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bebí salía fui compraba He comido tomé cantaba He bebido hablé salí

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Presentation on theme: "bebí salía fui compraba He comido tomé cantaba He bebido hablé salí"— Presentation transcript:

1 bebí salía fui compraba He comido tomé cantaba He bebido hablé salí
Have a look at the following verbs, in a selection of tenses. What do they all have in common? Which ones don’t you recognise? What do you think they might mean? All in a past tense bebí salía fui compraba He comido tomé cantaba I have eaten He bebido hablé salí I have drunk He hablado comí iba I have spoken

2 Aim: To be able to form the perfect tense in Spanish
viernes el doce de marzo The Perfect Tense Aim: To be able to form the perfect tense in Spanish

3 By the end of this lesson you….
MUST be able to form regular verbs in the perfect tense SHOULD be able to recognise the perfect tense in a text, including irregular verbs COULD be able to form negatives in the perfect tense, including reflexive verbs

4 As in English it consists of part of the verb
The perfect tense is the exact equivalent to the English “I have seen”, “she has lost” etc. As in English it consists of part of the verb “to have” plus a past participle (seen, lost etc). María ha perdido su bolsa – María has lost her bag

5 To form the perfect tense in Spanish you need to do the following:
Find the correct form of the verb HABER for the “have” part depending on who has done the verb Eg: “he” = I have, “has” = you (sing,inf) have Find the infinitive of the verb that has been done Eg: “spoken” – to speak - hablar Turn it into a past participle by doing the following: Take off the 2-letter ending For –ar verbs add “-ado” For –er and –ir verbs add “-ido” HABER He Has Ha Hemos Habéis Han X Eg: hablar - habl- Eg: habl- + -ado = hablado Eg: “eaten” – eat - comer …comido Eg: “lived” – to live - vivir ...viv- …vivido

6 Now have a go at forming the following sentences in the perfect tense:
NOTE: the verb “ir” (to go) is NOT irregular in the perfect tense although it may look like it!! It follows the same rules as other verbs so don’t panic!! I have lost (perder) She has played (jugar) Juanita has gone (ir) We have given (dar) You (sing,inf) have been (estar) EXTENSION They have gone out (salir) to the park You (pl,inf) have come (venir) to see Mr Jones I have had (tener) a fantastic day Francisco and Alejita have visited (visitar) their parents in Australia We have walked (andar) ten kilometres today He perdido Ha jugado Juanita ha ido Hemos dado Has estado EXTENSION Han salido al parque Habéis venido a ver Señor Jones He tenido un día fantástico Francisco y Alejita han visitado sus padres en Australia Hemos andado diez kilómetros hoy

7 !!!HOWEVER!!! Vocab sheet There are some verbs that have irregular past participles, which you need to learn by heart: Fill in the gaps on your vocab irregulars sheet Abrir (to open) Decir (to say) Descubrir (to discover) Escribir (to write) Describir (to describe) Hacer (to make/do) Morir (to die) Poner (to put) Romper (to break) Ver (to see) Volver (to return) abierto (opened) dicho (said) descubierto (discovered) escrito (written) describierto (described) hecho (made/done) muerto (died) puesto (put) roto (broken) visto (seen) vuelto (returned)

8 Identifying the Perfect Tense
Go through the text and highlight all the verbs in the perfect tense Write underneath what each one means in English (12 in total) Esta mañana he hecho muchas cosas. Primero, me he encontrado con mi madre en el pueblo, y hemos ido de compras. Después, he visitado a mi hermano. Ha estado enfermo, entonces le he dado unas aspirinas para que se mejore. Al mediodía he cocinado, he comido, y he limpiado la casa porque esta noche nos van a visitar mis amigos de Escocia. Me he preocupado mucho porque no he preparado mucho para la visita. Ya que mi marido ha vuelto del trabajo vamos a arreglar todo. I have done I have met We have been I have visited He has been I have given I have cooked I have eaten I have cleaned I have worried I have (not) prepared has returned

9 The 2 parts (haber + past participle) do not get separated
To make the perfect tense negative you simply add “no” in front of the “haber” part: E.g: No he comprado (I haven’t bought) The 2 parts (haber + past participle) do not get separated For reflexive verbs you add your reflexive pronoun in front of the “haber” part: E.g: Se ha despertado (He has woken up) To make the reflexive verbs in the perfect tense negative you add “no” in front of the reflexive pronoun: E.g: No se ha despertado (He has not woken up)

10 Now have a go at writing down 5 things you have/haven’t done today (it doesn’t have to be the truth!) – BE IMAGINATIVE! Ejemplo: Hoy he ido al colegio, pero no he comido una pizza. EXT: Try to include at least one reflexive action! eg: Me he despertado

11 Plenary Match the English with the correct Spanish by colour-coding.
NOTE – there is one irregular and one reflexive: can you identify these?

12 By the end of this lesson you….
MUST be able to form regular verbs in the perfect tense SHOULD be able to recognise the perfect tense in a text, including irregular verbs COULD be able to form negatives in the perfect tense, including reflexive verbs

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