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Texas Success Initiative Report: CBM002

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1 Texas Success Initiative Report: CBM002
Julie Eklund, PhD Interim Assistant Commissioner Strategic Planning and Funding GUIDELINES Insert subject title of presentation Insert name and title Insert group or entity presenting to and date of presentation CBM Manual Update, July 15, 2015

2 TSI Report: CBM002 Reason for Report
TEC requires institutions to assess the academic skills of all entering undergraduates to determine readiness to do college-level work TSI Statute adopted 2003; amended in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 Students are either exempt from testing or must take the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) Student not meeting TSI obligation must be provided DE/ABE support THECB has Accountability Measures related to TSI and is required to produce several reports; success points use 002 New reports and studies requiring CBM002 data were adopted in the 2015 session Prior to TSI was the TASP Report (also called CBM002) which related to student readiness to do college-level work, as well.

3 How the Report is Structured
TSI Report: CBM002 How the Report is Structured End of Semester Report 13 Pages of Introductory Materials (pp. 2.1 to 2.13) Items 1-13 in instructions are general and relate to all TSI areas: Math, Reading, and Writing Subject area items are numbered for ease of use Math and 30 Reading and 50 Writing and 70 New items on ABE-Diagnostic Level added in 2014 #80 ABE Math; #81 ABE Reading; #82 ABE Writing Be sure to read Introductory materials!! Reporting Examples are provided on page 2.24

4 New Process To summarize Ftic students
Edit report for CBM002 can be difficult to read because all students are included and most output of the CBM002 is based on FTIC cohorts This summary mirrors the CBM002 edit report but only shows the data reported for FTIC students to help institutions identify errors for FTIC cohorts CB will provide information to institutions about using the new summary

WAIVER is a term used for reporting purposes only A waiver is for an exemption that is not permanent or that does not apply at all institutions Once a student enrolls and is reported to the CB on the CBM002, a student with an exemption (not a waiver) has met their TSI obligation and the students status will not change Waiver status can change!! Note that distinction between “waiver” and “exemption” only applies to CBM reporting. In legislation and rule, the term wavier is not used. The terms “exemption” or “does not apply” are generally used.

6 ITEM # 10 TSI Obligation Waived or Blanket Exemption
NOTE: Waiver information is also reported in items #21A, #41A, and #61A by TSI subject area. 0 No or not applicable 1 Yes, waiver based on Level-One Certificate Program or non-degree-seeking or non-certificate-seeking status 2 Yes, waiver for current enrollment in one or more dual credit courses based on dual credit rules (report only for dual credit students who have not met TSI obligation in relevant course area/s)

7 ITEM # 10 TSI Obligation Waived or Blanket Exemption, CONT.
3 Yes, waiver for active duty military 4 Yes, blanket exemption because of past military experience based on TSI rules 5 Yes, blanket exemption based on earned degree from accredited higher education institution 6 Yes, blanket exemption because previous TASP exemptions granted prior to September 1, 2003 apply (see page 2.3) 7 Yes, waiver for ESL/ESOL developmental education

8 Item #20 Math TSI Obligation Determined To Be Satisfied Based on the State Standard Met by Census Date or Determined To Be Exempted 0 No, not satisfied or obligation is waived (includes college prep course waiver) 1 Yes, at my institution for all freshman-level math courses 2 Yes, at another Texas public institution for all freshman-level math courses 3 Yes, at my institution for non-algebra intensive math courses (see introduction) 4 Yes, at another Texas public institution for non-algebra intensive math courses (see introduction) Do we need to designate ‘algebra’  or ‘non-algebra’ college level coursework for students who transfer from a private or independent or accredited out-of-state institution? Holistic advising cannot be used to call someone ready.

9 College Prep Course Required to be reported to the institution on the transcript by rule; CB is NOT responsible for what is reported on transcripts It is reported as a waiver; if you report the waiver then the student is considered to have met the TSI obligation at your institution upon entry and will be counted as such on reports, for success points, etc. It’s a HS course, so not reported as a course to CB For transfers, consider the student’s coursework and institutional policy. New option for 21A/41A/61A?

