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The Communication Process

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1 The Communication Process
Chapter Five The Communications Process The Communication Process © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 The Communications Process
Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp.139 and Figure 5-1 of the text. Summary Overview This slide provides an overview of the basic elements of the communications process which includes: Source/Sender – the person or organization that has information to share Receiver – person(s) with whom the sender is sharing thoughts Message – the information the source hopes to convey Channel – method by which the communication travels from source to receiver Encoding – putting thoughts, ideas, or information into symbolic form Decoding – transforming the senders message back into thought Response – receiver’s reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message Feedback – part of the receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender Noise – unplanned distortion or interference Use of this slide This slide can be used to introduce the communication process and discuss the basic elements in a communication system. It is important for students to understand each of these elements and the role they play in the communication process.

3 There are many forms of encoding
Verbal Spoken Word Written Word Song Lyrics Graphic Pictures Drawings Charts Musical Instrume ntation Voices Animation Action/ Motion Pace/ Speed Shape/ Form Verbal Graphic Musical Relation to text This material relates to material on p.139 of the text, which discusses source encoding. Summary Overview This slide summarizes the various forms of encoding which is the process by which thoughts or ideas are put into a symbolic form. The sender’s goal is to encode the message is such a way that it will be understood by the receiver. The various forms by which a message can be encoded include: Verbal Graphic Musical Animation Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain the various forms by which as messages can be encoded by the sender. Many of these are used in the development of advertising messages.

4 Communications Channels
Personal Selling Personal Channels Personal Channels Word of Mouth Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text. Summary Overview Communication channels can be broken into two types, personal and nonpersonal. Personal channels are direct, interpersonal (face-to-face) contact with individuals or groups. Sales people serve as personal channels when they deliver their sales messages. Social channels such as friends, family, and co-workers can be a powerful personal source of information through what is commonly referred to as word-of-mouth communications. Many companies are working to generate positive word-of-mouth discussions for their companies or brands. Nonpersonal channels are those that carry a message without a personal contact between sender and receiver. Nonpersonal channels are generally referred to as mass media and include various forms of print and broadcast media. Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain the communication channels of the communication process and the difference between personal and nonpersonal channels. Both can be used very effectively in advertising and promotion programs. Print Media Nonpersonal Channels Broadcast Media

5 Experiential Overlap Different Worlds Moderate Commonality
Receiver Experience Sender Different Worlds Receiver Experience Sender Moderate Commonality Relation to text This slide relates to material on p. 142 of the text. Summary Overview Decoding the message can be heavily influenced by the receiver’s frame of reference or field of experience, which refers to the experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and values he or she brings to the communication situation. Effective communication is more likely when there is some common ground between the two parties. This slide illustrates this concept by showing different levels of experiential overlap ranging from the sender and receiving being in different worlds, to moderate and high overlap or commonality. Use of this slide This slide can be used to demonstrate that for effective communication to occur the message decoding process of the receiver must match the encoding of the sender. The more overlap present in their experiences the greater chance of effective communication. This notion can cause great difficulty in the advertising communication process because marketing and advertising people often have very different fields of experience from the consumers who constitute the mass markets with whom they must communicate. These differences can result from differences in characteristics such as age, education, profession, lifestyle, and other factors. Receiver Experience Sender High Commonality

6 Successful Communication
Select an appropriate source Verbal/nonverbal Select an appropriate source Develop a properly encoded message Develop a properly encoded message Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text. Summary Overview Successful communication is accomplished when the marketer selects an appropriate source, develops an effective message or appeal that is encoded properly, and then selects the channels or media that will best reach the target audience so that the message can be effectively decoded and delivered. Marketers are very interested in feedback, that part of the receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender. Feedback, which may take a variety of forms, closes the loop in the communications flow and lets the sender monitor how the intended message is being decoded and received. Use of this slide This slide can be used to discuss each step in the communication process, and the importance of feedback so that the advertiser can determine reasons for success or failure in the process, and then make adjustments . Select the appropriate channel for the target audience Select the appropriate channel for the target audience Receive feedback

