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New and useful polymers

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1 New and useful polymers

2 Lesson Objectives Recall a useful polymer and give its key properties
Describe a polymer which has been designed for a specific purpose Evaluate the suitability of different polymers for their uses.

3 Starter For each statement put ‘monomer’ or ‘polymer’
A very long chain hydrocarbon Contains a double bond Ethene Reactive molecule PET Plastic Joins together to make plastic


5 Lesson Objectives Recall a useful polymer and give its key properties
Describe a polymer which has been designed for a specific purpose Evaluate the suitability of different polymers for their uses.

6 New Polymers Light sensitive plasters
Pulling off a plaster can be painful! However trials are taking place to test new light sensitive polymers that can be used in plasters! Why??? When the corner of the plaster is pulled off exposing the adhesive side to light, the glue becomes weaker and less sticky and so the plaster is easily pulled off.

7 New polymers Shape memory polymers
Smart polymers change shape according to the environment they are in, one application where this is useful is during surgery. A shape memory polymer uses heat created by the body to tighten around a wound and then dissolve when it is no longer needed. Q: Can you think of how this could improve surgery compared with conventional stitches?

8 New Polymers Hydrogels
Hydrogels are long polymer chains with very few cross linking between chains. This creates a matrix which can trap water. They are used in dressings as they create a moist sterile environment for wounds to heal.

9 Can you think of any other examples?
Hint: Drinks carton which changes colour when heated….

10 A polythene bag. Why do we wrap our food?

11 A new leg made of polypropylene
A new leg made of polypropylene. In what ways can polymers meet our need for health care?

12 Why make bottles and food containers from PET (a polyester)?
PET: plastic strong and tough and transparent. PET lighter than glass.

13 A boat with polyester sails and a reinforced plastic hull
A boat with polyester sails and a reinforced plastic hull. Why sail in a boat like this?

14 A painting in a shop in Zanzibar. The paint is acrylic
A painting in a shop in Zanzibar. The paint is acrylic. Why do people buy pictures like this?

15 Why does this farmworker need to wear a polycarbonate face mask and synthetic rubber gloves?

16 Why use polycarbonate to make this roof over the Manchester City stadium?

17 Kevlar is the polymer in army helmets and bulletproof clothing
Kevlar is the polymer in army helmets and bulletproof clothing. What makes Kevlar so vital?

18 Why does this diver choose to wear a wetsuit
Why does this diver choose to wear a wetsuit? The suit is made of a synthetic rubber, neoprene.

19 How does a nylon rope help to meet this climber’s need for safety?

20 Nylon can also be used in making clothes.

21 Polymers in industry. The UK is one of the top 5 Plastics Processing countries in the EU Sales in the Plastics industry account for 2.1% of UK GDP The UK’s Plastics Processors consume 4.8 million tonnes of material Packaging accounts for 36% of consumption The UK produces 2.5 million tonnes of plastics per annum In 2004 the average hourly wage in the UK and US was $22.9 compared to China at 1US$ The Composites industry is buoyant with a predicted growth of 4% per annum

22 Polymers in industry. Industry Turnover GVA GVA per employee
Manufacture plastic products £18.07Bn £6.57Bn £37,107 Manufacture rubber products £1.69Bn £0.74Bn £37,050 Average Total £19.76Bn £7.31Bn £37.102

23 Plenary What do we mean by a designer or smart polymer?
Out of 5 rate how well you have understood each leaning outcome, e.g 5= I understood this really well, 1= I need more practise.


25 USES of Polymers Using an A4 piece of paper I want you to create a poster which displays the uses of different Polymers.

26 Success criteria for Polymer uses poster.
Good (Grade C) Even better (Grade B) Outstanding ( Grade A/A*) Stated and described at least 4 ways in which Polymers can be used Used pictures and explained how 3 of the Polymers work and used Chosen three examples and explained how they are useful to our daily lives

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