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Assignment Use the concept of the Phillips curve to examine the relationship between the price level and the unemployment level in both the short run.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment Use the concept of the Phillips curve to examine the relationship between the price level and the unemployment level in both the short run."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment Use the concept of the Phillips curve to examine the relationship between the price level and the unemployment level in both the short run and long run. Font size: 12 Font type: TNR 1.5 spacing Submission: Next lecture

K. Adjei-Mantey Department of Economics

3 Balance of payment BoP is a record of a country’s transactions with the rest of the world Goods Services assets It summarizes an economy’s transactions with the rest of the world over a period. Shows how foreign exchange is earned and used in an economy

4 BOP also records…. Financial claims on the rest of the world Liabilities Transfers

5 BoP accounts usually divided into two main parts
The current account The capital account The current account records transactions for goods and services, interest, transfers The capital account records transactions in assets Note: BoP focus is on transactions rather than actual payments

6 The current account The current account records transactions for goods and services, interest, transfers Current account divided into two Visible account Invisibles account

7 Visible Account Records transactions of tangibles Cocoa Gold Oil
Pineapples Wax prints etc

8 Invisibles account Have three sub parts
Transactions in the import and export of services eg. banking, insurance, consultancies, tourism etc Payments of investment income: interest, profits, dividends on the use of capital owned by nationals other than those of the country of the use of the capital Transfers Remittances etc

9 Balance of trade and balance on current account
The balance of trade is the difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services. Balance of trade is the largest component of a country's balance of payments. The balance on current account consists of net exports of goods, plus net exports of services, plus net investment income, plus net transfer payments. It shows the difference between how much a nation has spent and how much it has earned.

10 The Capital account Transactions related to the movement of financial assets. Shares Bonds Bank loans etc. Note: Physical capital such as machinery, equipment etc. are not recorded here Capital outflow Ghanaian purchases of foreign investments Uses foreign exchange Capital inflow Purchases of Ghanaian investments Earns foreign exchange

11 Balance of Payment (BoP) Account
An Example of Balance of Payments Account CURRENT ACCOUNT Goods exports 682.6 Goods imports – 1,166.9 (1) Net export of goods – 484.3 Export of services 289.3 Import of services – 240.5 (2) Net export of services 48.8 Income received on investments 244.6 Income payments on investments – 256.5 (3) Net investment income – 11.9 (4) Net transfer payments – 56.0 (5) Balance on current account ( ) – 503.4 CAPITAL ACCOUNT (6) Change in private Ghanaian assets abroad (increase is –) – 152.9 (7) Change in foreign private assets in Ghana 533.7 (8) Change in Ghana government assets abroad (increase is –) – 3.3 (9) Change in foreign government assets in Ghana 46.6 (10) Balance on capital account ( ) 474.1 (11) Statistical discrepancy 29.3 (12) Balance of payments ( )

12 Transactions are either debit or credit transactions
All transactions that bring receipts from foreigners are credit transactions Merchandise exports Transportation and travel receipts Income received from investments abroad Gifts received from foreign residents Aid received from foreign governments

13 Transactions that involve payments to foreigners are debit transactions
Merchandise imports Transportation and travel expenditures Income paid on investments of foreigners Gifts to foreign residents Aid given by home government Overseas investments by home country residents

14 Every credit transaction has a balancing debit transaction, and vice versa, so the overall balance of payments is always in balance. The international reserves A statistical discrepancy is computed where the bop is not in balance to make up for any shortfalls

15 Discrepancies proceed from:
Under-reporting investment incomes Under-reporting merchandise imports Under-reporting capital exports People hide these transactions from governments for the purposes of tax avoidance or some other reason.

16 Favorable balance or improved welfare?
Balance of trade important if state power is paramount Otherwise, volume of trade in the presence of comparative advantage is if citizen welfare is paramount.

17 Visit the BOG website: www. bog. gov
Visit the BOG website: and see what Ghana’s balance of payment accounts have looked like in the recent past

K. Adjei-Mantey Department of Economics

19 Exchange rates and macroeconomic Policy
Exchange rate is the amount of one country’s currency that is traded for one unit of another country’s currency It is the price of a currency in terms of another currency The price of the Ghana cedi in dollar terms is an example of the cedi – USD exchange rate Exchange rate largely determined by forces of demand and supply of the currency

20 Demand for the USD Ghanaians demand the USD to buy goods and services from USA or US based firms To buy US assets These goods, services and assets sold in USD and hence local residents will demand USD to be able to purchase them The demand curve for USD has the usual downward sloping nature The lower the exchange rate, the greater the quantity of dollars demanded

21 The lower the price of the dollar, the cheaper American goods and services are to Ghanaians.
Hence more American goods are demanded Quantity demanded of USD increases

22 Shifts in the demand for dollar curve
Ghana’s real income Increase in real GDP increases demand for USD at same ER Relative interest rates A lower interest rate in Ghana will increase demand for USD (to purchase more attractive US assets) Relative prices Increase in Ghana prices relative to US increases demand for USD Expectations of future exchange rates Expected rates in the future determine demand for USD today Tastes and preferences

23 Supply of USD Supplied by economic agents in America to buy Ghanaian goods and services To buy Ghanaian assets Supply of the USD is positively sloped The higher the ER, the more cedis an American gets for supplying USD 1. The American is able to buy more goods from Ghana Thus needs more cedis

24 The higher the price of the dollar,
the cheaper Ghanaian goods are Americans buy more Need more cedis Supply more dollars Though in principle, this need not be because the American can get the more cedis by supplying the same or less USD, it has a rare occurence in practice Hence economists stick to the upward sloping supply curve.

25 Shifts in supply of USD Real income of the USA Relative interest rates
Relative prices Tastes and preferences Expectations of future ER

26 Equilibrium The intersection of the demand and supply of the USD gives the exchange rate for the USD This is the price of the dollar.

27 Appreciation: increase in the price of the currency
Depreciation: a decrease in the price of the currency. an increase in the (nominal) exchange rate means a depreciation of the domestic currency When more cedis is needed to buy the same amount of dollars A reduction in the (nominal) exchange rate means an appreciation of the domestic currency when less cedic is needed to buy the same amount of dollars An appreciation of one currency means a depreciation of the other currency

28 Exchange Rate Regimes Earlier discussion is a system known as floating (flexible) exchange rate regime where demand and supply determine the exchange rate The other regime is known as fixed exchange rate regime where the central bank or government determines (or fixes) the exchange rate In between these two, there is the managed float exchange rate Where the floating ER regime is practiced but there are occasional interventions by the central bank or government as and when necessary to keep the ER within a particular range

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