10 Satisfied for Algebra and Non-algebra intensive coursework
This is a designation related to DE ONLY Students who meet on the TSI Assessment are ready for all math and cannot be placed in DE For transfers, institutions must use their judgment. Did the student successfully complete a college-level course in the area?

11 0 previously reported or not applicable
Item #21A, 41A, 61A TSI Obligation Waived or Satisfied through Exemption. 0 previously reported or not applicable (DO NOT USE FOR exemptions defined as WAIVERS) 1 No exemption or waiver granted 2,3,4,8 Test Exemptions (report score in 21,B,C, D) 5 College-Level Coursework REVIEWED by RECEIVING Institution 6 Dual Credit Waiver (don’t use for CTE if not met) 7 waiver for 1,3,7 A and B for College Prep Course Waiver Item #21A Math TSI Obligation Waived or Satisfied through Exemption. 0 Previously reported or not applicable (This category includes students who were reported by your institution during a previous reporting period, students who were reported by another Texas public institution, and students with blanket exemptions reported as options ‘4’,’5’ or ’6’ in item #10. Students with waivers should be coded with ‘6’ or ‘7’ every semester the waiver applies.) 1 No, no exemption or waiver granted 2 Exemption based on ACT Test 3 Exemption based on SAT Test 4 Exemption based on TAKS Exit Level Math Test 5 Exemption/met obligation based on determination by receiving institution that student has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework (for example transfers from Texas private and out-of-state institutions, IB scores, AP scores, dual credit grades) 6 Waiver to take math-related dual credit (coded ‘2’ in Item #10) 2.17 Univ Texas Success Initiative Report (CBM002) 7 Waiver for student status coded ‘1’ or '7' in item #10 or for active military coded ‘3’ in item #10 8 Exemption based on the STAAR Algebra II EOC Test A Waiver for college prep course developed by my institution with local ISD(s) B Waiver for college prep course developed by another Texas public institution and local ISD(s) (course accepted via MOU)

12 Item #22,42,62 Assessment Test Used at the Time of TSI Placement
Tip: Old Tests are no longer allowed unless you are reporting a student who was enrolled on or before fall 2013. Option 8, TSIA, is required for non exempt students TSIA Test score is reported in item 22B Scores from different TSIA administrations can be reported if they were used for placement.

13 TSI Assessment Same as TSIA; this is just a shortened version of the name Score is reported in items #22/#42/#62 ABE Diagnostic Levels get reported on items 80-82 There are also DE Diagnostic scores that are NOT reported on the CBM002. This is because we need the ABE Levels to determine if a student falls into a DE or ABE category

14 0 Not applicable (did not participate)
Item #23 Participation in Alternative/Non-course-based Method for Developmental Education Math this Reporting Period. 0 Not applicable (did not participate) 1 Yes, participated and satisfied TSI obligation for math in the semester being reported 2 Yes, participated but did not satisfy TSI obligation for math in the semester being reported Tip: NCBOs that are reported on the CBM00S for funding do not have to be reported on the CBM002 on #23/43/63. It is, however, okay to report them in both places.

15 This item is very important
Item #24, #44, #64 TSI Obligation Satisfied Based on the State Standard by the End of the Semester/Reporting Period This item is very important Allows you to report a student who was already met at entry to your system later in the semester system (option 2 & option 4 for math) This item also lets you tell us that a student was not met at entry, but met during the semester. These students are NOT considered ready at time of initial assessment and they should be reported with a TSI score below the passing standard

16 ITEMS 30,50,70 First CL Course Completion
Successfully completed course with A, B, or C? 0 No, not satisfied 1 Yes, at my institution in a previous semester 2 Yes, at another institution 3 Yes, credit otherwise awarded by this institution (e.g., AP, IB, previous completion of dual credit with a C or better, credit by exam) 4 Yes, at my institution this semester (reported on the CBM00S) Has the student successfully completed college-level course with an A, B, or C? Report credit earned through AP, IB, dual credit (at your institution), and credit by exam as ‘3’. (See the introduction for information about reporting transfer students.)

17 ITEMS #80, #81, #82: ABE LEVELs Simply report what is on the TSIA test result for students who tested. Only report for students who took the ABE diagnostic test; for all other cases, report 0.

18 Questions or Comments?

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