7 Levels of Audience Aggregation
Mass Markets Mass Markets Market Segments Market Segments Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-2 of the text. Summary Overview The marketing communications process begins with identifying the audience that will be the focus of the firm’s advertising and promotional efforts. The target audience may consist of individuals, groups, niche markets, market segments, or a mass audience. This slide shows the various levels of the audience aggregation which include: Individuals – those with specific needs for whom a message must be specifically tailored Small groups – multiple people in the audience who are involved in the purchase decision such as families or people who members of a buying center Niche markets – smaller, well-defined markets consisting of customers who have similar needs Market segments – broader classes of people who have similar needs and can be reached with similar messages Mass markets – markets consisting of large numbers of potential customers Use of this slide This slide can be used to show the various types of markets and customers that can be identified as targeted audiences. Marketers usually approach each of these audiences differently from a communications perspective. Niche Markets Niche Markets Local Groups Small Groups Individuals

8 Models of the Response Process
Relation to text This slide relate to material on pp and Figure 5-3 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows various examples of hierarchical response models that have been developed through the years to depict the stages consumers/customers go through as they learn about a company’s product or service and move to a stage of purchase readiness or actual behavior. These four models include: AIDA model – developed to depict the stages in the personal selling process Hierarchy of effects model – shows the process by which advertising works Innovation adoption model – shows the stages a consumers passes through in the process of adopting a new product Information processing model – a model of the process through which a consumer must pass to be influenced by advertising Use of this slide This slide can be used to provide an overview of the various hierarchical response models that have been developed through the years. It should be noted that each of these models views the consumer as passing through a cognitive, affective and behavioral stage.

9 Models of Obtaining Feedback
Effectiveness Test Persuasion Process Exposure/presentation Circulation reach Circulation reach Exposure/presentation Attention Listener, reader, viewer recognition Listener, reader, viewer recognition Attention Relation to text This slide relates to material on p.147 and Figure 5-4 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows that there are various stages of the persuasion process that marketers want to attain. Each stage can be measured, providing the advertiser with feedback regarding the effectiveness of various strategies designed to move the consumer closer to purchase. The types of effectiveness tests that can be used to measure each step of the persuasion process are included on this slide. Use of this slide This slide can be used to demonstrate the various methods of obtaining feedback given each stage of the persuasion process. There are a variety of measures that are appropriate to use depending on where the customer is in the persuasion process and the type of communications being used. Comprehension Recall, checklists Recall, checklists Comprehension Message acceptance/ yielding Brand attitudes, purchase intent Brand attitudes, purchase intent Message acceptance/ yielding Retention Recall over time Recall over time Retention Inventory POP consumer panel Scanner data Purchase behavior

10 Alternative Response Hierarchies
Topical/contemporary Involvement High Low Learning model Low involvement model Cognitive, learn Affective, feel, Conative, do High Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-5 of the text. Summary Overview Michael Ray has developed a model of information processing that identifies three alternative orderings of the three stages based on perceived product differentiation and product involvement. The three alternative hierarchies include: The Standard Learning Hierarchy = learn feel do sequence. The consumer is viewed as an active participant and this sequence is likely when there is much differentiation among brands and the consumer is highly involved in the purchase process. The Dissonance/Attribution Hierarchy = do feel learn sequence. Occurs when consumers must choose between two alternatives that are similar in quality but are complex and may have unknown attributes. Focus of mass media should be on reducing dissonance after purchase. Low involvement Hierarchy = learn –do feel sequence. Occurs when involvement in the purchase decision is low, there are minimal differences among brand alternatives, and mass-media advertising is important. Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain Michaels Ray’s alternative response hierarchies. Understanding these alternative response sequences is important to marketers as they must recognize that not all purchase decisions are explained adequately by the traditional response hierarchy. From a promotional perspective, it is important that marketers examine the communication situation for their product or service and determine the type of response process that is most likely to occur Cognitive learn Conative do Affective feel Perceived product differentiation Dissonance/ attribution model Conative, do Affective, feel Cognitive, learn Low

11 Foote, Cone & Belding Model (FCB Planning Model)
Thinking Feeling 1 Informative The Thinker Ex. Car, House, Furniture, New products model 2 Affective The Feeler Ex. Jewelry, Cosmetics, Fashion goods. Feel.Learn.Do High Involvement Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-6 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shown the advertising planning model developed by associates from the Foote, Cone & Belding agency. This model builds on traditional response theories such as the hierarchy of effects model and its variants and research on high and low involvement. They added the dimensions of thinking versus feeling processes at each involvement level. Their model is known as the FCB grid and delineates four primary advertising planning strategies: Informative – for highly involved purchases where rational thinking and economic considerations prevail. Affective – for highly involved/feeling purchases. These types of products should be advertised stressing psychological and emotional motives. Habit formation – for low involvement/thinking products where routine behavior patterns and learning occurs most often after purchase. Self-satisfaction – low involvement/feeling products where appeals to sensory pleasures and social motives are important Use of this slide This slide can be used as part of a discussion of the FCB grid which provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process to analyze consumer /product relationships and develop appropriate promotional strategies. It is also useful in developing effective creative options such as using rational versus emotional appeals, increasing involvement levels, or even getting customers to evaluate a think-type product on the basis of feeling. 3 Habit Formation The Doer Ex. Food, Household Items, Do.learn.feel 4 Self- Satisfaction The Reactor Cigarette, candy Do.feel.learn Low Involvement

