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Career Coaching: what it is and how to do it

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Presentation on theme: "Career Coaching: what it is and how to do it"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Coaching: what it is and how to do it
Julia Yates University of East London

2 What do you think the key differences are?
Career coaching Carer guidance Careers advice Career consultancy Job coaching Employability advice Career counselling What do you think the key differences are?

3 Career Coaching and Career Guidance
Which is more goal-orientated? Which is more directive? Which is more effective? Which is more private-sector? Which is more likely to one-off? Which has the better image? Hands up

4 What I like about Career Coaching

5 their own performance”
“Unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance” Sir John Whitmore (Whitmore 2002)

6 “Collaborative conversations, grounded in coaching and career theories which lead to a positive outcome regarding career and/or personal fulfillment” Yates 2013

7 Elements of coaching (van Nieuwerburgh 2012) questioning, etc.
Listening, Skills “Way of Being” Model or approach Process (van Nieuwerburgh 2012)

8 Before we start… Find a partner Think of a topic

9 Instrumental directivity Principled non-directivity
Who’s in charge? Instrumental directivity The Coach: Keeps time Maintains focus Moves conversation on Principled non-directivity The Client: Chooses topic Selects goals Decides timings

10 TGROW Topic Goal Reality Options Way Forward

11 Topic Overall objective Where do you want to get to?

12 GOAL Outcome for session What do you want from this conversation?

13 REALITY Tell me the story so far What is happening now?
What skills and experiences do you have? What do you mean by that? What have you already tried? How do you feel about the current situation?

14 OPTIONS Identifying a number of options
What are your options? What else? If you could do anything, what would you do? Evaluating options What advice would your role model give you? What does your heart / head tell you?

15 WAY FORWARD “We’ve talked about a lot of things today. What are you actually going to go away and do?” What challenges might you face? How will you overcome them? Who will you get support from?

16 Could this work for you? Find a new partner:
How did you find the TGROW process? How could you incorporate this with clients?

17 Want to learn more? Van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2013). An introduction to coaching skills London: Sage Yates, J. (2013) The Career Coaching Handbook Hove: Routledge

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