2 Comment 2 a scarf a soccer ball too personal not creative enough a calendar a photo album flowers good idea sounds good She’ll like that

18 Pair work get for about that’s A: It’s my sister’s birthday soon.
What should I ____ her _____ her birthday? B: How ____ a scarf? A: No, _____ too boring. get for about that’s

19 The second Sunday in May

20 Make a survey Mothers’ Day is coming,
What should you get for your mother? What will you do on Mothers’ Day?


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