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Section 2: History & Culture (Colonial Mexico & Independence) page 174

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1 Section 2: History & Culture (Colonial Mexico & Independence) page 174
Chapter 7: Mexico Section 2: History & Culture (Colonial Mexico & Independence) page 174

2 The Big Idea Native American cultures and Spanish colonization shaped Mexican history and culture

3 Main Ideas Mexico’s period as a Spanish colony and its struggles since independence have shaped its culture.

4 EQ What factors have shaped Mexico’s culture?
7.1.spi.1. recognize cultural definitions (i.e., language, religion, customs, political system, economic system).

5 Colonial Mexico & Independence
In 1519, Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico w/ a/b 600 men Made allies of Aztec’s enemies Brought guns, germs, steel, & horses By 1521Cortes claimed Mexico for Spain

6 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Conquistadors: Conquerors



9 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Colonial Times After Spanish conquest, many Spanish & American Indians intermarried. Mestizos: people of mixed Spanish & American Indian cultures. Created new Mexican identity

10 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Colonial Times Also mixed between Africans & Europeans and Africans and American Indians.

11 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Colonial Times Catholic Church also a big influence on colonial Mexico. Missions: Church outposts.


13 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Colonial Times Spanish wanted to find gold and silver in Mex. Most of the hard work (mining) was done by Amerinds and enslaved Africans.

14 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Colonial Times Agriculture also important part of economy Spanish king granted haciendas (huge expanses of farm or ranch land) to buddies.

15 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Spain ruled Mexico for almost 300 years Revolt against Sp. led by Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo. 1810 – gave famous speech Killed in 1811

16 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Fighting continued until Mex. won its independence in 1821.

17 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Later Struggles Mexican-American War: 15 yrs. after Mex. won independence, a large chunk broke off (now Texas) Mid-1800’s: French invasion. Benito Juarez helped repel.

18 Colonial Mexico & Independence
Later Struggles Due to privileges & foreign involvement in Mexico, The Mexican Revolution broke out in 1910. Fighting lasted 10 years. Major result: land reform

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