12 Foote, Cone & Belding Grid
Thinking 1 Informative The Thinker Car-house-furnishings-new products Model: Learn-feel-do (economic?) Possible implications Test: Recall diagnostics Media: Long copy format Reflective vehicles Creative: Specific information Demonstration Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-6 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows in detail the informative (thinker) cell of the FCB Grid which is characterized by the following: Highly involved purchases where rational thinking and economic considerations prevail A Learn feel do response sequence Product examples: car, house, furniture, and new products Possible implications Tests: recall, diagnostics Media: long copy Creative: demonstration, information Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain in more detail each of the four planning strategies of the FCB model. The informative strategy is the focus of this slide. It provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process to analyze consumer/product relationships and develop appropriate promotional strategies. High Involvement

13 Products Such as Televisions Are High Involvement Purchases
Relation to text This slide relates to the material on pp of the text which discusses various types of purchase decisions and the FCB Planning Model. Summary Overview This slide shows a print ad for the Sharp Aquos liquid crystal television. Products such as LCD and plasma televisions are high involvement/thinking types of purchase decisions and consumers are likely to follow the learnfeeldo hierarchy. The copy of the ad notes how the Sharp Aquos delivers truer color, greater detail, and incredible sound quality; all of which are important attributes in the purchase of an expensive television set. Use of this slide This slide can be used as example of an ad for a high involvement/thinking product which fits into cell 1 (Informative/thinker) of the FCB grid. You might also note that the ad copy ends with a reference to the which is the web site that has been developed for the Sharp Aquos liquid crystal television product.

14 Foote, Cone & Belding Grid
Feeling 2 Affective The Feeler Jewelry-cosmetics-fashion goods Model: Feel-learn-do (psychological?) Possible implications Test: Attitude change Emotional arousal Media: Large space Image specials Creative: Executional Impact Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-6 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows in detail the affective (feeler) cell of the FCB Grid which is characterized by: Highly involved/feeling purchases a Feel learn do response sequence Product examples: jewelry, cosmetics, fashion products Possible implications Tests: attitude change, emotional arousal Media: image, large space Creative: impact, executional Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain in more detail each of the four planning strategies of the FCB model. The affective strategy is the focus of this slide. It provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process to analyze consumer/product relationships and develop appropriate promotional strategies. High Involvement

15 Foote, Cone & Belding Grid
Thinking 3 Habit formation The Doer Food-household items Model: Do-learn-feel (responsive?) Possible implications Test: Sales Media: Small space ads 10-second ID’s Radio; Point of Sale Creative: Reminder Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-6 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows in detail the habit formation (doer) cell of the FCB Grid which is characterized by the following: Low involvement/thinking purchases Do learn feel response sequence Product examples: food, household items Possible implications Tests: sales Media: small space ads, radio, POP Creative: reminder advertising Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain in more detail each of the four planning strategies of the FCB model. The habit formation strategy is the focus of this slide. It provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process to analyze consumer/product relationships and develop appropriate promotional strategies. Low Involvement

16 Foote, Cone & Belding Grid
Feeling 4 Self-satisfaction The Reactor Cigarettes, liquor, candy Model: Do-feel-learn (social?) Possible implications Test: Sales Media: Billboards Newspapers Point of Sale Creative: Attention Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-6 of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows in detail the self-satisfaction strategy (reactor) cell of the FCB Grid which is characterized by the following: Low involvement/feeling purchases Do feel learn response sequence Product examples: cigarettes, liquor, candy Possible implications Tests: sales Media: billboards, newspapers, POP Creative: attention advertising Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain in more detail each of the four planning strategies of the FCB model. The self-satisfaction strategy is the focus of this slide. It provides a useful way for those involved in the advertising planning process to analyze consumer – product relationships and develop appropriate promotional strategies. Low Involvement

