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Using GIS to Enhance the Collaboration, Creation and Management of Assigning Addresses and New Roads in Island County Becca Blackman GIS Coordinator/Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Using GIS to Enhance the Collaboration, Creation and Management of Assigning Addresses and New Roads in Island County Becca Blackman GIS Coordinator/Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using GIS to Enhance the Collaboration, Creation and Management of Assigning Addresses and New Roads in Island County Becca Blackman GIS Coordinator/Administrator Island County Public Works

2 Problem Statement Using GIS we should be able to fix this
Address management at Island County requires using books to manually determine the house number of new addresses, however these books are not updated regularly with changes to parcel boundaries, city limits or roads. Current workflow is not sustainable. Using GIS we should be able to fix this

3 Island County Needs an Enterprise GIS
First Obstacles We needed one set of authoritative data layers Both data stewards - Island County Planning and Island County Emergency Services Communications Center (ICOM) needed to edit the same data layers simultaneously Data held in manually updated books needed to be in GIS Solution: Island County Needs an Enterprise GIS

4 Prior to Enterprise GIS
File Geodatabases & Shapefiles in ‘GIS Share’ network drive folders Departments worked in silos Several versions of data layers existed Locked files prevented updates No metadata GIS data read through Google Earth and ArcGIS Explorer ICOM and Planning had no shared data connection

5 Island County Enterprise GIS Timeline
2012 County Issued RFP for Enterprise GIS User Needs Assessment 2013 Salish Coast Sciences (SCS) began work interviewing staff 2014 SCS Provided detailed conceptual and implementation plans SCS used as consultants during transition to an ArcSDE database using a production/publication and versioning setup 2015 GIS Coordinator/Administrator hired to guide implementation Standardized GIS Data Layers, ensure metadata is created, create map templates, web maps and lead the county’s GIS Advisory Group Interdepartmental agreement for staff to pool licenses MOU with ICOM/Island County for GIS Data Management 2016 ICOM data transitioning to ArcSDE with a successful connection

6 Understanding Addressing Workflow and Ordinance Requirements
Planning is the addressing authority – responsible for ensuring new addresses meet ordinance requirements. ICOM does not create or determine addresses.

7 Understanding New Road Workflow and Ordinance Requirements
Planning is the party responsible for new road names and ensuring they meet ordinance requirements.

8 Design Goals of the New Workflow
Planning needs to stay the addressing and new road authority New workflow needs to allow collaboration and promote communication Both parties need to edit the same data It needs to be easy and intuitive, self populating as much as possible Increase efficiency

9 5 Steps to Implementation
ICOM needs access to the Enterprise GIS System Address Points and the Roads data needs to be put in the Enterprise GIS System – using Local Government module when feasible/necessary Attribute Assistant and Address Management Add-ins need to be configured and installed ‘Status’ fields created to assist Planning and ICOM in keeping track of each other’s changes. Create an mxd file and provide training to both data stewards on how to use the new tools

10 1st Step of Implementation
ICOM needs access to the Enterprise GIS System Interlocal Agreement between Island County and ICOM for GIS data management signed October 2015 County IT department set ICOM up with a county issued computer for use on the domain and allowed a connection to be made

11 2nd Step of Implementation
Address Points and the Roads Data (with address ranges) needs to be put in the Enterprise GIS System Address Points and roads layers were analyzed and compared with the Local Government module Fields were analyzed to determine if they were still used (data originated from a consultant in 2001 and stewards were never comfortable letting go of what wasn’t used - Don’t worry the layer was also archived as is ) Domains were created for most attributes, many matching Local Governments module Address Points compared with building footprints and created an attribute to split the ‘Driveway Entrance’ and ‘Building Entrance’ for future work Master Street Name table created

12 2nd Step of Implementation

13 3rd Step of Implementation
Attribute Assistant and Address Management Add-ins need to be configured and installed Address Management Add-in Requirements: New Feature Class ‘Site points’ needed to be populated to work with Address Management Add-in (empty placeholder) ‘loaded.address.config’ configuration file needed to be edited and transferred to each computer’s C Drive Attribute Assistant Add-in Requirements: Conversations with ICOM about what attributes they’re comfortable with self-populating, what the fields mean and configured the DynamicValue table to match needs ‘loaded.aa.config’ configuration file needed to be edited and transferred to each computer’s C Drive

14 Configuration Files

15 Attribute Assistant’s Dynamic Value Table

16 4th Step of Implementation
‘Status’ fields created to assist Planning and ICOM in keeping track of each other’s changes. All data layers have a ‘status’ field that is switched from ‘Pending’ to ‘Current’ as information moves from one party to the next Both users get an notification when a change was made to either data layer, checks are made every hour with a count of how many changes in the hour

17 5th Step of Implementation
Create an mxd file and provide training to both data stewards on how to use their new tools Create a folder in the GIS Share drive for ICOM to work in and share files Create the mxd file, transfer configuration files, install Add-ins , train staff and be available.



20 Resources Addressing Management Add-in:
government/help/address-management/ Attribute Assistant Add-in: government/help/address- management/tools/configure-attribute-assistant/ Local Government module: Government

21 Questions?

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