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African Imperialism.

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1 African Imperialism

2 Main Idea Europeans embarked on a new phase of empire building that affected both Africa and the rest of the world. Many former colonies have political problems that are the result of colonial rule.

3 Introduction Europeans argued and fought among themselves for the lands of Africa. They paid no attention to historical political divisions or to the many ethnic and language groupings in Africa.

4 Britain France Germany Italy Belgium Portugal Spain Europeans
In Africa By 1914 Portugal Spain

5 Effects of Imperialism European Imperialism by 1914
Region Percentage Colonized Australia 100% Africa 90.4% Asia 56.5% Americas 27.2%

6 Forms of Control Each European nation had certain policies for establishing colonies. Colony – Country or region governed by a foreign power. Protectorate – Country with its own government, but under the control of a foreign power. Sphere of Influence – Area in which an outside power claims trading privileges. Economic Imperialism – independent but less developed nations controlled by private business.

7 Methods of Management Indirect Control (Britain & U.S.)
Relied on existing political rulers. Limited self-rule. Developed future leaders that would govern in the form of the controlling power. Direct Control (French) Foreign officials ruled the country. Paternalism – govern in a fatherly way – providing for needs but not giving rights. Assimilation – local populations will become absorbed in foreign powers culture.

8 Assimilation

9 Managing the Colony Nigeria made a British colony in 1914.
There were 250 diverse ethnic groups in Nigeria. Britain was forced to turn to indirect control.

10 Liberia Independent Africans
In the early 1800s, President Monroe helped free slaves settle in Liberia. The former slaves named the capital city Monrovia in his honor. President Monroe

11 Ethiopia Independent Africans
The Ethiopians kept their freedom through successful military resistance. Emperor Menelik II modernized the army, along with roads, bridges, and schools. When the Italians invaded they were defeated so badly by Menelik that no other Europeans tried to take Ethiopia.

12 African Resistance Africans resisted European attempts to colonize their land. This battle was never equal because the Europeans had superior weapons. With the exception of Ethiopia, the resistance efforts failed.

13 Effects of Imperialism
Positive Results Negative Results 1. Unified national states created 1. Encouraged tribal wars by creating artificial borders 2. Improved medical care, sanitation, and nutrition 2. Created population explosion  famine 3. Increased agricultural production 3. Produced cash crops needed by Europeans, and not food for Africans 4. Improved transportation and communication facilities 4. Exploited natural resources: minerals, lumber, rubber, human rights. 5. Expanded educational opportunities 5. Downgraded traditional African culture  westernization

14 Questions How was the new form of imperialism different from that in the past? What is the difference in direct and indirect control? How many years did Algeria resist the French? Why did Menelik II declare war on Italy? What were some of the positives and negatives of colonialism?

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