17 Cognitive Response A method for examining consumers’ cognitive processing of advertising messages by looking at their cognitive responses to hearing, viewing, or reading communications. Examines types of thoughts that are bring to mind by an advertising message. Relation to text This slide relates to the material on pp of the text. Summary Overview This slide provides a definition of the cognitive response approach to examining consumers processing of advertising messages. This approach examines the type of thoughts that are evoked by an advertising message by having consumers write down or verbally report their reactions to a message. Use of this slide This slide can be used to introduce the cognitive response approach to understanding the nature of consumers’ reactions to persuasive messages. It is widely used in research by both academicians and advertising practitioners to determine the types of responses evoked by an advertising message and how these thoughts relate to attitudes toward the ad, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions. Consumers write down or verbally report their reactions to a message.

18 A Model of Cognitive Response
Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text and Figure 5-7. Summary Overview This slide shows a model of the cognitive process and how these thoughts relate to traditional outcome measures such as brand attitude, attitude toward the ad, and purchase intentions. Cognitive responses are the thoughts that occur while reading, viewing, and/or hearing a communication. The assumption is that these thoughts reflect the recipient’s reactions and help shape ultimate acceptance or rejection. of a message. The categories of cognitive responses include: Product/message thoughts Source-oriented thoughts Ad execution thoughts Use of slide This model can be used to show how cognitive responses to an advertisement mediate outcome reactions such as brand attitudes and attitude toward the advertisement which in turn impact purchase intentions.

19 Elaboration Likelihood Model
Focuses on the way consumers respond to persuasive messages based on the amount and nature of elaboration or processing of information Central route to persuasion – ability and motivation to process a message is high and close attention is paid to message content Routes to attitude change Peripheral (Unimportant) route to persuasion – ability and motivation to process a message is low and receiver focuses more on peripheral cues rather than message content Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text and Figure 5-8. Summary Overview Differences in the way consumers respond to persuasive messages are addressed in the elaboration likelihood model (ELM). According to the model, the attitude formation or change process depends on the amount and nature of elaboration, or processing, of relevant information that occurs in response to a persuasive message. This model recognizes two basic routes to persuasion or attitude change: Central route to persuasion – the receiver is viewed as an active participant in the communication process whose ability and motivation to attend, comprehend, and evaluate the message is high. Peripheral route to persuasion – the receiver is viewed as lacking the motivation or ability to process information and is not likely to engage in detailed cognitive processing. Rather than evaluating the information in the message, the receiver relies on peripheral cues or cognitive shortcuts. Use of this slide This slide can be used to explain the elaboration likelihood model and discuss its use by marketers to develop communication messages. According to the model there are two basic routes to persuasion or attitude change. When central processing of an ad occurs, the consumer pays close attention to message content and scrutinizes the message arguments carefully. Thus, the ad’s ability to persuade depends on the receiver’s evaluation of the arguments presented. Under the peripheral route to persuasion, the receiver’s reaction to the message depends on how he or she evaluates peripheral cues such as the attractiveness of the source, music, or imagery. These cues might help consumers form a positive attitude toward the brand even if they do not process the message portion of the ad.

20 How Advertising Works Advertising Input Message content, media
scheduling, repetition Advertising Input Message content, media scheduling, repetition Filters Motivation, ability, (involvement) Filters Motivation, ability, (involvement) Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp and Figure 5-9. Summary Overview This slide presents a framework for studying how advertising works that was developed by Vakratsas and Ambler following an extensive review of more than 250 articles and studies of the advertising response process. This framework is as follows: Advertising input – message content, media scheduling, repetition Filters – the message is mediated by factors such as motivation and ability Consumer – intermediate effects between advertising and purchase Cognition – the thinking dimension of a person’s response Affect – the feeling dimension of a person’s response Experience – the feedback dimension based on outcomes of the product purchasing and usage Consumer behavior – consumption, choice, loyalty, habit Use of this slide This chapter has presented the process consumers go through in responding to marketing communications from a number of different perspectives. This slide can be used to explain the framework for studying how advertising works and to summarize the different models. The various communication models provide insight into how consumers may process and respond to persuasive messages and help marketers make better decisions in planning and implementing their IMC programs. Consumer Cognition, affect, experience Consumer Cognition, affect, experience Consumer Behavior Choice, consumption, loyalty, habit, etc.

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